Hell's One: It Can’t Be That Easy?! ( Past Arc )

Note: this is a past chapter ( not filler, it's canon), it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours.

At The UN's Headquarters, 8 Years Ago...

"Impossible!", Alastor says,"this makes no sense, I just heard Lilitu's voice on this earpiece".

"Yeah, so I just used this Voice Synthesizer to gather up genetic information from his body, that genetic information includes his voice, so now whenever I speak into this thing, it replicates his sound waves' frequencies and wavelengths", Elias says, "jeez, it takes a whole lotta effort to convince Captain Arlo to let me go and this is how I'm greeted, I had to explain a whole ass scientific procedure!".

Alastor feels this weird sensation, one that he hasn't felt in a long time.

Humans show who they truly are when they're confronted by true power, either through one's presence or through one's physical capabilities, so humans just eat each other once they possess that power.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but I'll have to end this the hard way", Alastor says.

At Neo-Geisters' Warehouse ( Their Main Base )…

Aiden wakes up once again.

All his wounds have simply vanished, he questions this unnatural phenomenon.

"Stop worrying about how you're doing, just look ahead for what's going to happen", Wyatt says.

Wyatt is just standing in a certain corner of the room that they were trapped in.

"Did your…uhh…how can I say this?", Aiden says, "did your other self win?".

"Yeah, as usual, when my lifespan diminishes, everything in life becomes easier, it's just too much power for any opponent to handle", Wyatt says as he lights a cigarette, "but that power is temporary, we've still got a whole warehouse left to clear".

"Due to my weaknesses in battle, your lifespan keeps on deteriorating, all because of my ignorance to true power", Aiden says.

Wyatt knew the consequences of gaining this sort of power, for with power…you gain consequences that equate to the usage of that extreme power.

"I'm a hybrid that has devil-like abilities, I also happen to be a devil hunter which is quite ironic, but what's the most important quality that I forgot to mention?", Wyatt asks.

"What?", Aiden asks.

"I'm a hero, and sacrificing oneself is a necessity to achieve peace", Wyatt says.

This harmonic conversation is quite uncommon nowadays, especially when you look at the rest of the world.

Wyatt is the type of person to set aside any grudges that were built between him and another person, he prioritises others over himself, for he contains a true devil, and he favours the light over any sort of darkness.

Wyatt proceeds to then walk towards Aiden to help him up.

The room's gates open up just beyond their own feet, for their next obstacle lies ahead.

"Wait, before we move on", Aiden says, "just destroy all these ASTO machines, except one, we'll need to transport at least one of them to the organisation".

Wyatt nods back and proceeds to destroy all the ASTO machines with his 'Homunculus' ability.

When Wyatt entered his true devil form, his power was so immense that it negated the effects of the Anti-Kroltupine within the room, that explains why anyone can use their abilities now.

ASTO machinery work on souls, they represent the major essence of Soul Transitions, meaning that they contain life, which are souls.

Any entity or inanimate object that contains life or a soul, will be affected by Wyatt's 'Homunculus', causing them to immediately face an inevitable death.

Wyatt has destroyed all the ASTO machinery, all but one, they'll utilise it for any future research within the Devil Hunting Organisation.

Aiden and Wyatt walk through the gates of the room, they then hear a distinguishable voice roaming around the room.

They've never heard this voice before, but they somehow recognise it.

"Welcome, I've been awaiting your ugly asses for a while now", Sanders says.

Sanders and Carla Johansson both stood right ahead of Aiden and Wyatt.

The room has this eerie sensation within it.

Cobwebs and vines cover a large portion of the place, almost as if the place hasn't been renovated for the past decade or so, but despite all of that, a shining light is apparent behind them.

"You know this, but I'll have to warn you anyways, you've got no way of defeating us whatsoever", Aiden says, "a hybrid could always detect a devil's presence since a devil's soul is much more tainted than ours, you're nothing but a mere hybrid, just like us".

"I know, my ass would get handed right to me if I face the both of you", Sanders says, "fuck, after witnessing some of your abilities, it ensured my defeat, but I've got a deal to make".

An evil mastermind like Sanders can't be up to any good, especially if a deal is mentioned within an argument.

"Go on", Wyatt says.

"I know you both work for the Devil Hunting Organisation, and I've gained possession of a certain object, one that would change the course of battle between all Hybrids and Devils forever", Sanders says, "this…object is what's emitting this light right behind me, it's one of Adam's limbs, one that would give any person a step closer towards Adam's Prophecy, so we've decided to give you it".

"We believe that this deal would benefit all sides, we still are Hybrids…just like all of you, we've come to realise that a fight amongst Hybrids is pitiful, so we've chosen to unite with your divine power and judgment", Carla says.

It's obvious that that's not their true approach, but Wyatt had other plans.

"I know those aren't your true goals, but no matter, we're taking you in for our Choosing", Wyatt says, "fight back or retaliate, and you face some severe consequences".

Wyatt was never the brightest one in terms of his mental capabilities, but there was no point in fighting back in this peculiar situation.

A man like Wyatt can rest assured, his powers go beyond any human's physical capabilities, and the reward of receiving one of Adam's limbs is an offer that can't get refused.

"Are you THAT dense?", Aiden says, "it's quite obvious that his evil intentions overshadow these pathetic lies".

"Yeah, but what does a mere lie have against true power?", Wyatt says, "I don't care if he's lying or not and besides, I need a person like him in my operational team, he makes quick decisions…he'll make for one hell of an opponent for any devil".

Little does Wyatt know, that it's much deeper than a mere lie.

1 Extra Year Ago At CDMI's Main Base

"Well, what did you see?", a lab researcher asks.

"I saw it all…all of it happened instantaneously", Sanders says, "the future's going to spoon feed Hell right to us".