
The same event had taken place all over the lands and Blush had encountered the same groups more than once.

Each time she had intervened, she saved those who were going to be burned to death or shot full of arrows when they least expect it to happen.

Each person put to sleep by her or her minions had slept through the night only to wake up seeing the village they had destroyed along with several pieces of evidence left around them that they had completed their task and then spent the night celebrating their payment upon returning.

None of them found anything wrong with what had happened which was the strangest part.

They had no memories of failing their task or being attacked the night before.

During their unconscious state, Blush had tampered with their memories adding a layer of dream magic to further create the recreation of how they had fired arrows upon the village followed by the screams that followed from within the homes.

They all watched over the remains keeping vigilant until everything was confirmed to have come to an end.

After the mission had been completed, they were all allowed to relax and enjoyed a night full of drinking and playing around until they eventually passed out.

Anything related to the attack and the following events had been removed to better allow for the implanted memories to take full effect without there being anything out of place.

In doing so, Blush was able to test out and master her magic related to memories and dreams to her hearts content further mastering them with each usage.

Most of the burned bones and other parts that remained from the fire would be left alone to avoid contact with the infected remains so they would pass as being the remains of the dead that had been massacred.

If there was someone who came to inspect such sites and investigated any further, they would not be able to inspect the bones any further due to the extensive fire damage.

If Dr Gero had been wanting to investigate the results of those infected then he would be less likely to choose those who had died by fire since a lot of the results of his experiments had been destroyed.

It would be difficult to tell what was damaged by his experiments and what had been done by the fire or other factors.

Dr Gero would have a very hard time finding any oddities with the remains even if he got his hands on them.

Each one created by Blush had been identical to the bodies of the victims before they were cured which included any kind of fractures or abnormal bone structures followed by any damage, markings or corrosion the bones had suffered from his experiment.

It was like a perfect replication of their bones and bone structure at that time.

The only flaw was that it was not a complete replication of their whole living bodies but the fire had helped to cover any signs.

Unless modern technology and science advanced far enough to identify the most subtle of differences between fake that had been created with magic and the real thing then everything that had taken place would go unnoticed.

Anyone that was believed to be dead had been taken in by the growing organisation under Alchemi under Blush's control.

Everyone cured would have to sign a contract that bound them to Alchemi for hundreds of years which had included an extra contingency in the contract.

They were all supposed to be dead so it was important that they left their previous lives behind for good and followed the directions given by Alchemi which included how they were restricted by who they were able to spend their life with.

They could not form stronger bonds and breed with others outside of the organisation which was a measure put in place to prevent their identities from being leaked or to prevent their bloodline to be passed down outside of Alchemi.

It may not have been such a big deal for some accident to happen for those out on tasks and having some fun but it would be very problematic for children to be born from people who were supposed to be dead and have their family lines cut off.

If such people ever had extra genetics added to them through one of her experiments then it was even more troublesome to have such genes passed down to children outside of Alchemi.

To put it simply, everyone with such a contract needed to look within Alchemi to form such relationships and if a child was born then the children born from them would be bound by the contract due to their bloodline they inherited.

The contract included a tracking spell infused within their bloodline which would be passed down to their descendants until a certain time period passed.

All children born from those within the organisation were subject to the contract which meant that an entire family line going on for hundreds of years would be serving Alchemi until the time stated in the contract came to an end.

If there were some slip ups outside then Blush would be able to find anyone bound by the contract with the tracking spell they were born within them.

The same was true if anyone ever planned to go against the contract and tried to hide away their children from the organisation.

It all may have seemed unfair and quite restrictive but everything was clearly written in the contract that they were given time to consider.

They would be signing away their lives and the lives of their descendants for hundreds of years but it came with them being able to live on and actually have the chance to let their family lines survive.

Their family would later be able to escape the confines of that contract unless they signed another one due to them having to sign various confidentiality contracts related to the deeper levels of Alchemi that would contain more secrets that needed to be protected.

For the contract, Blush had places the set time for the expiration of the contracts to be one hundred years after the original timeline took place which would allow her to keep those under her within her control until the main timelines were coming to a close.