Hell's One : Utem Nas' Wrath (Past Arc)

Note : This chapter is a past chapter, the actions and events in this chapter are placed in the past and have a major effect or impact on the present arcs, skipping these past chapters are not recommended but it's all up to the reader, thanks and most importantly, enjoy :)

The Egyptian Empire was falling, the economy was collapsing, the Governmental Council wasn't prepared for Meomso's assasination since they heavily relied on him, they believed he was a god with immortality but nothing lasts forever in the human world.

Meomso's entourage had a leader whose name was Tol Ret, he was a devil just like Meomso but he wasn't so powerful but Meomso relied on him for war tactics, he knew that Meomso was powerful enough to survive a mere 3 fire bullets generated by Fire Manipulation, he knew there was more to it, there must've been an another ability that Utem Nas used to kill Meomso so easily.

Told Ret goes to the assasination scene to observe Meomso's body.

He was wondering how there were no guards guarding Meomso, Tol Ret was sure that he saw Meomso walking with his guards, this assasination scene just seemed way to convenient for Utem Nas, its almost as if he set it up himself, is this his ability ?

Tol Ret turned away from Meomso's body and saw that his guards disappeared, "wait where the hell did they go ?I'm sure I took them with me, GUARDS! BACK TO DEFENSIVE POSITION ALPHA!", Tol Ret commanded but no guard even came close to him.

Tol Ret looks out the window and sees no one around him, "Dark Matter Detection !", Tol ret said as he uses his dark matter Detection ability, the ability detects any dark matter in a radius of 300 meters, he doesn't detect any dark matter around him which can give him only one possible outcome, he is fighting a devil just like him and not a dark matter user.

Tol Ret can confirm that Utem Nas uses Fire Manipulation like most devils but he definitely has more abilities.

Tol Ret blinks twice to make sure that his guards are still there but then the roof of Meomso's palace is gone, "What the actual fuck!the roof was there just a second ago", Tol Ret said as he started panicking, he goes to a desk near him to relax a little bit, he starts breathing heavily, he starts to pull his long luscious hair but then all of a sudden… Tol Ret hears someone talking, "Tol Ret, 23 years old, quite handsome according to a lot of women, hear me, you have been put into my ideal situation, I shall seal into my Dark Matter Domain !", Tol Ret then gets transported into a dark room that seemed endlessly limitless, Tol Ret then raises his head to see a bodyless man raise his hand over his head, before he knows it, his body explodes into smithereens.

Utem Nas can send people into a domain or void of Dark matter where he can manipulate one's mind in any way he wishes, he can paralyze someone just like what he did with Tol Ret, he then filled his body with dark matter and exploded Tol Ret.

He can make his dark matter undetectable through his ability named "Dark Matter Stealth", that helped him be undetectable to Tol Ret.

So, what the hell happened to Meomso's guards and Tol Ret's guards and the palace's roof ?

Utem Nas enters the palace and then walks to the council room, he wipes out all of Meomso's entourage in mere seconds with his fire blades using his Fire Manipulation, he left one of the entourage members alive and grabbed him from his collar and held him up against the wall, "recall all of the Egyptian soldiers in Karanduniash, NOW!, if you don't, I'll just find your family and murder them infront of you, so I suggest that you speak right now", Utem Nas said, "I'll recall them all, now please just don't get my wife and kids involved in this", the man said.

Utem Nas then shoves the man towards his desk, the man quickly grabs a feather and puts it in some ink and gets to writing a letter to be delivered to all the soldiers staying at Karanduniash.

Utem Nas then approaches the man and he slashes through his neck killing the man with his fire blade generated from Fire Manipulation.

Utem Nas then walks out of the palace, he sees people in distraught, "HEY, YOU'RE UTEM NAS, YOU ASSASSINATED MEOMSO", one of the men in the crowd said, all the people in the crowd then start slandering him and throwing vegetables at Utem Nas.

Utem Nas then starts laughing out of nowhere, "your mighty Meomso couldn't even take me down, I took down the whole council entourage too, so what makes you think that you have chance of taking me down", Utem Nas said as he raises his arms in the air, he then says, "Existence Elimination!", all of the people in the crowd just explode to bits, their organs just splatter all over the compound.

Existence Elimination, an ability that wipes out any person or thing, it is truly an invincible ability, he can simply delete any man or woman from existence as if they were never there in the first place.

Utem Nas then just casually walks through the piles of dead bodies, he committed a true genocidal act that demonstrates his immense power, he killed more than a 100,000 people just for an example of what he can do, he really is a merciless devil.

Even after this war, he did end up killing many devils which included Meomso, he gained many new abilities.

Killing Meomso ended up giving him the ability to steal other abilities, "Ability Pocket Thief", stealing an ability doesn't completely make that ability disappear from the other devil, they'll still have it but they'll have to fight a devil with the same ability as their own, you can use this ability only once per devil, that only shows how truly powerful Utem Nas really was.

Utem Nas was considered a god among his people, he helped Mesopotamia win countless battles and wars, Utem Nas however, never gained immortality, it's the second hardest ability a devil can get their hands on, the hardest ability to ever gain, is still a mystery till this very day.

Utem Nas died at the age of 98 after ruling in the Kassite Dynasty for 78 years.

After Utem Nas and Meomso's rivalry, more and more generations of devils came to haunt the earth, people used their abilities for good just like Utem Nas but in the modern era of devils however, devils have truly brought hell on earth.