Hell's One : Revealing Your True Devil

Note : I was to lazy to write a recap soooooo just enjoy lmao

If I'm not mistaken, Aerosmith was using some sort of green life energy to empower himself and since he's a part of my team now, I'll just ask him regarding that matter.

"Aerosmith, what substance were you using during our battle?", I asked, "you said that it would empower you".

"It's....Kroltupine", Aerosmith said.

Kroltupine, a drug used to empower one's devil abilities.

It can be displayed as some sort of green energy kept in a glass container.

Aerosmith used it while we were fighting, one of his henchmen released it from a test tube to support Aerosmith during battle.

"The boss shares about 55% of the Kroltupine market", Aerosmith said, "the boss releases his own drug traffickers to do the drug trading, he doesn't want himself to be seen".

Drug trafficking is a renowned global black market which is dedicated to the cultivation and the distribution of illegal drugs which include Kroltupine itself.

Aerosmith finally gets up and goes to Hatem and Amelia to release his "Sticky Surface" that was applied onto them.

"Why do you trade drugs, is it for money or do you just want harm others with its ability amplifier?", I asked.

"We use it for both of course, our goal is world domination, we'll need all our materialistic needs and to kill everyone that comes close to the organisation", Aerosmith said.

"I may not fully trust you yet but....I believe that you joining us is the right thing to do", I said, "stab me in the back whenever you want but it's your family that you'll disappoint".

Aerosmith stays silent for a second and then just shoves me away as he walks away, "didn't you say that you'll join us?", I asked.

"*Tsk*, I'll join when I feel like it, I'm still a little hesitant, for fuck sake", Aerosmith said as he just walks away from us, I won't stop him.

"We've put ourselves in a very terrible situation", Hatem said, "this is undeniable, this WILL pull attention towards us".

I look around myself, rubble from the destroyed concrete completely engulfed other buildings and not to mention, i did destroy an entire skyscraper with that Demonic Mecha.

Amelia looks distraught after the embarrassment that she just faced.

"I'm personally against the idea of bringing in Aerosmith", Hatem said, "he really could stab you in the back at any time".

"He'll just need some time, he knows that joining us is the right way to get vengeance, IM CERTAIN THAT HE KNOWS!", I said.

A helicopter then appears behind us, it flashes its light at us, "DONT MOVE A SINGLE DAMN STEP OR WE WILL USE VIOLENCE AGAINST YOU ALL", the SWAT team member in the helicopter said with a megaphone.

A single snap from my fingers produced enough fire energy to destroy the helicopter, the helicopter gets engulfed with my fire and just explodes as a result.

A crowd then surrounds us.

Cameras, microphones, helicopters from news channels, its all I see around us.

"New York 7 brings to you live once again, as you can see from under us, a crew of devils were responsible for this incident, devils really have brought hell onto our gracious earth", one of the news reporters said.

Like hell will I just give up now, now people know who I am, now they know that I am a true menace to their world.

Amelia was hyperventilating but all of a sudden though...Dark Matter escapes from her mouth again.

The dark matter then changes its direction towards the people, it completely cuts through the people as if they were never there.

Their limbs just fly all over the place.


Hatem finds a nickel on the ground and then converts it to a car key.

"GOOOOO", I said to Hatem as I directed him to the car.

Hatem starts driving the car around Amelia's body, it was levitating in the middle of the battlefield and there was some sort of dark matter force field surrounding her, it attracted the dead human bodies and it just absorbs them.

"How the hell do we stop this ?!", Hatem asked as he kept on driving around her.

"I can send her to my Mind Manipulation void, I'll tell her to stop all this before it kills all of us", I said.

"But what if she accidentally gets killed in your void because of the dark matter pressure?!", Hatem said, "It's all a gamble, you'll just have to trust me, Hatem", I said.

"I trust you", Hatem said, he stops the car infront of Amelia's levitating body.

I slowly get out of the car and walk towards the dark matter force field, it didn't absorb my body too which means it doesn't absorb other devils in its radius.

"Mind Manipulation", I said as he get Amelia to enter my endless void.

She looked shocked and she was conscious again, the dark matter pressure starts pressing against her, I better get this over with quickly before she gets killed!

"Amelia, stop this....become one with your dark matter, your a devil, aren't you?", I said, "control it! become stronger than your dark matter, defeat it!, if you don't....I'll have no choice but to kill you, I can't have someone hinder my operation".

Amelia tries to concentrate but she can't control her ability but I guess... I have no other choice, I'll have to use Mind Manipulation's true ability!

I just reach in to Amelia's mind, I enter her unconscious body.

I see her brain and a void of nothingness surrounding it, I grab it and say my command, "Amelia, you shall now follow this command for the rest of your life", I said, "become one with your dark matter and reach your Maxed Potential!".

After my command, I'm in the earth dimension again, I see piles of dead bodies around me.

I see Amelia crying in the middle of the battlefield, "I did this...I did this....I can't live with myself knowing I did this", Amelia said while she was crying.

"I see nothing special in what you've done", I said, "for fuck sake, I wiped out a whole damn school including its children, your a devil, its your service to bring hell onto earth, make....humans....suffer the worst way possible".