Hell's One : We May Seem Different, But We're The Exact Same

Recap: Aerosmith's henchmen fight Cyrus after he maxed out his Fire Manipulation ability, making him considerably more powerful.

The Mecha brothers combine their life energy and their souls get transferred to a gigantic mecha robot called Demonic Mecha.

Cyrus overpowers them by displaying immense levels of power by destroying their mecha robot, throwing them away towards a skyscraper, and killing them all.

They were all devils which conclude that Cyrus will end up receiving a devil's ability which is Mind Manipulation, he sends his opponents to an endless domain or void, and inside the void, he can manipulate one's mind in any way he wishes.

Cyrus asks Satan who that bodyless man is that keeps appearing in his vision, and he then discovers an unexpected truth.

The legendary Utem Nas, whom we learnt about him in our "orphanage", he ruled the Kassite Dynasty of Mesopotamia after assassinating Meomso ( Egypt's pharaoh ).

He was deemed as the most powerful among all, no one would dare to challenge him and those who do challenge him, just simply perish, it was all child's play to him.

That Utem Nas is appearing in my vision, "WAIT, how the hell is Utem Nas in my vision and how does he know so much about me, he's the one who told me about my father", I said.

"I-I don't know, a person so powerful like him chose you, he must see something in you", Satan said.

"Well we can look deeper into that later, I need to fight Aerosmith now, I must defeat him", I said as I was ready to get transported back to earth.

Satan starts his ritual to transport me back to the earth dimension.

I'm back on Earth and I see Aerosmith just leaning towards Amelia, he grabs her by the chin and pulls her towards him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing huh ?!", I said in an enraged voice.

"Can't you see ?", Aerosmith said, "I'm simply utilising her to fulfil my pleasures".

Aerosmith grabs her and then kisses her!

"Velo control your Fire, you might lose control and you could completely incinerate the city", Hatem said, "that'll pull attention towards us!".

I'm filled with the fires of rage, I then say, "Fire Manipulation, Maxed Potential!".

Fire comes out of my mouth and then the fire envelopes my whole body.

"I might as well join you huh ?", Aerosmith said, "Ice Manipulation, Maxed Potential!", Ice enveloped his arms and he was ready for a battle but...I was never planning on this battle being direct.

"Mind Manipulation", I said as a black void surrounds both of us, "you've entered the endless void of madness".

"Where the hell are we ?!, TELL ME NOW", Aerosmith said.

Dark matter from the endless void then starts to apply pressure onto Aerosmith's body, he clearly can't handle this power of pressure.

He starts screaming in pain but then I approach him, a person is immobile in my void, "who's your boss huh?", I asked violently, "WHO OWNS YOU, YOU BITCH?!".

He wasn't answering me, the dark matter started pressing on him even more and more, and it'll eventually crush him.

All of a sudden, I see Utem Nas appearing in front of me, it was his spirit that appeared in my visions, he puts his hand on Aerosmith's forehead and then says, "you'll both realise how much you two can relate to each other", we're then in a travelling wormhole that appeared in my void.

The wormhole seemed endless but then I see an ending, I thought we were going to go back to the earth dimension but instead, we land in some rural-looking area, it looked like it was in the west of the states.

We both land on this old car which did hurt, "ah...what the hell?", Aerosmith asked, "where are we ?".

We got off the car that we just went through like ghosts so, I can safely assume that this is a memory just like when I visited Amelia's past, only our spirits are in this presence.

"Aerosmith, do you recognise anything about this place?", I asked, he was just staring at the car disposal centre the whole time.

"Yeah...this was my home, Amador California", Aerosmith said with a dead stare, "please, just this once, follow me", Aerosmith said.

I nodded and I just followed him to this car disposal centre and there lay an old house which sounded very noisy, I'd assume that a big family resides within it.

"This is it...this is where it all started and also where it all ended for me", Aerosmith said while tearing up, he then starts crying.

He checks his watch to see what time it is, "it's still 5:43 PM, I can still save them!", Aerosmith said as he started running towards the house.

He tries to knock on the door but his hand just goes through it, "PLEASE EVERYONE LEAVE NOW, AN ORGANISATION IS ABOUT TO MASSACRE YOU ALL, PLEASE, please, p-please", Aerosmith said as slowly gave up and started crying again.

He wanted to save his family but all he could do is watch, the black-masked man or my father knocks on his family's door with many soldiers standing behind him.

Aerosmith's mother goes to open the door, "ma'am, do you possibly have a son named Michael Roberts ?", my father said, "why yes of course I do, but what business do you have with my son?", Aerosmith's mother said.

My father then tells his guards to search their home, "excuse me, but what authority do you have to just search someone's home like this huh?!", Aerosmith's father said.

My father then pulls out a double barrel from his pocket and blows a hole into Aerosmith's father's head, his brains just lie there on the ground.

The rest of the family just screams in terror after what they've witnessed, the rest of the guards also shoot the rest of the family, leaving Michael Roberts ( Aerosmith ) alive.

Beside me, Aerosmith starts screaming in rage while on his knees, "WHY ?!, WHAT DID THEY DO ?!, IM THE ONE WHO WAS STEALING DRUGS FROM THEM, I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO'S DEAD, WHY ?!, DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIIIITT!!!, FOR FUCK SAKE... God....please have mercy on their sorry souls, for I am going to hell anyways".

I now understand Utem Nas' message to us, he wanted us to realise that we're the same even though we seem different.

My father and his guards then walk towards young Aerosmith, he was traumatised and speechless, "this is what happens when you steal drugs from our organisation, but you are a powerful one with high potential, you've gotten yourself Dark Matter Manipulation already", my father said, "join us, it'd be useless to kill someone like you, join us so we can regret killing your family, make us see the true Michael Roberts!".

My father was cruel, he didn't care that he massacred a bunch of children and women.

Young Aerosmith then gets up and follows my father, desperate for revenge.

In a snap of an eye, we're back in the earth dimension and Aerosmith is still crying.

"Don't you want revenge ?", I asked, "AVENGE THEM, SHOW THEM YOUR TRUE INNER DEMON, DONT BE THEIR BITCH, MAKE THEM YOUR BITCHES, Aerosmith....join us".

He slowly looked back up right at me, "you want me to betray my boss?", Aerosmith said, "why didn't you say so from earlier...I'm in, but don't be surprised if I ambush you out of nowhere, I'm in fully in yet".

I start laughing and say, "congratulations, you've taken your first steps into true hell, Aerosmith".