Hell's One : The Devils Vs Aerosmith

Recap : Cyrus, Hatem and Amelia all leave the home and finally go back to the car that they left at the sidewalk, Cyrus spots a man named Aerosmith on their way to Brownsville, he gets orders to shoot their car with a dark matter bow, a tracker gets attached to their car without them realising.

Aerosmith grabs his henchmen from the CDMI organisation's base and gets going to Brownsville to follow the car.

Once Cyrus, Hatem and Amelia make it to Brownsville, they were being followed by Aerosmith again, Cyrus knew something was suspicious, he knew they were devils too because devils are connected to each other subconsciously, they turn towards each other and prepare for battle !

I'm stuck in Aerosmith's ice but I start to melt it with my fire burst but for some reason, the fire is much weaker than before, "so you thought you had the upper hand just because you use Fire Manipulation didn't you?, my ice isn't just any regular ice, its ice that drains one's abilities, it is quite slow though", Aerosmith said as he was smiling right as us.

"Room Renovater!", Hatem said as he curled up the street concrete around Aerosmith, "that should hold him for a bit, Cyrus, converge your fire and destroy the ice before it completely drains the your fire's power", Hatem said.

I create a circle with my hands and release a converging beam of fire, the ice around is slowly melting, "you'll need to hold him off just a little more, I'll need about 3-4 minutes until I completely melt this ice", I said as I continuously shoot my converging fire beam.

Shooting a converging fire beam is very energy consuming, will I even have enough energy left to fight Aerosmith ?!

Aerosmith then just breaks through the concrete box that Hatem created, Hatem looks around himself and finds a pipe on the ground, "Material Converter!", Hatem said as he turns the metal of the pipe into some sort of Assault Rifle, he fires it at Aerosmith but one of his henchmen use some Dark Matter Manipulation to create an arm and stopped it midair, looks like one of them is a Dark Matter user, this sure will be a difficult battle.

I'm making great progress through the ice, I'll need approximately 1 minute more to completely melt through the ice, I'm slowly feeling dizzy, it almost feels like I'm drunk or something, I'll have to muscle through it.

One of his other henchmen release some green energy into the air that was directed to Aerosmith, "mmmmm, yes yes more power, this energy will power me up for 5 minutes, that should be enough time to end them all", Aerosmith said.

Amelia then runs towards me to stop infront of me to protect me, "stop, what are you doing here, I don't need your protection, you haven't been able to control your dark matter yet because you don't have hate for devils, just protect yourself first", I said, "I need to protect my master, what use will I have if I just stand cowardly away from the battlefield ?", Amelia said, as she started releasing dark matter out of her hands, some sort of force pulls her back to a wall behind us, what the hell was that ?!

Its as if the wall behind us pulled her in towards it, she tries to break through but she can't, "Sticky Surface!, it's an ability where I delete space between the limbs of my opponents and a flat surface, the sensation that my opponents feel from this ability suggests the name of my ability", Aerosmith said as he got closer to me.

Hatem can't seem to trap Aerosmith under the concrete of the road, Amelia can't use her Dark Matter Manipulation, I'm the only option left, I'll have to fight all of Aerosmith's henchmen and Aerosmith himself.

Aerosmith uses his "Sticky Surface" ability on Hatem too, making him stick to same wall as Amelia but I realised 2 important points, when he uses his ability, he only deletes the space under one of their limbs, could he have a limit for this ability ?

The second point is, I saw a vivid force travelling through the air, that must be the abilities energy deleting the space under their arms, if I could maybe go light speed, he could miss my body, I'll just keep dodging until he reaches his limit, please tell me he has a limit to his ability!

If he doesn't have a limit, we're defeated.

"You're getting desperate for a chance aren't you, all you've faced is a weak devil that is your insolent father, he was just a drug-addicted sheep, now your facing me, the almighty Aerosmith and his henchmen", Aerosmith said, "you can't assume victory until you've actually won, take that as some advice, a fight is never over….until your opponent is dead", I said as I was slowly going unconscious, "saying those kind of wise words mean that you have something up your sleeve don't you, then go ahead show me", Aerosmith said while he opened his arms as if he was going to hug me.

I was going to go unconscious but….. I hear the bodyless man's voice again, "do it for your mother, do it for the children that suffered with you in that orphanage, do it for Hatem and do it for Amelia, DO IT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO END OF ALL HUMANITY, a devil or persom which has proclaimed such a bold statement must stick to his goal even if all his companions die surrounding him in the battlefield, GET UP AND SHOW THOSE BASTARDS WHO THE REAL DEVIL IS!", the voice said, I regain my consciousness again but now the ice around me evaporates immediately, the fire around me envelopes my body, I have become one with the fire of hell, I have unlocked my full potential of my ability, *Fire Manipulation, Maxed Out!*.

"What the hell?, I could've sworn you were knocked out a second ago", Aerosmith said with a smirk, "oh things have just gotten a bit more spicy, don't you think so, Mr.Aerosmith?", I said as I got towards him, "oh it looks like your getting a bit cocky, I'll put you back into your sorry place, ya fucker", Aerosmith said as his body also gets enveloped in his ice, looks like we both unlocked our full potential of our abilities.

We have give each other a good stare, "lets make this battle, legendary", I said as I smiled.