Hell's One : I Just Want To Stay Happy


"It appears that our operation team is facing some trouble right now", one of the scientists said.

"What is it ?!", the boss said, "if it's some military support that came to the parliament, then they should be all fine".

The scientist takes of her glasses and wipes the sweat of her forehead and says, "well if it were that simple, I wouldn't have informed you about this, sir", "they've encountered first grade devil hunters from operation team 4, Sanders has informed us that he has some background knowledge about them".

"Hoooo, so a battle of the painful past, let him take care of it", the boss said, " but…GODDAMMIT where's Dovmencar huh ?!, he should've arrived by now".

Carla Johansson quickly rushes to the boss and shows him this report sent by Dovmencar, it said the following :

Dovmencar's current status : RED

It appears to me that my artificial Devils have been annihilated but that's not the main case in this scenario, some devil hunter is hacking into my system that runs my artificial parts of my body, this will disrupt my spinal cord and it could kill me at any moment but I have found this devil hunter and I will stop them, no matter what

Oh yeah and by the way, if Carla's reading this, hey there cutie ;)

Carla read the whole report to the boss and she immediately blushes at the end of it, "hmph, such novelties like love is just a waste of time, if he doesn't kill that devil hunter, cut his power supply that supports his artificial parts", the boss commanded.

"Are you sure about this, sir ?", Carla asked

"Have I ever been wrong, Carla?", the boss said with a smirk on his face.

Carla sighs and says, "no sir, you've never been wrong in terms of your predictions".

"Good...good, everyone now, back to work, have Dovmencar's power supply open for control at all times, cut it off if he ends up failing!", the boss said to all the members working in the CDMI.

In The Night City

In some old building where all the concrete was run-down, the metal bars were oxidized, Dovmencar captures the Devil hunter that was malfunctioning the system that controls his spinal cord which also controls all his artificial parts of his body.

"How the hell are you tracking me, fellow devil hunter ?!", Dovmencar asked.

This devious Devil hunter somehow tracked down Dovmencar in the alternative universe that he was in but, the Devil hunter wouldn't say a thing.

"If I electrify your balls right now, you'll regret it", Dovmencar said, "I'd suggest talking instead of staying silent, you know ?, I'd rather not have my balls fried if I were you".

The Devil hunter still doesn't talk, what kind of determination is this ?! or perhaps... is it that he's being threatened by his own side ?

A beeping sound then starts playing near the Devil hunter, Dovmencar tries to track where the sound waves are with his advanced noise detector that was on his left wrist, the arrow was pointing towards the Devil hunter, this could mean only one thing to Dovmencar.

"What the fuck!", Dovmencar says, "they attached a goddamn bomb inside your intestines if you got caught ?!".

The Devil hunter nods, "and if you talk...it explodes ?", Dovmencar asks, the Devil hunter nods back.

"Ah hell nah man, that's some freaky shit", Dovmencar said, " well I do feel some sympathy for you but, I can't have a Devil hunter track me down, I'll just force you to talk *smiles*".

Dovmencar pulls out a shockround from under his metallic knee pad. ( a shockround is a piezo-electric projectile that generates and releases electric charge on impact )

The Devil hunter starts panicking because he knows that opening a sound to even scream in pain will activate the bomb, that will result in him dying of coarse.

Dovmencar starts shocking the man while smiling deviously right at him.

As soon as the man opened his mouth and let out a scream of agony, Dovmencar goes backwards and activates his electric forcefield.

The man explodes into smithereens, its as if he was never there.

"Mission accomplished, sir", Dovmencar said to the boss on his phone.

"Good work, now start altering the battlefield around Cyrus in the alternative universe, you can manipulate a alternative universe in any way... can't you ?", the boss asked.

"Why yes... yes I can, I shall carry out your mission right away, sir", Dovmencar said as he closes the call.

Dovmencar slowly walks away from the dead body and goes to the edge of the run-down building and stares down at the horizon, the sun was setting in such a beautiful way, "well, this journey's about to take a dark turn, doesn't really match the current scenery", Dovmencar said, "The Universe's Airship : Alter!".

The Universe's Airship... a devil's ability that can send any person to any alternative universes, the rabbit hole of alternative universes doesn't simply have an end, they are infinitely infinite, for every outcome in one universe, there's always a different outcome in the other.

The Universe's Airship also has a different part to it where the user of the ability can alter the universe's setting in any way he wishes but, he can't alter the universe that he was born in, for example : he can change the terrain of that given universe or he could duplicate any person from his universe into the alternative universe.

Back To Amelia, Cyrus and Hatem

Well... if a member from the CDMI is tracking us, they must be in this universe, right ?

We aimlessly walk through the night city hoping of finding a way that can lead us back to our main universe but so far, we've found nothing except a bunch of junkies just lying on the ground.

While we're walking through the city, I see a man staring at us from the distance on top of one of the skyscrapers, I can't really see who it is but the more I close up the distance between us, the more details appear to me.

At first, I see the black suit but then, I see something else that traumatized me, that man was wearing an item that has caused me enough harm already !

Its my father... Finn Clyde ?! no... it can't be, could it be someone else just wearing the black mask.

"Cyrus, HEY CYRUS, are you okay?", Hatem said as he was snapping his fingers towards my face but, I didn't care... I was too focused on this person.

The man with the black mask then immediately teleports to me and then puts his left hand on my forehead, "become one with the mask", the man said.

I blink for a second and then I'm in a whole other dimension, it was dark...cold...empty.

I blink again and I'm in a moving train and it appears that I'm sitting in front of myself, my clone was just there on the other side of the train.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"I'm you", the clone said.

"But...I'm me, you are just a copy", I said.

"That doesn't matter anymore, in here... your thoughts roam freely, they have a will of their own, unlike you", the clone said, "what do you desire?".

"My desires ?.... I want to become one with fires of hell, I'll put those rotten humans in their place", I said with high hopes.

"NO, naïve dreams like that will never make it in the real world, maybe this question hasn't fully reached you yet.... what and who are you ?", the clone asked.

"I-I don't know anymore", I said.

"Your self consciousness is lost, it doesn't have a will of its own, your life... its been all going your way hasn't it?", the clone said.

"W-what do you mean, I've been through hell and back just to state a damn point !", I said.

"No no no no, unlocking your maxed potential of your fire manipulation through Utem Nas, just how convenient and cliché is that kind of garbage huh ?!", the clone said aggressively.

I curl up and put my hands over my head, I'm slowly losing my sanity at this point.

"Your just like a child hiding behind his mother, your being spoon-fed...what do you want in life huh ?!, ANSWER ME!", the clone shouted.

"...I-I just want to stay happy", I said hopelessly.

"Your just like any human, if you want to become a devil, then stop having qualities of a human, your an eye sore!", the clone said.

"Stop", I said.

"Your a disgrace to the devils of hell", the clone said.

"STOP", I said repeatedly.

"If you want me to stop, then stop your human side first...", the clone said.

After that life-changing conversation, the clone just vanishes from the seat of the train, I get up from the floor and sit back on the train's seat.

I just stare at the sun from my window view... I just want to stay happy, I wonder if I'll ever be happy...