Hell's One: It's Lucifer's Day!

In Hell, Satan has other devils working alongside him within Hell itself, Lucifer resembles pride, Mammon resembles greed, Asmodeus resembles lust, Leviathan resembles envy, Beelzebub resembles gluttony, Belphegor resembles slothfulness and Satan resembles wrath.

All these devils resemble the seven deadly sins that humans partake in.

All seven of these devils were all gathered together despite being quite distant from one another.

"So, the power of Adam's prophecy will be fulfilled by one of the humans?"Lucifer asked, "That seems quite perilous. How can we guarantee our existence beyond that certain point in time?".

Beelzebub then said, "Agree, we can't leave such power in the hands of those spineless dogs!".

"As long as we're still living, it shouldn't cause so much trouble for us, we can just leave it all up to Satan instead, there's no need to work ourselves", Belphegor said.

"Our fate resides within the decision of Adam's prophecy and what it shall fulfill, our existence may be in grave danger, but let's just enjoy the show for today", Satan said, "it's your day, Lucifer, for your void shall stumble upon earth's lands, for it is inevitable, it can't be reversed nor destroyed, hinder their progress towards Adam's prophecy as much as possible!".

"Understood, they shall stumble upon true 'power'", Lucifer said.


"Everyone, welcome to the CDMI," Dovmencar said as he just pushed us through the metal door.

Well, I never did end up seeing the main base while I was in the 'orphanage', this is quite overwhelming.

As soon as we entered, I sensed an intriguing aura coming from a specific devil in this place.

The base appeared to have two stories and three different corridors that diverged from each other, starting from the main lobby.

It was quite evident that this place was up to some sort of evil plan or operation.

What we already knew was that they planned to contain children in their 'orphanages', they then slaughtered them, they then revived the body using dark matter and over time, they'd become unhinged monsters, far from what they were previously.

Dovmencar then approached the receptionist's desk and said, "Oi chick, send neuron messages to researchers working in the labs, tell them that I've retrieved Cyrus and his group".

"On it," the receptionist lady said.

The lady then lifted her left index finger and said, "The message should arrive to them soon. You may now take the 3rd corridor to the main observation rooms."

Dovmencar then started walking towards the corridor that had a sign above it, the sign's language was gibberish, and I couldn't comprehend what was said on the sign, but we are heading towards the main observation rooms so... we were probably still safe, right?

The corridor was quite grim. This corridor was probably at least 100 years old.

I expected this corridor to be long like the tunnel that we previously took, but it was quite short.

"Carla, I'm back!"Dovmencar said as he held his arms wide open.

This Carla chick then just ran to him and hugged him.

This bitch is in love with this bald bastard?!

Okay...I guess every person has their tastes in terms of love.

"So, you caught them, was he as powerful as we thought?", Carla asked.

"Not at all, they're all a bunch of spineless cowards, they all just surrendered after one another, but Cyrus almost had me with his Mind Manipulation", Dovmencar said, "we'll determine what techniques of torture we'll implement on them, it all depends on what level of offense they were included in".

"Then again, if they survive the torturing phase, they'll have to participate in the 'Tormenting Games', that'll determine their temporary freedom but they'll have to withstand our hefty targeting from then on", Carla said.

The Tormenting Games, we'll have to participate after the torturing phase.

If that's what it takes, then I'm all in!

At The ICC Parliament

So, the events of the blast have reversed.

The parliament has reassembled itself, almost like a jigsaw puzzle.

"It appears to me that you had a plan this entire time", Sanders said, "but I'll ask you this, what makes you think that I won't use that ability once again?".

"Using that ability is completely up to you, we'll just have to stop you before you use that ability", Zane said.

Sanders' soldiers ( the Colonials ), start running toward Zane, Emma, and their soldiers behind them.

Zane then says, "Mutamorpha: Hybrid Metamorphosis".

Zane's body then starts transforming into a hybrid of animals for different limbs of his body.

His body has transformed into a tiger, but the only part of his body that hasn't transformed was his head, his head was replaced by a bucranium ( ox skull ).

Sanders' soldiers were quite disturbed, this wasn't something you'd see every day.

Zane's new body then opened its mouth, and some sort of blue energy was apparent and then, that blue energy got transformed into a blue beam that got fired at Sanders' soldiers.

Sanders then says, "Zeit Löschen: No Time Left".

All of a sudden though, Zane was back in his human form but that's not all, he was in front of Sanders instead of being right next to Emma and his soldiers.

Zane didn't have the urge in his body to block Sanders' attack.

Sanders then released a fire chain, he then wrapped Zane's legs with it and lifted him into the air.

Zane could've easily stopped that from happening, but he just couldn't.

"Shoot him dead...", Sanders said nonchalantly.

All of Sanders' soldiers then proceeded to shoot their bullets, Zane could easily use his 'Inversione' in this situation, but he couldn't.

Emma then said, "Motörhead: Morbid Circumstances".

The bullets that were fired were then just going to the right instead of being fired at Zane.

Sanders was sure that his soldiers fired straight at Zane.

The land below them started turning into dunes, they just started to sink into the sand.

Emma then said, "Motörhead, the ability to turn the battlefield into my ideal scenario and so, I just turned the parliament into some dunes and diverged your bullets away from Zane".

Something quite unexpected then occurred, the roof of the parliament just flew off the building.

"I didn't know your Motörhead had that kind of force", Zane said in an optimistic tone.

"Uhhh, that wasn't me", Emma said.

stone pillars then started falling from the sky.

The sky looked like blood.

It was quite distant, but it appeared that a man was standing in between the falling stone pillars.

The man had satanic wings and he was wearing a white suit with a black tie.

"You humans shall know the true meaning of 'power', for my will resides within my void, so it cannot be destroyed, stumble upon the void of the almighty Lucifer!", Lucifer said.