Hell's One : One With The Fires Of Hell

Recap : Cyrus, Hatem and Amelia encounter Aerosmith and his 4 henchmen in Brownsville, they fight each other but Cyrus learns that Aerosmith has Ice Manipulation and an ability to delete space behind one's limbs, making them stick to the closest flat surface behind them.

They're in trouble and they don't know how to get out of the situation but all of a sudden, the bodyless man appears in Cyrus' vision again, tells him to show Aerosmith and his henchmen who the real devil is.

Cyrus gains his consciousness again and unlocks his full Fire Manipulation potential, Aerosmith has also unlocked the full potential of Ice Manipulation, how will this go ?

Maxing out your potential of an ability can be determined by oneself, their spirit flies and their goal in life becomes clear, you've become who you truly want to be, you become one with the element of your ability, Cyrus has become one with the fires of hell.

Cyrus' Fire Manipulation has tripled or maybe even quadrupled in power, it can disintegrate any object or mortal at impact but, Aerosmith has unlocked his full potential of his Ice Manipulation which can also drain his opponent's life energy.

Aerosmith uses his "Sticky Surface" on my right hand but It felt like I was grabbing the force that was pulling me to the wall behind me, I just press the force down harder with my fire power until his force just pops like a balloon, "Sticky Surface" was rendered useless.

"Impossible, his firepower is so immense that it ate up the force released by my Sticky Surface, his fire ate up the oxygen around the force, making it dissapear!", Aerosmith said, "Leave it to us, Master Aerosmith", one of Aerosmith's henchmen said as they all lined up in a formation, one of them raise their arms in the air and says, "Demonic Mecha!".

some sort of energy flows out of all of them and they create a giant mecha with gold lining and was mostly colored red, the machine had a long ass Katana in its right hand and a battle axe in his left hand, each limb was controlled by one of Aerosmith's henchmen, they can probably transfer control to other limbs to support the limbs that I might attack.

The machine's probably about 250 meters high and 115 meters wide, the mecha machine takes its striking pose and strikes its Katana, I was able to stop it with my one index finger, I wasn't expecting such power to be displayed, both Amelia and Hatem's jaws just dropped, seems like maxing my fire potential really helped me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!, he stopped the Katana with one finger!, PULL THE KATANA BACK BEFORE HE MELTS THE DAMN THING, KRAMER!!", Tyler Joe said.

The Demonic Mecha tries to pull the Katana back but it physically can't, "KRAMER, PULL HARDER!, I'll transfer my control to your limb to help you pull",Tabano Crespo said while helping Kramer Perry pull the Katana from my grip but, it's a pity.....

"Weak, mindless, soulless sheep bastards!", I said as I burned through the Katana like a hot knife through butter, ( for reference, the Mecha's katana has a length of 125 meters and a width of 40 meters ), "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUUUCKKK, HE JUST MELTED THROUGH THE DARK MATTER INFUSED IRON LIKE ITS BUTTER, HE'S TOO POWERFUL!", Brad Hamilton said as he started panicking.

"No, there's one more possibile solution to this specific scenario", Tyler Joe said, "What is it Tyler ?", Kramer Perry asked, "we'll fire a Converged Dark matter beam from the Mecha's skull", Tyler Joe recommended, they all nod in agreement.

"Beware Cyrus Finn, for you have crossed the line of battling the Mecha brothers, you think you've won BUT SHIT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL GOOD NOW BASTARD!!",Tabano Crespo said as he flipped the lever to fire the Converged Dark Matter Beam, its power builds up for about 3-5 seconds, the cannon fires the beam towards me in immense speed but I simply just grab the dark matter with my bare hands, I couldn't feel anything, it was as light as air.

"WHAT THE FUUUUCK", all the Mecha brothers said at the same time.

They get desperate and decide to kick me with the Mecha's right leg, I grab onto it and just start swinging the Mecha in circles and then I just throw the thing towards a skyscraper that was standing infront of us, the mecha crashes into the building, making it collapse in the aftermath.

I can't feel their presence anymore, they're definitely dead.

"Hoooo, so you've really become a real devil now, you just annihilated the mecha brothers with your Maxed Fire Potential but if I'm not mistaken, they're devils, soon... you'll be transported to hell to get an ability, in 5...4...3...2...1..", Aerosmith counted as he was looking at his watch.

I'm in hell again, "sooooo you've gotten your first devil kill, who was it this time ?", Satan asked, "the Mecha Brothers, they were to weak, they're just spinless sheep", I said.

"So you've gained confidence I see...you shall gain your new ability mid battle!", Satan said as he started a ritual where fire starts spewing out of the ground.

"Mind Manipulation, you can control one's mind in anyway you please, you can make your opponent lose their sanity by transferring them into an endless void, you can make your opponent end themselves if you wish for such a thing", Satan said while smiling, this ability will surely qualify me to defeat Aerosmith, ending him will help me gain a new ability that will overpower me even further.

"I shall now send you back to your battlefield, you can't make Mr.Aerosmith wait for too long", Satan said as he drew a sigil of baphomet ( a symbol used to summon demons back to the human world ).

All of a sudden, I remember something important that I must ask Satan about, I should ask him about the bodyless man that keeps appearing in my vision, "wait Satan, there is a bodyless man that keeps appearing in a vision where I'm in an endless void, he's the reason I unlocked my full fire potential, just who the hell is he?", I asked, Satan then looked at me with a powerful gaze, he looked terrified, "a-a-a bodyless man in an endless void you say ?, a devil of devils, a man so feared among others....that's Utem Nas..", Satan said while shaking a bit, "a devil that could've replaced me as the all mighty devil who runs hell", Satan said proudly....

Note : It is recommended that you read chapters 11 and 12 because they give context and information behind Utem Nas and his backstory, the choice is in your hands, Thanks :))))