Hell's One : Sour Relationships


Carla is just sitting there on her chair, she's eating her nails.

Feeling anxious, she checks her computer out of curiosity.

Is Dovmencar okay or not?

Carla checks out the computer's desktop, urgently waiting for a status report to be sent by Dovmencar since she was worried about him and if he was hurt or not.

There are more and more clients with status reports, they're pouring in like fish!

Carla then sees a new message pop up on her computer monitor, it says, "current status, Dovmencar: I exterminated the hindrance caused by that devil hunter and I'll be joining in with the rest of my comrades at the parliament very soon( if I can ), I'll just use my ability again!

Carla felt a sign of relief knowing that she won't have to cut off the power supply to Dovmencar's system that runs his body.

"How's Sanders and his recruited comrades ?", the boss said from behind Carla.

"Oh sir, didn't see you there u-um...Dovmencar is safe, of course of course", Carla said in an optimistic tone.

"Oh I knew that already, he informed me regarding that matter, now please...how's Sanders?", the boss said impatiently.

"Well he hasn't sent any sort of status report back, all we can do now is just wait for any updates", Carla said.

The boss sighs and just gives a dead stare towards the floor, "Carla dear, please don't let Dovmencar's flirting get to you, he's a soldier who fights on the battlefield, you could lose him at any given moment", the boss said, "now please, don't get worked up by such novelties such as 'love' ".

Carla gives back a tired look and goes back to her laboratory, questioning if love is true or not.

Back At The Parliament

"Well, there are no hard-headed minds here", Zane said, "why don't we solve this like how we always used to do, a game where skill is the main aspect to victory...a game of Rock, Paper Scissors".

Emma just looks at him with a weird look, "are you serious right now ?", Emma said...

"Well of course I am, how can I not be serious at a time like this?", Zane said, "whoever wins, can launch their attack first, a sweet ol' gamble just like the old days".

Sanders looks right back at Zane with a smile and then licks his lips, "your going to regret this", Sanders said, "don't you dare underestimate me!".

They both give each other dead stares and then they both simultaneously raise their right arms, "rock...paper...scissors...SHOOT!", they both said at the same time.

It was a draw, they both used rock.

Emma then approaches Zane and whispers into his right ear, "why don't we just attack them while he's deep into the game, he's the main target here, they're nothing without him, we can wipe out the rest of their forces".

"I'd rather play fairly against an old friend because, friends are just like stars in the sky, the ones that are special to you are the ones that seem the brightest to you", Zane whispered back.

"You guys done yapping or not?", Sanders said, "planning this duel won't help you in any way, I'm the inevitable outcome to any battle".

They both simultaneously raise their right arms again, "rock...paper...scissors...SHOOT!", they both say at the same time.

Sanders has won this battle, he chose rock and Zane chose scissors, "damn, even after 6 years, you still beat my ass", Zane said.

"Colonials, blow these fuckers away from me!", Sanders commanded.

The 'Colonials' fire their rifles at Zane and Emma but the bullets just stop mid-way through the air, they're just there in the air!

"I've never underestimated you, Sanders, that's something that you've never stopped doing ever since we were still trainees, take me seriously for once aye ?", Zane said.

Zane then flicks his fingers back at the bullets, the bullets then turn around in the opposite direction.

"Who's the hostage now?", Zane said, "the inevitable has become uncertain!".

Back Into Cyrus's Inner Thoughts

When is this train reaching its stop?

It feels like I've been stuck here for a while now, will I be trapped here?

The train door opens again, a random old bald man enters it, I can't seem to recognize who it is.

He sits on the seat right in front of me.

I wonder who it is, I shouldn't care about that sort of information and then, the trains' speakers start playing, I heard, "welcome in, Mr Finn Clyde".

What the fuck?!

"You're Finn Clyde?", I asked.

"Yes son, we better hurry up, we're getting late", Finn said.

I get up and grab him by his collar and push against the window of the train, "you son of a bitch, how and why are you here?!", I asked.

"I can't seem to have an answer for that sort of question, your the one who brought me here", Finn said.

"No no no no NO NO NO, your ass shouldn't be here, I was grateful that I killed you, you have no idea how miserable my life became because of you", I said.

"And who said you killed me?", Finn said, "the black mask is a symbol that anyone can portrait, everyone has a black mask inside of them".

"Wait but, Utem Nas said it to me himself in my visions, I'm not going to just believe you, IM NOT THAT NAIVE YOUNG BOY ANYMORE", I said.

"The promised day is just getting closer and closer by the second", Finn said, "you can partake in any set of novelties now but it won't change what's promised".

Promised day ?! What the hell is that?

"The prophecy of Adam, the CDMI are just getting closer by the day...this world will become a planet with no name, it won't be unique, it'll just be another rock in the space formation", Finn said.

I let go of his collar, I couldn't comprehend what he was saying!

"Son, this conversation is hindering us, please forget this sort of tardiness and get to work", Finn said.


Finn stands up from his seat, I felt this sudden urge to just sit back down on the seat that was behind me, was it a sudden thought of fear?

Finn then raises his right arm and puts it on my forehead and suddenly, a third eye grows out from his forehead, "attend your duties...son, your matters are worsening", Finn said with a smile as he sends me back to the real world.

I still can't comprehend the events that just occurred in front of my eyes.