Hell's One: What Manipulation Can Do To A Man

At The Colonial's Meeting Room

"Lucifer isn't just here to hinder our movement towards Adam's prophecy, he's here to do much worse", Unknown says, "it's coming…it truly is".

All of the Colonials give a mysterious look towards the Unknown.

A thing about the Unknown is that he talks about some random things at very random timings.

"Unknown please shut yo bitch ass up right now before I blow a bullet through yo damn head", Harley says, "I've told you this before, stop your random ass shit-talk".

Bjørn comes in between the both of them to calm the fight down, "there's no need for all this, let's just cut to the chase, we will go after Sanders and we WILL follow Dovmencar's orders", Bjørn says.

They all had a view on this current situation, a bit of a dilemma if you truly think about it.

Each and every member of the Colonials had a different solution, but they aren't showing their true colors.

"I'm not going after Sanders, he isn't worth an ounce of my efforts", Harley says.

This turmoil, it's a true drag.

"I made orders…, they're meant to be followed", Dovmencar says as he comes through the meeting room's door.

Dovmencar was holding Alex's head in his right hand palm, "who the hell is that?!", Seeker asks.

"Nothing but a simple hindrance, nevermind that though, my orders are absolute…Harley", Dovmencar says.

Death's a simple transition and life's just a prologue to the afterlife, nothing but an experience.

"Well now that Dovmencar's here, we've got no other choice, we shall face the inevitability of Lucifer's true power", The Unknown says.

Alex's eyes… they were empty, his eyes were pitch black though.

One's death is always backed up with the emptiness of white eyes, this case was different.

A white pupil then appears within Alex's eyes, he's alive!

"You think you can get rid of me that easily?!", Alex says.

His torso starts regenerating from his head.

"What the fuck, that's nasty!", Seeker says.

"Seeker, use your 'Smooth Criminal' ability", Dovmencar says.

"Way ahead of you, Smooth Criminal: Divide", Seeker says.

This ability creates manipulations that are only viewed by the person that Seeker has targeted, it causes the person to lose their sanity, even causing some to kill themselves just to end their suffering.

Alex's body has already fully regenerated, but it's all futile now.

Alex's now in a void-like domain and it appears to be lifeless, none of the Colonials are standing there anymore.

He starts walking aimlessly, there's nothing there.

He then sees his wife in the distance ( he just got married ), he runs towards her.

The more he ran, the farther she got.

"Lily Lily, baby come to me please", Alex pleases.

Alex then starts to hear some distant voices, he vaguely remembers these voices, they're all Lilly's voices.

"Why would I ever marry a piece of shit like you?!", "you have turned my life into a living hell!", "you bitch, you don't deserve an ounce of my love!".

These voices, they're getting into Alex's head.

"They're not real, all these voices are fake", Alex says.

Alex was always a smart man, he doesn't get tricked so easily.

As he continues to run, he finds a dead body in the distance.

He runs towards it, it's Lily's body…

Alex walks back a few steps, he can't believe what he's seeing, never did he imagine what the world would be like without Lily, that thought just crossed his mind for the first time.

This sudden shock and grief blinds him, he can't differentiate between what's reality and what's a simple manipulation.

He walks towards Lily's body again and grabs her.

"Oh babe please don't go, stay with me", Alex says repeatedly.

Her body then starts to disintegrate into thin air and just like that, she has become one with the dust.

"*Snaps fingers*, yeah and that's the show for tonight, I think he should be unconscious now", Seeker says.

"Great job Seeker, take his body and give it to Carla, she'll lock him up, I sure do have a whole lot of questions for him", Dovmencar says.

"Of Course, captain", Seeker says as he picks up Alex's unconscious body from the floor, "but who is this bastard?".

"A devil hunter", Dovmencar says, "he threatened Carla and now the devil hunting organization probably knows how to get into our base, he was able to gain access to our files relating to Adam Project 1".

"So now we're expecting an all out attack on our secret base by AND also we have to fight Lucifer AND we're about to run the Tormenting Games, what is this bullshit?!", Harley says.

"I've got this all under control", Dovmencar says with a smirk on his face, "Bjørn, Unknown and I can go help Sanders out against Lucifer, Marzia, Harley and Seeker, you three stay on standby at this place and please, inform the boss about our current situation".

"Understood boss, I'll go transport the body now", Seeker says.

Dovmencar nods back.

As Seeker gets out of the meeting room, he sees Carla waiting right outside the room.

"I'll be taking him now, you can leave him here", Carla says.

"Ah yeah sure, I expected you to be at the research center, but here you go", Seeker says, "oh yeah, sorry about how that bastard threatened you, men shouldn't be targeting lovely women like you".

Carla just nods back and smiles.

Seeker then walks away, into the main lobby area.

"Out of all the members, it just had to be mind reading one", Carla says.

Carla then pulls the body until she reaches the cell.

"Hey, wake up, your failure wasn't a part of the plan", Carla says.

It didn't look like Alex was going to wake up any time soon.

Carla then kicks the metal bars, "HEY", Carla says.

"Huh…oh hey Carla, what's for breakfast today?", Alex asks.

"Did you forget what Captain Wyatt planned?", Carla says.

Alex looked like a damn zombie.

"Breakfast…*zzzzzzz*", Alex says as he enters his coma once again.

A coma is a long lasting state of unconsciousness, he isn't going to wake up anytime soon.

Smooth Criminal is a very effective ability.

Carla picks up that same paper she used to deceive Dovmencar about the self destructive sensor and she writes a message for Alex, he can see it once he wakes up once again.

Once she's done writing, she hides the paper under his unconscious body.

The paper says the following: 1 week…at the end of the Tormenting Games, this place will be burnt to the ground.