Hell's One: A Menacing Sensation

"You believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell, right?", Seeker asked.

We all just nod back.

"Well, one is known for its peace and harmony, the other is known for its chaotic nature", Seeker said, "So I welcome you all...to my hell".

All three of us were just blaring right at him, but I just realized something.

Three of us?

Where's Aerosmith ( or Michael ) ?!

The last time I saw him was when we were in the tunnel that led us to the main base.

"Hey, we weren't just three when we got here, our fourth ally isn't with us", I said.

"A fourth?", Seeker asked, "Ohhhh, Aerosmith is getting a different kind of trial, one that'll stick with him forever till the day he dies...oh wait it's an execution, wow my memory's ass".

Well, this makes a lot of sense, Aerosmith ( or Michael ) pledged that he'd work for the CDMI ever since he was abducted, but now, he has betrayed them.

This means that Aerosmith might not have a chance of joining us if we win the Tormenting Games.

I'll have to withstand the forms of torture that'll be implemented, I can't just let Aerosmith die, he's a strong warrior.

I then hear someone knock on the iron door, who could it be?

Seeker opens the door, it's the same receptionist that we saw when we first entered the CDMI.

"A message from the boss himself", the receptionist said as she gave Seeker a piece of paper.

Seeker then proceeded to read the paper.

"Here me my servants, I have decided to cancel the Torture phase, let's transfer all the devils into the Tormenting Games, we'll have more competition among our captured fugitives, put them all back into their cells and I'll take care of the rest, I'm looking forward to the pain...", Seeker said as he was reading the letter, "aw cmon, I was looking forward to the Brazen Bull and the Void Absorption Box".

So, we're going to skip out on the Torture phase, this increases our chances of surviving in the Tormenting Games.

"The Tormenting Games will begin in 3 days, y'all will have to live the lives of prisoners until then", the receptionist said to us, "you're going to face other captured devils in a series of games, the last group that survives will have the gift of freedom, but you'll have to withstand our hefty forces that'll be targeted at you all".

"What about Aerosmith?", Hatem asked, " if we're going to participate in this, we're going to need him on our side too".

"Oh, it seems that you've misunderstood this letter, this rule will be applied to Aerosmith as well", the receptionist said, "you'll have to choose your team before the games begin ".

Well, it all seemed quite simple to me, but what's bizarre is the fact that she's somehow smiling so comfortably.

I'll make you and all of the CDMI suffer in the worst way possible, I'll bring hell onto Earth.

"Wait, isn't Pillar Combustion supposed to be today?", Amelia asked, "how is this place still intact?".

"Oh?", Seeker said, "it seems that we have an educated one right here, don't you worry missy, we've got everything under control, and not to mention, we have a way to stop this place from collapsing, this place has withstood countless disasters".

"And it's Lucifer that's giving us a visit today", the receptionist said, "if things go out of control, the boss can just take care of it".

Lucifer is one of the seven devils that reside within hell, how can their boss just 'take care of it'?

"Okay, now follow me to your cages, disobey any orders and you'll suffer the consequences", Seeker said as he started walking away from us.

All three of us just follow him.

Weirdly though, they never attached any handcuffs to us, is this a sign of trust?

"No, it isn't a sign of trust, it's just that the building is made up of a material called 'Anti-Kroltupine', it negates one's abilities, but they don't affect the user who applied the material and in this case, I am the one who applied it to the walls", Seeker said.

Did he just answer my inner thoughts?!

"Yes, I did, I can freely read the minds of the ones around me, but it's not always in use, I can use it at free will", Seeker said, "But hey, would you look at that, here's your humble abode for a while, if you survive a round in the Tormenting Games, you go back into this cage and wait until the next round is fully set up for our contestants, understood?".

Everything sounded pretty simple, but I always had a habit of overcomplicating shit like this.

"Okay everything sounds crystal clear, but what if the devil hunters launch a raid on this place?", Amelia asked, "they must have some sort of info regarding this place's location, will the games be delayed if we get attacked?".

Seeker then releases a silent chuckle, "it's called the Tormenting Games for a reason and besides, I can just annihilate them all", Seeker said as he started laughing.

His laugh matches the evil laugh of characters in cartoons or movies.

"You shouldn't be concerned for our safety", Seeker said, "oh baby, it's you...that's in trouble if that happens".

We all then enter the cage and the metal door is just shut behind us.

This isn't how it should go, I planned on global domination, but I've been a pity.

The CDMI's boss and his adherents have completely outplayed us in terms of strength.

I was lucky to defeat Aerosmith when we first faced each other, and then I faced Dovmencar which didn't end up going so well.

"Hey, Cyrus", Hatem said, "have you heard of Adam's prophecy?".

Adam's prophecy, I remember hearing that when I met my father in that bizarre vision.

"I've heard of it, but I've never deeply researched into it", I said.

"It's said that it fulfills his ideology that revolves around the very meaning of life, some have speculated it has something to do with salvation, but some have also speculated that it has to do with absolute power over all beings", Hatem said.

"Okay, but how is the prophecy fulfilled?", I asked.

"When the first angel landed on earth, people started calling him 'Adam', after exactly 40 days and 40 nights, he asked for the people of the Kassite Dynasty to dismember his bodies", Hatem said, "his dismembered limbs then just vanished into the abyss, but it's now a known fact that all his limbs are scattered throughout some alternative universes".

"Alternative universes, alternative realities, that would mean that they're infinite since our reality is replicated with different details in every alternative universe", Amelia said.

"So, to fulfill Adam's prophecy, a person must gather all of Adam's limbs and they'll just rebuild themselves once again", Hatem said, "I think Adam's prophecy revolves around absolute power, the reason is that the seven devils are eager to delay our progress to reassembling his body, that must mean something".

No no, something still doesn't feel right.

The Adam that I know was banished for eating the forbidden fruit, he was then sent to earth and that formulates the beginning of all humanity.

"Was there a certain reason behind naming the angel 'Adam'?", I asked.

"The angel form of Adam is the reincarnation of Adam, his vessel was sent back to earth for not following God's words, so he was ordered to dismember himself after 40 days and 40 nights", Amelia said.

So, Adam's prophecy is a part of Adam's secret plan, but...what atrocities shall we stumble upon?!