Hell's One: Clean Deeds Are Done Dirty

At CDMI's Secret Base

Seeker felt a certain sensation after the boss' announcement, a sensation he couldn't truly identify.

It was the sensation of disappointment.

"Why the long face?", Dovmencar asks as he sits next to Seeker.

"Well, I was really looking forward to initiating my tortious acts, but they were cut short", Seeker says.

"Well that's quite unfortunate, it's fine, we've still got a whole ass show ahead of us", Dovmencar says, "c'mon, be a proud Colonial!".

A sense of emptiness was present at the place, something's missing.

"Now that I think about it, where's Carla?"Seeker asks, "she's usually at the research center, but I couldn't find her there".

Yes…Carla is that sense of emptiness.

A blaze ignites within Dovmencar's eyes, they are full of rage.

Dovmencar gets up from his seat and goes to one of the lab's researchers.

"Hey bastard, you got any idea where Carla is?!", Dovmencar asks.

"No sir, we were wondering the same thing", the researcher says.

Dovmencar punches a hole through the researcher's computer, "how the fuck do you not know where your team leader is?!", Dovmencar says.

A woman then teleports behind Dovmencar, she has a thick jacket surrounding her whole body, all but her head and she has beautiful blonde hair.

"Ah Marzia, my precious Colonial…I know they seem a bit…god, how can I say this?", Dovmencar says, "do you know where Carla is?".

Marzia nonchalantly nods.

Marzia Ciro's quite the specimen, doesn't usually talk a lot but once she does, there's always a deep meaning behind her words.

"Then go ahead, guide me", Dovmencar says.

Marzia then starts walking towards a certain door, that door has a sign attached on it.

That sign states the following: Don't Open.

"Since when was this a room?","I've memorized every damn crevice within this shithole!", Dovmencar says.

Marzia then opens the door.

The room looks inhumane, who would stay in a place like this?!

Piles of garbage were present within that room but that's not just it, there was an abundant amount of drawers filled to the brim with CDMI's plans regarding Project Adam.

"How the hell…most of our researchers don't even know this shit", Dovmencar says, "wait, but Carla isn't here, you said you'd lead me to her!".

Marzia points towards the door.

"You're saying that she's running this place?", Dovmencar asks.

Marzia nods.

The sound of footsteps approaching the front door, who could it be?

Dovmencar's tracker watch then starts beeping, "who is it?", Dovmencar says as he puts the watch towards him.

"It's me, Sanders", Sanders says.

"Ah Sanders, how do you do man?", Dovmencar asks cheerfully.

"Not right now goddammit, we're literally facing Lucifer, he's landed at the parliament that you planned on attacking, I've got my soldiers and I've formed a temporary alliance with an old friend, I'm going to need your assistance", Sanders says.

"Yes…I've been waiting for this day ever since I was a damn child, I'll be coming to you with the rest of my Colonials, don't you worry", Dovmencar says as he stops the call.

"Marzia, go to our meeting room and teleport every damn Colonial there except Sanders", Dovmencar says urgently.

Marzia nods and then transports herself into their meeting room.

As Dovmencar leaves the room, he senses another heartbeat, who could it be?

He does recall hearing footsteps approaching the room, but he never got the chance to see who it is.

Dovmencar then manipulates gravity to lift all the computers.

He couldn't believe it…Carla was hiding under one of the desks.

"What the hell are you doing here?!", Dovmencar asks.

Carla was struck by silence, nothing but silence.

"Woah woah, no need to be worried or nervous, just tell me what it is that's keeping you from talking, I am Dovmencar after all", Dovmencar says.

He's not getting the answer that he's expecting, actually, he isn't getting an answer whatsoever.

Carla starts crying out of nowhere.

"Babe, am I that threatening…please just tell me what the hell is going on?", Dovmencar asks.

Carla then crawls towards one of the files, she flips the papers to write on it with her marker.

The paper said: I can't speak, they're here.

"Who's here?", Dovmencar asks.

"It seems to me that your lover's quite pitiful", Alex ( a devil hunter who works under Wyatt ) says as he just walks through the room's wall.

"Why can't she speak?", Dovmencar asks.

"I've attached a sensor inside her body, if she speaks, an explosion will occur within her body, one word and BOOM, just imagine your vessel of love incinerate into bodily debris!", Alex says, "I used my 'Clean Deeds' to just seep into her body without anybody knowing a single damn thing".

Alex here is playing the villainous role, but two can play this game, especially Dovmencar.

"How did you get into our base?", Dovmencar asks.

"Enough with your naivety, face me…Dovmencar!", Alex says.

At The Colonial's Meeting Room

And so the meeting begins, Marzia has arrived at the room, little does she know that Dovmencar is facing quite an undesirable situation right now.

Surrounding Marzia now are the rest of the Colonials.

Colonial #2 The Unknown

Colonial #3 Bjørn Jet

Colonial #4 Seeker

Colonial #5 Harley Ramona

Marzia being Colonial #6 and Sanders being Colonial #7.

Since Dovmencar is the leader of the Colonials, he's Colonial #1.

As the quantity of the number lessens, the strength of that Colonial increases, #1 being the strongest and #7 being the weakest out of the main members.

The rest of the soldiers aren't numbered.

"Let me guess, Sanders has gotten himself into some shithole again and we have to save him", Seeker says.

It's a bit of a routine for the Colonials to save Sanders when he's in a peculiar situation, that situation always ends up being quite troublesome.

"Why did Dovmencar even deploy Sanders for the attack on the parliament, he just had to pick out the dumbass to do it", Harley Ramona says.

Harley Ramona usually wears a bit of a revealing outfit with gold plating, but today she's just wearing her pajamas.

Labeled by others as the 'Sassy Bitch'.

"We shall always entrust the group's judgment onto his hands, he wouldn't possibly make such a blaring mistake", Bjørn Jet says, "but since today's Pillar Combustion Day, all of us would be in his situation".

Bjørn really sticks to his ancestors' past, he dresses up like a viking and even sometimes sounds like one.

"Whatever, let's just save his lousy ass", Seeker says, "oi Unknown, you got an opinion to state regarding this?".

The Unknown was just a standing pile of dark matter with eyes of fire, his name matches his personality…a true mystery.

"Lucifer isn't just here to hinder our movement towards Adam's prophecy, he's here to do much worse", Unknown says, "it's coming…it truly is".