Hell's One : Dovmencar

In CDMI's Secret Base...

One of the boss's henchmen approach his golden throne and say, "we're continuing all our plans, nothing will hinder us furthermore".

"Hmph, I'll believe it when I see it", the boss said, "give me a status report on Aerosmith ( Michael Roberts )".

"Status report : negative sir, he has travelled to other dimensions and back, we've lost connection", one of the henchmen said, "but we can confirm that the Mecha brothers have been defeated, they are dead sir".

"It's not like I didn't expect this, he probably betrayed us and the Mecha brothers were easily overwhelmed by immense power, we shall show Cyrus the consequences of escaping the organisation", the boss said as he started laughing.

"Dovmencar....how's Project Adam No.1?", the boss asked.

"Status report on the project : positive sir, its all going according to plan, this project will truly demonstrate our true power", Dovmencar said as he bowed infront of the boss.

"Good...good...*chuckle*", the boss said as he started laughing.

"Dovmencar...you'll be carrying out the next assasination protocol on Cyrus's group, we can't commence our project with them hindering our plans", the boss said.

"Understood sir...I'll kill them all, with my abilities, it'll be nothing more than a simple task", Dovmencar said.

"Good, don't disappoint me like Aerosmith or I'll just crush your skull myself, you know that your no match for me, do it for our dominance over this rotten world!", the boss said.

Dovmencar bowed in response to what the boss said and just leaves the secret base.

Back To The Main Battlefield...

Amelia gets up in distraught after what she's done, oceans of blood all over the town square, piles of limbs and dead bodies just lying everywhere.

"Your a devil, you'll have to get used to this kind of shit if you want to join me", I said.

"I do want to join but-", Amelia said, "THIS IS WRONG!, these innocent people have nothing to do with the CDMI organisation, innocent children are getting massacred for fuck sake!".

"It's not like I didn't warn you, your the one who decided to join me, you can leave at anytime but speak a word about my operation to the public and I'll completely annihilate you!", I said in anger, "I won't be tolerating traitors anytime soon Amelia, I chose you because I thought you were perfect for this operation....because...because we suffered at the same orphanage, that's why I wanted to save you but at the end of the day, leaving or staying is your only choice".

She stares into the blue sky for about a second or two and then gives me a blaring stare, "I'll stay, I'll join your operation!".

"That's what I like to hear", I said, "you joined me because you and I know that throughout all dimensions; Hell, Heaven and Earth, I should be the only who's honored!".

Amelia and I go to the car where Hatem was waiting for us and we drive aimlessly in hopes of getting away from the battlefield.

At The ICC ( International Criminal Court ), In The Hague, Netherlands

"This is just pure genocide, we must prosecute the individuals who were in charge of this act", Antoine Carranza ( president of the ICC ) said.

"The US has subsequently withdrawn their signature with the ICC, we don't have any forces to take care of this crisis, we depend on other countries for military power, eventually these devils will reach Europe, WHAT DO WE DO ?!", Ibanez Mindua ( Vice president of the ICC ) said.

"Oh Ibanez, its not all about protecting our country, its about this genocidal act", Antoine Carranza said, "Canada is an official member of the state party of the ICC, we can recruit our own soldiers from the Netherlands itself to the city of Toronto and then we'll cross the Canadian border into the US illegally, the devils won't expect this and the Americans will be truly grateful".

"It may work but doesn't this count as an invasion?", Ibanez Mindua asked, "this could cause a worldwide economic crisis!".

"It may appear as if it's an invasion from the outside but, there's a much deeper meaning to it...the journalists will love it and eat it all up like hungry dogs", Antoine Carranza said.

"Understood, I'll ask the Office of the Prosecutor to do some research on who was in charge of this genocidal act", Ibanez Mindua said.

"Whoever committed this genocidal act, we'll bring hell right to you all!", Antoine Carranza said.

Back At The Car...

I fell asleep after using alot of my energy in the battlefield, Hatem and Amelia were still awake though.

"Hatem, do you fully trust Cyrus ?", Amelia asked.

"Well ofcoarse I do, he got me out of my hermit shell and made me realise what's right and what's wrong", Hatem said.

"I don't know...he seems different now", Amelia said.

"In what way ?", Hatem asked.

"He has become more devil-like, its quite ironic how he felt bad for the children in the orphanage but he proceeded to kill a whole damn school, its almost as if....there's two people inside him or maybe he contains two personalities", Amelia said.

Hatem understood Amelia's suspicion, he knew that something was up regarding my attitude and personality.

"Let's just focus on the road right now, it's in the middle of night and I can barely see a damn thing", Hatem said, "*sigh*, let's not worry about Cyrus, he's the one that brought us here in the first place".

While they proceed to drive the car in the middle of nowhere, we suddenly crash into something that we can't even see!

I wake up from the sound of the crash, I get out of the car and see what's going on but, it turns out that we crashed into an invisible object ?

Hatem converted a water bottle's plastic to a flash light and then turned it on so we could see what exactly hit us.

Hatem turns on the flashlight and then...nothing !

There is quite litterarly nothing there !

Hatem and I try pushing the damn thing away from the car but it just won't budge.

I try using my Fire Manipulation on it but it just nullifies it!

It's as if I never fired my fire beam at it ( I won't be able to use Maxed Potential Fire Manipulation since I'm still exhausted from the previous battle ).

All of a sudden though, we're in a hyperdrive going faster than the speed of light, crossing space through the alternate dimension of hyperspace and then we're in the middle of New York but it seems different.

It looks much more futuristic and advanced.

A skyscraper then pops up from the ground behind us, it's as if it just built itself !

We're in alternative universe !