Staying the Night

There was nothing inside of the stone coffins along with there being some outlines that were the shapes of human figures.

The abandoned building that had not been maintained and the pile of bones in the basement had been added to the information gathered from their investigation.

It was enough to draw up some conclusions based on the evidence found and some points had contradicted each other.

The building was abandoned but there were human shaped outlines left in the coffins but the small openings in the stone coffins were not enough for people of that size to fit through.

There had been no signs of the top of the stone coffin being moved prior to the entry of the witches but the marks left behind inside seemed fresh.

It could have been concluded that the bones had been taken out of the stone coffin and arranged that way but it still did not explain when it was done or who did it.

There were too many bones to match the amount of stone coffins so unless the several bodies were stored inside each coffin then it was more likely that they had come from other sources.

If there was someone or something staying inside of the coffins recently then where did they go and how did they fit through the small openings left in the partly opened coffins?

If there was someone or something inside each of the coffins then when had they left and were they still around?

Were they considered as a threat and was it safe to remain inside of the building for the night?

Each of the theories and questions were brought up among the witches which caused some of them to become hesitant about staying in the building.

Blush had managed to convince them to remain so long as they took precautionary measures to protect themselves.

A simple buddy system was put in place so that nobody was able to wander off on their own and be exposed to dangers when they were away from the group.

If anyone needed to go do something in another room then they would go along with at least one or two people unless the entire group could move along.

If it was one of the younger girls that needed to do something then they needed at least one adult or someone capable enough to be able to accompany and protect them.

The less that the group was split up in an unknown place where dangers could be lurking, the less dangers they would be exposed to.

The moon rose up higher into the sky and the moonlight hit the top of the building as some shone through the crack in the building.

The building was cleaned out by the magic of the witches and it was properly aired out to allow them to be able to live in it for the night.

Everyone had some food and tended to their daily needs as they had discussed.

Their bodies had become tired and each of them had gone to sleep for the night.

Their soft breathing came from the room they were staying in and Holly was tossing and turning in her sleep.

She sat up and awoke in a cold sweat then vigilantly looked around the room. "Hah.. hah.."

Holly had just awoken from a nightmare but she needed to tend to something else too so she pushed the body of the person sleeping near her.

Coral was woke up from her sleep and yawned. "What is it?"

Holly lowered her head with embarrassment. "I need to.. hm…"

Coral understood and got up to escort Holly out of the room as they both walked down the dark hall.

As they walked down and made their way to another room, a small pair of eyes was locked on their figures.

Another pair of eyes shone within the darkness in another location followed by another as they opened and gazed towards Coral and Holly.

Small shadows were created along the hall as the small figures moved to chase behind Coral and Holly who had entered the room.

The flapping of wings was heard from behind them as they were about to close the door behind them.

What came through the door and flew above them were four black bats which had swooped down towards Holly and Coral all of a sudden.

Coral had not been able to get into a decent combat stance where she could wield her naginata in time due to the sudden ambush. "Damn!"


The door closed and had blocked out the noise of the scream a little.

The four bats had got close to the two of them and attacked from two different directions.

Holly was too frightened and inexperienced when it came to combat so she was not fast enough to put up a barrier and Coral had not acted in time to stop what was about to happen.

The red eyes of the four bats had glowed brightly in the darkness and a strange smoke surrounded them followed by a 'poof' noise.

Their figures had reappeared as their shadows were cast within the room.

Each of them had a humanoid shaped body which were close enough to the two girls to be able to reach out towards and grab them.

They held onto them and brought their heads closer to the skin of the two girls who struggled to free themselves.

Their struggles proved to be ineffective and four pairs of fangs penetrated into their skin.




Coral and Holly both felt like needles had pierced into them and that their bodies were becoming much weaker as their blood was being drunk by the four attackers.

Their struggles were becoming weaker and everything seemed hopeless for them.