Hell's One : Satan's First (Past Arc)

Note : This chapter is a past chapter, the actions and events in this chapter are placed in the past and have a major effect or impact on the present arcs, skipping these past chapters are not recommended but it's all up to the reader, thanks and most importantly, enjoy :)

At approximately 1500 BC

Spending in immense amounts of materialistic matters in trying to recuperate from the chaotic situation that existed at the turn of the second millennium.

The most powerful civilizations at the time, Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

In Mesopotamia, the Kassite Dynasty has taken power over Mesopotamia after the fall of the Old Babylonian Dynasty.

The Kassites were believed to have originated in the Zagros Mountains, Iran.

Babylon under Kassite rulers, have renamed Babylon to the city of Karanduniash, they re-established themselves as a political and military power in Mesopotamia.

Ancient Egypt was ruled by its 18th Dynasty that ruled its lands for 255 years, Ahmose was at the throne of Egypt when Satan decided on spreading evil through humans on earth.

Hell is a place visited by the dead who have entered the afterlife, they face an eternal suffering of torture for their mischievous actions on earth, a true punishment for evil.

Satan, ruler of all evil and Hell, was always placed in the throne of Hell, one of his power can't step foot on earth to spread his evil doings.

Satan created the Hell equivalent exchange law, "those who sacrifice innocent lives, shall receive a certain ability or power, power of the ability depends on the amount of people sacrificed", murdering another devil or devils will end up giving you a new power or ability, people who go through this law are "devils" or people who have thought of death, if you thought of murdering someone, its the same as killing that person, they're like offsprings to Satan, he uses them to spread evil on earth without him doing it personally, they've been around for a long long time, it all started in Ancient Egypt in a village located in Upper Egypt.

People have been murdering each other since the beginning of time but Satan's law finally started at this time.

"I shall trade you two pieces of the finest Papyrus for that piece of Acacia Bark, Altoa", Meomso said, "listen Meomso, don't try to scam me, I am one with the God of Truth and Jurisdiction, Mayet, I'll give you my Acacia Bark for 5 pieces of your finest Papyrus !", Altoa said, "5 pieces of Papyrus?!, do you plan on becoming a scribe ?", Meomso said, "yes, even though we are at the bottom of the social pyramid, I'll show them that I can't be like my father and be some farmer", Altoa said, "well just for your dream, I'll trade you those 5 pieces of Papyrus for that Acacia Bark", Meomso said.

They both shake hands in agreement over their successful trade, Meomso receives his Acacia Bark and Altoa receives his 5 pieces of Papyrus to reach his dream of being a Scribe one day.

A Scribe was a writer who took care of governmental records and newly written laws, the profession was rated very highly in the Social Pyramid because not many in Ancient Egypt knew how to write but Altoa learned the skill somehow.

The best way for a person to rise in the Social Pyramid in Ancient Egypt was to be a soldier, soldiers fought wars and quelled domestic uprisings.

Altoa wasn't very built at all, he was a skinny 16 year old single boy who was destined by fate to be a farmer like his father but he never accepted the ideology of fate, he despised it.

Altoa would leave a ritual when the god of Fate or the concept of fate, Shai or Sai, was mentioned, he didn't believe in the concept or the god of fate, he thought that any man or woman can just change their destiny.

After the successful trade between Altoa and Meomso, Altoa reaches his home, he promised himself that he would finish his poem that he was working on, "One With The Water's Ripples", he acknowledged the god of the annual flooding of the Nile River, Hapi, the poem was made to honor Hapi's existance and thank the God for what they've done.

As soon as Altoa sat down to start writing his poem, he saw Meomso standing right behind him, he got scared and almost fell off his wooden chair, "woah Meomso, you could've told me that you were going to come over", Altoa said, Meomso smiled in response and sat on the reed mats, "so how is that fine writing of yours going ?", Meomso asked, "I'm going to finish it by dawn hopefully, oh Thoth ( god of scribes ), fill me with your wise sayings and make me great, make me go against the odds of fate and destiny", Altoa said, Meomso nods in response to what Altoa said.

Meomso slowly puts his right hand into his leather pouch and grabs some sort of bronze tipped dagger, he gets up and slowly approaches Altoa.

"Hey Altoa, you've really been blessed in life, the gods have really honored your existance... but every good thing must eventually come to an end", Meomso said as he stabs Altoa in the neck, he then proceeds to stab Altoa's torso 23 times, " you have been so blessed with life while I'm here following you like some sick dog, yo-you BASTARD!", Meomso said.

Meomso was then transported to hell, he was frightened by the depths of hell, "my first devil, welcome to hell... Meomso Kar, you've murdered an innocent man, you've become a devil of mine", Satan said.

"Hooooo, so I'm entering hell early, well its great that I got my hatred of my chest, I can die without any regrets, punish me with will!", Meomso said with relief, "the Hell equivalent exchange law, those who sacrifice innocent lives, shall receive a certain ability or power, power of the ability depends on the amount of people sacrificed, kill another devil like yourself and you'll gain a new ability to demonstrate your dominance, from what im seeing, you won't be against this, won't you now ?", Satan asked.

Meomso smiled menacingly and said, "Why didn't you say so ?, I accept your contract of hell's equivalent exchange law!", Meomso said.

"Your starter ability will be....Natural Disaster Creation, the name is self-explanatory, you can destroy villages and cities and even help the Egyptian empire conquer other empires, make them the greatest of all, kill other devils to become the greatest devil of all, Meomso Kar", Satan said as he started some sort of ritual to transport Meomso back to the village where he stood infront of Altoa's dead body.

Meomso leaves Altoa's house and raises his arms in the air and says, "Natural Disaster Creation : Acid Rain !", acid starts raining over the village, all the villagers start dying a very slow and brutal death.

The next day, Meomso sneaks into Ahmose's palace, the guards surround him with spears, Ahmose raises his hand to halt the guards before killing Meomso for sneaking into his palace, "what is it that you want mortal ?, if its a donation then its a good decline from me but I'd assume that's not why your here, you've entered my palace with fire in your eyes, you have an ambition and you have something a lot of people lack, pride, what are you asking of, young man?", Ahmose asked while sitting on his throne, "your no god, your a fraud, I can show you true power, I am the true devil on this earth!", Meomso said as he started laughing, Ahmose smirks and then raises a thumb down as a command to kill Meomso, "Natural Disaster Creation : Meteor !", Meomso shouted.

All guards, the Pharaoh's entourage and Ahmose watched the glass roof as a meteor smashes through the palace, killing Ahmose, he casually walks out the destroyed palace and says to all the people standing infront of the destroyed rubble, "listen you sickening bastard scumbags, I shall become the greatest devil this earth will ever see...I'll make Egypt great again !", the people infront of him start cheering him on.

Meomso asserted his dominance in the ancient world, he became pharaoh and created a law of killing any criminal or thief himself to avoid another upbringing of a second devil in Egypt, he avoided wars with his army, he massacred empires and countless kingdoms himself instead, he was a one man army.

He gained more than a 105 abilities from killing other devils from other empires, it was also rumored that he was somehow stealing abilities from other devils from other empires but that was never officially claimed.

One day while he walking in a hall in his palace, a devil assasin from the Kassite Dynasty of Mesopotamia assassinated Meomso with a fire bullet generated from Fire Manipulation, Meomso was shot 3 times, twice in the head and once in the neck, Meomso was able to regenrate his body but a devil must stay conscious to regenrate his body, by the time he did try to regenrate his body, he was already dead, Meomso was assassinated by an assasin named Utem Nas.

Meomso's assasination really impacted Egypt and they faced a massive decline in power and economy, Egypt entered a crisis of starvation and corruption after Meomso's assasination, the battle to become pharaoh eventually ended Ancient Egypt.

A new powerhouse has risen and will challenge for the world's throne, Mesopotamia's Kassite Dynasty.

Utem Nas... a new menace.

Meomso's reign : 56 years