Hell's One : From The Past, To You

Recap : Hatem and Cyrus leave the neighborhood of Mott Haven using a local cab, while they're driving, Hatem grows horns our of nowhere, Hatem just knocks out the taxi driver with a wooden bat, Hatem now drives the taxi car to Brownsville since he knows its location.

They reach a traffic light and go forward when the light turns green but they find a man still crossing, they also realised that no one else was going forward, they stop and track some dark matter that may help them reach this mysterious devil, once they reach a home though, they find a girl on the ground crying, apparently, her powers are out of control and she is a survivor from the "orphanage", Amelia Gonzalez joins Cyrus and Hatem.

So now that Amelia is a part of our team, we can now push towards even more members, that'll help us towards our shared goal of ending all of humanity.

Hatem and I help Amelia get back up but all of a sudden.... Amelia releases an immense amount of dark matter from her mouth and her dark matter infuses ans envelopes her body and with the rest of the room, "Hatem, use your Room renovater ability to break down this room before the dark matter completely destroys this house!", I said as we were slowly getting enveloped by the dark matter but as Hatem uses his Room Renovater ability, I'm in a dark room.

Spotless, seemed limitless, endless, it seemed as if I'm in an endless void, like I'm in a domain of some sorts, I can't find Hatem or Amelia around me, I'm feeling the same sensation I felt when I first entered hell but then, the dark room breaks down and I'm in the middle of a city or town of some sort, it doesn't look like we're still in Mott Haven at all, behind me was a hotel and it had a flag infront of it, it looked like the Costa Rican flag, we learnt most of the world's flags from the libraries at the "orphanage", I ended up in the middle of the road somehow.

I walk towards a man running a food truck, " hola, sabes en que region de costa rica estoy? (hey do you know what region of Costa rica I'm in ?)", I said to the man in Spanish since we learnt how to speak the language fluently at the "orphanage", the man just ignores me and lights a cigarette right infront of me, "Oye, mírame cuando te hablo, hijo de puta (Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you, you son of a bitch)", I said as I grabbed onto his truck but for some reason, my hand just went through the truck.

I'm freaking out.... did I die ?

"Acércate, acércate, obtén la mayor oferta en estos productos electrónicos, la mayor venta de 2004 (Come closer, come closer, get the biggest deal on these electronics, the biggest sale of 2004)", some lady infront of a random electronic shop said...WAIT WHAT ?!

2004 ?!

So Amelia's dark matter infused with our brains, the dark matter then got manipulated to control time and then we went back in time into her memories since she couldnt control her abilities yet, her second name is "Gonzalez", I won't be surprised if these are her past memories.

I look behind me and I see red car moving through the road, I move aside even though the car won't be able to hit me.

I see the black masked man standing on the sidewalk while reading his newspaper, I wanted to attack him but I physically can't because I won't be able to touch him.

That red car then stops at the sidewalk where the black masked man was standing, I see a young Amelia come out of the car with her family to get some ice cream from the ice cream truck, "dos helados de vainilla por favor (two vanilla ice creams please)", young Amelia said as she gives about 300 Costa Rican colón to the man in charge of the truck, the man then goes to prepares the ice cream cones.

The black masked man then grabs some sort of item from his right pocket and sticks it onto the car, the black masked man then just walks away, "Toma los conos de helado del hombre, te estaremos esperando en el auto(Take the ice cream cones from the man, we'll be waiting for you in the car)", Amelia's mom said as she walks towards her car, Amelia then nods and runs towards the ice cream truck which was about 10 meters away from the car, Amelia's parents open the door to the car and then it just explodes, killing both of them.

Young Amelia runs towards the burning car but some strangers stop her because it was too late, she then starts crying and screaming.

So the black masked man placed a bomb on their car, so this is what Satan meant when he said that the "orphanage" plans all the deaths of the children's parents, they then abduct them and kill them to make them their soulless soldiers.

All of a sudden, I'm in the same dark void again, a bodyless man appears infront of me and said, "its your father's fault, it's all because of him that you resulted to killing all of humanity and became one with the darkness".... and then I'm back to Amelia's house again.

What the actual fuck was that supposed to be ?!

My father... was the black masked man ?!

No that's impossible, he killed himself because he couldn't cope with the grief of my mother's death. I start hearing a very loud noise, almost like someone is scratching a chalk board with his nails, I got on my knees because it felt like my ears were about to explode, the pain was greatly immense.

Hatem and Amelia then run to me to get me back onto my feet but then, I hear the same voice that I heard at the dark void from the bodyless man, "the black masked man IS your father, he killed your mother after she gave birth to you because your birth was an accident and he never wanted to be your father, he then killed the doctor and went missing, it was reported as a suicide but he just went off and started the CDMI organisation, Children Dark Matter Infusion, he just took orphans and killed them for his own use, Finn Clyde... is quite the scumbag".

The voice just stops abruptly, "HEY CYRUS, ARE YOU OKAY?!", Hatem said as he started to shake me, "my father was the black masked man", I said as I felt like ending myself, they both then started staring at me in shock,I start tearing up, I lift one of my hands up and put it towards my head, I blast a fire burst at my head, its finally over..... no one has to suffer because of me again.

Amelia then grabs my dead body and casts some sort of ability or spell, my body is regenrating and I'm back to life, she had a third ability which was to resurrect the dead.

I then open my eyes...why am I here again, WHY ?!

"WHY DID YOU BRING ME BACK TO LIFE, ITS MY EXISTANCE THAT PUT YOU ALL INTO YOUR MISERY, it's all my fault that countless innocent lives have died", I said as I continuously keep crying, Amelia and Hatem both hug me at the same time and Amelia said,"it isn't your fault, its your father's fault and not yours, you killed him, you put us out of our misery, you ended his genocidal actions, thank you", Amelia then grabs my face and gives me a kiss.

"I agree too, you helped us and we'll help you, let's become Hell's One", Hatem said.

Their words truly inspired me to keep on living.

"Y-yeah, let's help each other, lets... become Hell's One", I said