Hell's One: Release My Soul!

For what reason does a human live for?

A human's life is nothing but an experience, a simple transition into the afterlife.

One needs to bear with the struggles of our daily lives to ensure a bit of satisfaction.

Just how inhumane and corrupt can life truly get?!

Dovmencar says, "Bjørn, Unknown, let's do this", "how many soldiers have we got?".

"There are 450 ( excluding the three of them ) with us right now, all having Dark Matter Manipulation", Bjørn says

It's quite amusing how they're able to set up a whole army on such short notice.

This is the CDMI, but that's merely their alias, nothing but a mask to hide their true intentions from the world that surrounds them.

5 hours ago…

"What true pity!", the boss says, "my one and only Aerosmith, has betrayed me for a pack of simpleton sheep".

Aerosmith was secretly abducted when he first entered the base with Cyrus and his members.

"I've told you this before and I know you won't believe me considering your current situation, I never betrayed any of you, I just retired from all the dirty work that you've put on my shoulders", Aerosmith says.

"Oh?", the boss questions, "it seems to me that you've forgotten our sacred oath".

When a new member enters the CDMI, they're forced to partake into an oath.

The oath states the following: who shall not know of their placement in the CDMI, or who shall just walk away from his fellow brethren who reside within the CDMI, shall face a punishment like no other, worse than the ideology of death itself.

"That oath…I was 12 goddammit", Aerosmith says, "you expect a simple-minded boy like me-".

In the middle of his sentence, Aerosmith is seen floating in front of the boss' throne.

"I don't have time for your excuses, nothing but a headache", the boss says.

"What are you doing?!", Aerosmith asks, "let me down, you bastard!".

Aerosmith is then thrown to the side of the room.

"Avoid such usage of profanity in front of me", the boss says, "don't you notice something weird, Aerosmith?".

Aerosmith's struggling to even get back up onto his feet.

"It's weird how you've been working with me for so long, but you don't even know my name, you don't even know what I look like, no matter how many times a person interacts with me, they'll never remember a single thing", the boss says, "I don't think you know this, throughout all dimensions and parallel universes, Hell, Heaven and Earth, I'm the only one who shall be honoured!".

Wait a minute…Aerosmith has heard that before, but he just can't remember who it was that said the same thing…but that wasn't the priority here.

It's true, he doesn't even know the boss' appearance, despite all the years spent together.

"And it's not just you, all of you know nothing of me!", the boss says, "even if our organisation is burnt to the ground, my superiority lives on for eternity!".

His identity has always been a mystery, that's why the CDMI's members call him 'boss' rather than an actual name.

He shall not be named, for his superiority overshadows their mere presence, almost like a god.

"Guards, take this piece of filth to a cell covered with Kroltupine, I don't want him being a scoundrel", the boss says.

Two guards immerse from within the shadows behind the boss.

They grab Aerosmith and drag him into a cell.

"This can't be acceptable, putting me into a cell only means that I'd be participating in the Tormenting Games, but no member can do that!", Aerosmith says.

"Orders are orders, you will be participating in the Tormenting Games…with a certain team that you most probably know of", the guard says.

Back to the present

"Okay, everything's set?", Dovmencar asks.

"Yeah, we'll initiate a rendezvous with a team waiting for us near the parliament", Bjørn says, "oh and also, due to our void-like forcefield, the CDMI will be safe and sound from the damages implemented by Lucifer".

"Good, okay Marzia, send us to the parliament", Dovmencar says.

Marzia will have to teleport more than 450 people instantaneously, this will be no easy task to partake in.

Marzia then enters 'the zone' that resides within her mind.

She seems to be struggling to gather up all the brainpower to implement such a task.

"It's all in the mind, Marzia, pain's nothing but a simple hindrance to one's thinking", Bjørn says.

"No, enough with your touchy shit", Dovmencar says, "handle the pain, it's nothing compared to the pain that you'll cause to those who have massacred your family".

Blink again and all of a sudden, you're infront of an abandoned warehouse in the Netherlands.

"Seems like we've made it", Dovmencar says.

The warehouse's immense doors are then unlocked.

The supply team was standing just beyond those doors.

"Welcome, sir", one of the members says.

"Unknown, Bjørn, everyone, get your preferred weapon and then wait outside the warehouse's entrance, I'll know from then if you're ready or not, when we're done with the supplies, I'll be sending a neuronic message to the CDMI's receptionist, she and many others will initiate a second teleportation closer to the capital, where the parliament is", Dovmencar says, "I'll be here waiting outside".

Dovmencar then leaves the warehouse until…" hey boss, I'd like to have a word with you", Unknown says.

That's something you definitely won't expect from Unknown.

Having an actual conversation with Unknown isn't usually a…casual one.

"Of course, c'mon let's go outside", Dovmencar says as he exits the warehouse.

"So, I wanted to talk about my soul contract", Unknown says, "I've got a couple of months until my soul roams freely into hell".

"Listen, it wasn't me who killed you at that orphanage, it was that black-masked bastard", Dovmencar says, "I've got nothing to do with this shit".

"The ownership of a certain soul contract is passed onto a new owner, that choice was taken by the boss, and he chose you", Unknown says, "you WILL free me by using a soul transition".

"Yeah I know, but you said it yourself, it's in a couple of months", Dovmencar says, "I'll initiate a soul transition soon…IF you help me with this battle against Lucifer".

"You son of a bitch", Unknown says as he holds Dovmencar up against the warehouse's walls.

"I want to be with Cyrus, I'm sure he's dead too", Unknown says, "free my soul!".