Hell's One: Pain Is Just An Experience ( Past Arc )

Note: this is a past chapter ( not filler, it's canon), it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours

8 Years Age At Neo-Geisters' Warehouse ( Main Base )

So, they're trapped in a transforming infinite loop, that explains why they've been crawling for a much longer time than intended.

"But, whoever built this structure is an amateur, they've missed a spot, I can feel it", Aiden says as he touches a certain corner of a vent's wall, "this area right here doesn't contain any of those reflection-like structures, meaning it'll lead us right out of here".

"Alright, you take care of brainy stuff, I take care of the destruction", Wyatt says.

Wyatt then uses his 'Unchained Misery' to teleport that section of the vent's wall and there it was…the room that contained all of the ASTOs.

"Let's do this", Wyatt says

At The Devil Hunting Organization…

"Okay, so this scientist, did she pursue her experiments with a good intent?", Elias asks.

"Well, we can assume so, judging from the message that she gave at the end of the video, but where she was working is another mystery", Abigail says.

President Arlo's in a position of distraught, this feels a bit overwhelming…even for the president.

"Lisa, Abigail, I'll be sending out the both of you to more areas where there are rumors of an ASTO appearance, I'll need the both of you look through every atom of each of those areas", Arlo says.

"What about me, sir?", Elias asks, "you don't think that I'm dead weight, do you?".

"I'm going to need you to stay here at the organization's main building, we could expect some attacks very soon", Arlo says, "and I'll be staying here too, the both of us may seem like a shy amount of security, but I'm here…no security is greater than that".

This mystery regarding the Johanssons' family roots, you've got Carla who's a part of the Neo-Geisters, but Charlotte, her mother, proclaims the audience of the video to seek Carla's help, did an act of treason occur?

"Wait wait, according to these research papers that you've written, Charlotte's daughter works for Neo-Geisters, am I right?", Elias asks.

"Indeed, she does, that's why we're relying on Wyatt and Aiden to recruit them for The Choosing, and to ofcoarse hinder our progression towards the universe's breakdown", Abigail says.

Mistrust travels around the world, and around those who perceive it, much faster than the truth, because we seek violence and temptation…

"If that's the case, what if Charlotte was the same as her daughter?", Lisa asks, "maybe she released that video a long time ago just to trick us, especially during this sudden rise in the usage of ASTOs".

"We're just going to have to trust in Abigail's research, let's calm our doubts down a bit", Arlo says, "let's just commence my orders already…it's been awhile since I've kicked some ass".

Back At Neo-Geisters' Warehouse ( Main Base )

Aiden has contributed to the escape of that uncertain paradox, the reason being that it was yet to be fully mastered by its creator, that creator being Hendrix Jagger.

So, they both jump down from the opening that Wyatt created and they observe their surroundings.

"Y'see anything, anybody there?", Wyatt says.

Aiden then proceeds to check each corner of the room, "I'm checking every crevice of the room, you can take this", Aiden says as he gives his remote hacking device to Wyatt, "try hacking one of the ASTOs, if that doesn't work, just destroy them all before the dark matter creates some sudden abominations".

Wyatt approaches one of the ASTOs and activates the remote hacking device.

How they work: (A beam of electrons is fired and it then modifies a machinery's system )

The beam of electrons seep into the ASTO, but it doesn't modify it whatsoever, it just causes a minor explosion, meaning that it caused a malfunction.

"Shit, Aiden, the remote hacking device is useless, we won't be able to control them by modifying them", Wyatt says, "I think we'll have to fend off some dark matter abominations soon, a malfunction does release an abnormal amount of dark matter, if I'm not mistaken anyways".

A stranger's voice is then heard, the sound waves were approaching them from all directions, causing them to not know where the voice's coming from.

"It seems that you've cracked the code, but you see…this was all according to plan, I misplaced some excess dark matter on purpose, you'll have to fight these beauties for the next eight minutes, if you survive…you'll have to face me and a generous amount of militia, good luck and tick tock…", the voice says.

That voice was Hendrix Jagger, his immense intelligence prevails once again…for now.

"Eight minutes of hell, let's do this", Wyatt says as he warms himself up.

A clock appears on the wall at 8:00, and the timer begins.

As soon as the clock started ticking, dark matter portals appear on the ground and hordes of dark matter abominations start walking out of them.

Dark matter abominations are what you would call those dark matter blobs that you'd get from an incomplete soul transition, to be more intricate, as soon as they're intercepted from entering the afterlife, you get these abominations.

Wyatt clenches his right fist and punches the air with as much force as he could possibly release, that course of action causes a large amount of those abominations to just vaporize.

"These abominations do pack a punch, but they're as fragile as a baby", Wyatt says.

All of a sudden though, a horde of abominations jump onto Wyatt's back, they completely surround him.

"Get off him, you bastards", Aiden says as he points his index finger towards them, "the soul is my sword and my will guides me, Höchste Presión: Absolute Pressure".

An immense amount of pressure then presses down onto Wyatt, completely vaporizing those abominations that were pummeling him, the pressure was so extreme that it broke the section of the floor under Wyatt.

"Why didn't you defend yourself?!", Aiden says, "I know you're stronger than me, yet you got yourself completely surrounded by those abominations".

"You forgot didn't you?", Wyatt says, "no matter how powerful you truly are, these abominations negate the powers of whoever they gain contact of".

"No matter, let's just hope that we could last these eight minutes", Aiden says.

There were 6:23 minutes left on the clock.

"Jesus, it hasn't even been 2 minutes", Aiden says.

They kept on fighting these abominations till the end, until the eight minutes finally ended.

"I'd rather have my limbs cut off right now", Wyatt says, "hey bastard, face us directly you coward!".

A screen then appears on the wall of the place, showing Hendrix's face.

"Congratulations, you've survived the first obstacle that stood before you", Hendrix says, "but you might be questioning on how that was a mere eight minutes, well you surely don't know this, but I've modified the dark matter's motives, they entered your mind and made the fight much longer, your consciousness went through an hour of that shit, but it was just eight minutes".

"No wonder that felt like hell", Wyatt says, "but that wasn't hard, nothing but a warm-up, what else you got, huh?!".

"My masterpiece ofcoarse, I call him the 'True Geister'!", Hendrix says.

Another portal opens beneath Wyatt and Aiden, but instead of those abominations, it was something much worse…

"Bask in all of his glory!", Hendrix says.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Wyatt says.

It was an abomination with a height of approximately thirty meters, and a width of 12 meters, and not to mention, it was armed with weapons that match his extraordinary size.

"Ofcoarse, this fight will end up in your favor, you're both captains, this won't be a difficult task", Hendrix says, "it won't be difficult…nothing more than a couple of devil abilities to its name…HAHAHAHAHAHA".