Hell's One : A Frozen Encounter

Recap : Cyrus and Hatem help Amelia get back up but all of a sudden, she releases an immense amount of dark matter which covers most of the house and then out of nowhere, Cyrus has entered Amelia's past as a soul or spirit, he sees the black masked man in the distance, he can't attack him so when the black masked man gets close to Amelia's family's car, he attaches a bomb to the car, killing Amelia's parents.

Cyrus then learns that his father, Finn Clyde, is the black masked man and he killed Cyrus' mother, he is devastated by this and when he returns to reality, he wanted to end himself but then Amelia resurrects Cyrus' body.

Hatem and Amelia encourage Cyrus to keep moving forward and for them to become.... Hell's One.

Amelia and Hatem help me get out of Amelia's home, we go back to our car in hopes of reaching Brownsville to look for more members for our team.

As Hatem starts driving, he starts giggling out of nowhere, "hey Hatem, what'cha laughing about?", I asked, "I still can't believe Amelia kissed you man, hahaha", Hatem said.

I didn't realise this before but, she did kiss me, we both look at each other but we end up blushing and look the other way towards the car windshield.

"Anyway, Amelia you resurrected me, you have a third devil ability ?", I asked, "yeah, my dark matter that was out of control killed a lot of random devils which gave me some new devil abilities, Dark matter manipulation, resurrection and visiting past memories, that explains why you saw my memories", Amelia answered, but just who was that bodyless man in her memories that I saw and how did he know about my father, I'll know more later on.

Amelia is quite intresting in terms of abilities, if she could possibly control her abilities in the future, she could become very powerful.

While Hatem keeps driving forward, I see a man wearing a top hat and a white suit, he had a classic looking moustache too, fashion these days.

"Cyrus Finn Clyde, detected sir", the classic looking man said while holding a phone, "good work Aerosmith, use your ability to track them and then come back to the organisation's base, understood ?", the mysterious man in the phone said, "understood, sir", Aerosmith said as he pulled out a bow made out of dark matter and shot a tracker onto our car, none of us could notice it, so we move on.

In The Organisation's Base ( CDMI )

"So, you used your ability to track him, correct Aerosmith?", the boss of the organisation said, "yes sir, I've tracked him with my dark matter arrow, I can take some henchmen with me too right ?", Aerosmith asked, "sure, take 4 henchmen with you and kill him, if you get defeated and come back alive, I'll just kill you with my own hands, understood?", the boss said menacingly, "yes sir, I won't disappoint, I'll just wipe them out with my cold attacks", Aerosmith said as he starts to laugh.

"Tyler Joe, Kramer Perry, Brad Hamilton and Tabano Crespo, you'll all join me in my battle", Aerosmith said as he chose his 4 henchmen, he then left the organisation's base.

Back At Our Car

We kept on driving forward until we reached Brownsville, "we're finally here, that took a long time", I said as I was stretching my limbs.

I look inside the car and Amelia is still asleep, I knock on the car window to wake her up but she isn't waking up, "how about you open the car door and try to wake her up, *wink* *wink*", Hatem said, I can't believe I'm doing this, I open the car door and carry her onto my shoulder, "oi oi, Amelia wake up already", I said, "h-huh, we're already here ?", she said while half asleep, "JUST FUCKING WAKE UP ALREADY", I said, "yes sir", she said in fear while giving me a salute, " you don't need to do that", I said.

We walk through the town in search of new members, while we're walking, I see the classic looking man again, I could've sworn I saw him yesterday while we were still in Mott Haven.

"Sir it appears that he has Amelia Gonzalez Bruno, a survivor from the Orphanage incident, and some other guy with him, they could all be devils, do we attack them now?", Aerosmith said into his phone, "no, just follow them for a bit, when you have an opening, go for it, understood?", the boss said, "understood sir", Aerosmith said as he puts his phone back into his pocket.

We were still observing the town, some shops had broken windows and there was an immense amount of homeless people sitting on the ground, the homeless infuriate me, the weak and mindless are maddening to me.

I look behind and I see that classic looking man but with 4 others with him, they were following us or perhaps they were going the same way as us, I hear the classic looking man whispering into one of his friend's ear, his friend nods in response to what the man said, I look away for a second and look back again but.... they're gone.

There is no way they took a turn, the next turn was ahead of us and they were behind us the whole time, "we're being followed by devils", I said, "wait what, how did you even realise that we're being followed?", Hatem asked, "devils are connected to each other subconsciously, I can tell that we're being followed", I said.

The classic looking man then appears again right infront of us with his friends or even his henchmen, "who are you and why the fuck are you following us?", I asked, "I'm surprised you were able to tell that we were devils, most people in your scenario would assume we just took a turn but your a clever one, I'm Aerosmith, I work with the CDMI organisation, I'm a devil with multiple abilities and these gentlemen around me are my henchmen, let's have a fair fight now, shall we begin ?", Aerosmith said as he started laughing.

All 3 of us release our horns, Aerosmith walks slowly towards us, water drips out of his left palm, he lifts his left arm and ice comes out of his left palm, I get trapped into his ice but I use Fire Manipulation while he uses Ice Manipulation, I'm a direct counter to him, we should have the upper hand.... right?