Hell's One: True Power And Weakness

Stone pillars then started falling from the sky.

The sky looked like blood.

It was quite distant, but it appeared that a man was standing in between the falling stone pillars.

The man had satanic wings, and he was wearing a white suit with a black tie.

"You humans shall know the true meaning of 'power', for my will resides within my void, so it cannot be destroyed, stumble upon the void of the almighty Lucifer!"Lucifer said, "Lucifer's Eye: True Pride. "

"Did you hear that, Emma?"Zane asked.

"Yeah, Pillar Combustion will take place, a day that occurs every 80 years at the hands of Lucifer himself", Emma said, "all seven devils that reside within hell have a special day to hinder humanity's progress towards Adam's prophecy".

A swirling tornado then starts to take form beneath Lucifer.

"What if I reverse its sequence using my 'Inversion'?Zane asked, " we can get the operation teams' captains to at least stop the damage. "

"These days cannot be reversed, destroyed nor nullified, that's a law that's been implemented within hell itself," Emma said, "we won't be able to rely on your 'Inversione', we'll just have to face him head on".

Zane nods in response to what Emma said but then, an idea strikes Zane.

"Sanders and his 'Colonials', you see the damage that has struck our lands, why don't we work together for now to stop this?", Zane asked.

Sanders then gave a weird look towards Zane.

"Are you fucking high?", Sanders asked, "how can you still have the audacity to work with me even after what I did to you?".

Zane walks to Sanders, then grabs Sanders' collar and says, "when faced with grave danger, you forgot all sorts of grudges that you're holding and you face the darkness that overshadows you straight on".

Sanders then just stays silent for a while.

"If that's the darkness, then let's just turn on a light bulb and kick his ass!", Sanders said.

"Hoooo, it seems to me that there are optimistic souls out here, HAVE A TASTE OF ME YOU SONS OF BITCHES!", Lucifer said.

At The CDMI ( 2 hours before the start of the Pillar Combustion)

We were walking behind one of Dovmencar's servants, I didn't know where she was leading us.

Is it me or is the roof here just way too close to our heads? Damn this place!

"As you can see here, this is what you scumbags have to face", the servant said.

Each cell had a certain fugitive and within that cell, it contained a torturer.

Not to mention, all of the torturers were wearing the same black mask that my father wore, I remember it quite well, it was just a flat black mask with a red smile and they were wearing their undergarments.

With each step, the torture just seemed to get worse.

"Will he have to stay in one of these cells?", Hatem asked.

"Oh no, that would be quite generous of us", the servant said, "you'll be staying in one of these wonderful rooms".

She was pointing towards a metal door that had a sign, it was illegible just like the one I saw previously at the reception lobby.

While we were walking to that room, we see a wide opening to a room, it didn't have a door, it was just wide open for everyone to see.

This room is...very frightening.

They had all the children that they abducted from the 'orphanages' lying in separate beds.

There were tubes attached to them but I didn't know what was in the tubes.

"Oh, how can I forget?", the servant said, "this is the life energy transmission room, we've attached tubes to these children to transmit their life energy to a certain project we're working on, they'll just be dry old jerky after each transmission".

I can't believe what I'm seeing, these innocent children...NO NO, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?!

They deserve it, they're nothing but stepping stones for you to get closer to your goals...no, this is unnecessary, can't they get life energy by just killing other devils?

Oh just grow up you pussy bitch, you've chosen to reside within the darkness of evil, it's too late to step out of that shadow now.

"Hey, oi, why you gotta just snap out of reality out of a sudden?", the servant said as she was snapping her fingers.

My devil side and my human side...my mind still hasn't chosen one.

If I'm going to become Hell's One, then I'll just have to bare these disturbing sightings, they are nothing but minor sacrifices for the greater good.

"In you go now, Seeker will come to see you in just a bit", the servant said as she opened the door for us.

We just enter the room.

The room had no windows nor does it have any vents.

The room contained three contraptions and four items; two cleavers, a pair of scissors, and a chain.

The contraptions were a seat that was surrounded by some inverted blades, a bronze bull sculpture that had firewood below it and a glass box that was big enough to fit all three of us.

I didn't know what these torturing contraptions did but somehow, I just felt intimidated.

Will we even survive the torturing phase to make it to the Tormenting Games?

"Can you give me a quick physical description of what these scumbags look like?", Seeker asked while he was walking with a servant towards our room.

"Well they're all 18 and above, Cyrus is the one with white hair, Hatem is the arab and Amelia is the girl, that should help you differentiate between each one", the servant said.

A man then opened the door, was this the 'Seeker' guy?

"Well everyone, meet Seeker, this man will be taking care of your torturing plans for the coming week or so", the servant said, "survive this week and you'll automatically qualify for the Tormenting Games".

"Looking forward to it, you dirty sons of bitches", Seeker said.

This 'Seeker' guy had a very bizarre look.

His skin was divided into two separate tones, he was half white and half black and I'm not talking about the regular skin colours that you see every day.

He was as white as snow and as black as my void.

He even wore a suit that was divided into those two colours, even his shoes followed the same pattern.

"You believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell, right?", Seeker asked.

We all just nod back.

"Well, one is known for its peace and harmony, the other is known for its chaotic nature", Seeker said, "So I welcome you all...to my Hell".