Hell's One: Anything That Could Go Wrong, Will Happen (Past Arc)

Note: this is a past chapter ( not filler, it's canon), it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours

8 Years Age At Neo-Geisters' Warehouse ( Main Base )

Aiden then continues to fire his AK at the Upbringer, but just like Wyatt's attempt, it's useless.

The Upbringer manages to hit Aiden with her claws, putting all three claws right through him.

"AIDEN!", Wyatt screams out.

"You idiot, even after all those years, you still don't know me", Aiden says.

He was able to create a duplicate of his own body, so that means the Upbringer attacked a deepfake.

Aiden then decapitates the head of the Upbringer with a dagger that he had previously brought with him.

"It's all nothing but in the mind, Wyatt", Aiden says.

At The Devil Hunting Organization

"So, while they're on their operation, I would like to discuss an important topic that we need to address", Abigail says.

All the captains were about to leave, they didn't expect another topic to be discussed.

"Well, if it's so important, then go ahead", Arlo says.

It seems that Captain Abigail has an important announcement or preposition to make.

"As you all already know, The Choosing will initiate soon, but there is this slight disruption that I've discovered myself", Abigail says, "I know this may sound a bit sudden, but have any of you heard of 'Murphy's Law'?".

"Ive heard of the phrase, may you care to explain?", Arlo says.

"It's a bit of an epigram but it states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong", Abigail says, "and here I've gotten a videotape that I would like to show you all".

Abigail inserts the videotape into a VHS player, and the video starts to play…

The footage begins in an odd way, it initiates within a scientific lab, but all of a sudden, a certain scientist appears.

It was a blonde woman, it appeared that she was tampering with this sort of machine, the captains were confused on what this has to do with Murphy's Law.

"Oh sorry, I forgot the camera was rolling, but let me introduce myself, my name's Charlotte Johansson, I major in the field of chemistry and I try to counter pseudoscience", Charlotte says, "as you can see here, I'm here working on a certain piece of machinery, known as the ASTO, and unfortunately, I think I've failed again, but I do want to clarify something that my boss and everyone around me has forgotten".

Charlotte then gets out of the video's frame and grabs a sheet of paper that appears to have her notes, she then reappears into the video's frame.

"As you can see here, I've been doing some research on how a soul transition really occurs, after several years of research, I've come to a conclusion, we need to know our boundaries as humans", Charlotte says, "we humans are tampering with ideologies and phenomena that are out of our power, intercepting a soul from entering the afterlife completely disrupts the universe's movement, and according to our technology, we've gained reports that state that we're the only alternative universe who has developed the ASTO, tampering with the universe's movement will disrupt it".

Charlotte then moves her camera to a 3d model of an Air Force project.

"This here is a model of Air Force Project MX981, this model was developed by Edward Murphy himself, this project was initiated to see how much deceleration a person can withstand within a crash, that project resulted in the discovery of Murphy's Law, I guess you could say that it's a bit pessimistic, it seems like a piece of fiction at first glance", Charlotte says, "tampering with the universe's natural movement will cause the universe's breakdown, that breakdown won't be reaching our solar system somehow, we don't understand how we're protected from it, but this breakdown will result in the initiation of Murphy's Law, each and every alternative universe will be living through the living embodiment of Murphy's Law, we humans need to know our place".

A voice then appears in the background saying, "Charlotte c'mon we need to keep working".

"Coming!", Charlotte says, "we may not know this piece of information right now, but I'll be lending this video tape to my daughter, Carla Johansson, she'll be the savior of our planet, the interception of souls will lead to the existence of countless abominations and not to mention, the universe's breakdown, may our future beware of our own hands…".

The video finally stops…

Back At Neo-Geisters' Warehouse ( Main Base )

"Woah, I didn't expect that", Wyatt says.

"Yeah, I guess I don't give enough of an insight regarding my abilities", Aiden says, "also, Wyatt please eliminate those eggs, we don't want anymore problems with those, let's consider ourselves lucky to still be walking on two legs".

Wyatt then proceeds to wipe out the eggs with his rifle.

Going Crazy, an ability that would result in the user to duplicate themselves, that deepfake is freely controlled by the original user and the user always adds an indication onto the deepfake's body to be able to distinguish them from one another, like a difference in the color of clothes or a tattoo.

"Listen, I appreciate you saving my life and all, but I think you've set off a couple of drones outside of this ventilation system", Wyatt says.

"I know, I had to take risk, they all know our presence is within the warehouse, let me just break a certain wall here, that should just break us out of here, we can then enter the room where the hold all the ASTO systems", Aiden says.

Aiden punches a hole through one of the vents' walls, but what's beyond it is much more than what you'd expect.

Beyond that very wall was a series of mirror-like reflections, but they weren't mirrors, they were like air…you just can't touch them.

"Now this is quite perplexing", Aiden says.

At The Warehouse's Control Room…

"Perplexing is nothing but a pitiful adjective, it isn't enough, you should bask in my glory", Hendrix says, "they'll be trapped in my fine piece of machinery for all of eternity!".

(Hendrix Jagger is a member of Neo-Geisters, he works in the 'Scientific Department')

"Carla's drones were able to detect a remote hacking device in one of their pockets, that piece of humble technology is nothing but child play when it's compared to my masterpiece!".

Back In The Ventilation System…

"So is this an infinite loop or what exactly?", Wyatt asks.

"I'd assume so, I've done a bit of research regarding these paradoxes, these reflections are nothing but creations from dark matter", Aiden says, "we're stuck within an infinite loop, but it changes it's inner appearance, these reflections make up this infinite loop, they represent this loop's building blocks if you will".

"ASTOs do produce dark matter once a soul transition is complete, almost like how a factory releases smoke", Wyatt says, "so, we can safely assume that they've got no devils within this warehouse".

So, they're trapped in a transforming infinite loop, that explains why they've been crawling for a much longer time than intended.

"But, whoever built this structure is an amateur, they've missed a spot, I can feel it", Aiden says as he touches a certain corner of a vent's wall, "this area right here doesn't contain any of those reflection-like structures, meaning it'll lead us right out of here".

"Alright, you take care of brainy stuff, I take care of the destruction", Wyatt says.

Wyatt then uses his 'Unchained Misery' to teleport that section of the vent's wall and there it was…the room that contained all of the ASTOs.

"Let's do this", Wyatt says.