Hell's One: Your Abomination Turns On You ( Past Arc )

Note: this is a past chapter ( not filler, it's canon), it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours.

At The UN's Headquarters, 8 Years Ago...

A man like Wyatt can rest assured, his powers go beyond any human's physical capabilities, and the reward of receiving one of Adam's limbs is an offer that can't get refused.

"Are you THAT dense?", Aiden says, "it's quite obvious that his evil intentions overshadow these pathetic lies".

"Yeah, but what does a mere lie have against true power?", Wyatt says, "I don't care if he's lying or not and besides, I need a person like him in my operational team, he makes quick decisions…he'll make for one hell of an opponent for any devil".

Little does Wyatt know, that it's much deeper than a mere lie.

1 Extra Year Ago At CDMI's Main Base

"Well, what did you see?", a lab researcher asks.

"I saw it all…all of it happened instantaneously", Sanders says, "the future's going to spoon feed Hell right to us".

"This is a bit concerning, why don't you just get off the Foresight Transmission?", the lab researcher asks, "staying in the 'Foresight' phase could potentially cause an an aneurysm or intense hypertension in your blood vessels".

"You really think I could pass up such an opportunity where domination just lies right there in front of me, waiting to be kept in someone's palm?!", Sander asks.

Foresight Transmission is a piece of machinery that connects to ASTO machinery, meaning that it relies on the interception of souls from entering the afterlife for its main source of energy or power, rather than an electrical current ofcoarse.

The name is quite self-explanatory, through the transmission that takes place between the soul from the ASTO machinery, and from the signals produced by the transmitter ( before entering the transmitter though, the signals are first modulated through the usage of a modulator ), they merge with one another which causes an intense reaction from the ASTO machinery.

That reaction ultimately results in the user to see a series of visions, ones that take place far into the future, not to mention, these visions that result from this peculiar reaction are released with a certain level of radiation, which means, the longer you stay within the visions themselves, the more radiation your body takes in.

That is also why lab researchers that stay within a marginal distance of less than at least a 100 meters of the machinery wear nuclear hazmat suits and masks.

The toll that this piece of machinery takes on one's body may end up being quite fatal, but in Sanders' eyes, he would do anything for just a little more power.

A Couple Of Hours Later…

Sanders enters the main lobby of the CDMI to meet the receptionist, "our experiments were rather…successful, you could say", He says, "send a neural message to the boss, I'll need to talk to him regarding a certain matter, one that shouldn't concern anybody else, other than the boss and I".

"So you'd like to issue a private meeting with the boss?", the receptionist asks.

"Ofcoarse baby, who else could so such a thing?", Sanders says.

The receptionist then lifts her index finger and points it towards the middle of her forehead.

"Done, consider the meeting to be accepted", the receptionist says, "he's asking you to meet him at one of his so-called 'orphanages', which happened to be quite close to our main base, lucky you, Sanders".

At The 'Orphanage'…

Sanders finally makes it to the orphanage's main gates by using his car.

They were quite broad and wide, how would anyone not be suspicious of the place's outer appearance?!

"God, how the hell should I get them to open the gate?", Sanders asks himself, "Sanders from the Colonials here, I've issued a private meeting with the boss, if you need any sort of verification, just step right out of the orphanage, I won't bite".

The gates then immediately open.

There it was…lush fields filled to the brim with children.

These children live in denial, they know nothing of the fate that awaits them, not to mention, all for the purpose of utilizing an alias.

"Welcome, sir", a man with a flat black mask covering his whole face says as he just appears out of nowhere.

"You…you're Finn Clyde, right?", Sanders asks.

"No, he's the one that runs the council that owns all these orphanages", the man says, "now then, I shall lead you to the boss, he's waiting for you".

This mysterious man leads the way to this rather… bizarre area.

The appearance really reminds Sanders of the time he visited Mexico, all the households there look like this area.

Three colossal walls surround this green field, within that green field, there lied a beautifully engineered marble fountain.

"Hello, Sanders", the boss says as he approaches Sanders from behind.

"How many goddamn times do I have to tell you to not do that?", Sanders says as he turns around to face the boss, "oh…it seems that you've come to see me without utterly hiding your face, that black mask of yours…it just gets something out of me, a weird feeling".

"When faced with something you may not be able to comprehend, you feel sensations beyond those of your previous experiences", the boss says.

They both enter this phase of awkward silence.

Sanders never expected to feel the boss' power or presence, it just happened.

"No matter, let us walk through these luscious gardens, you can tell me about everything while we walk", the boss says.

The boss has this etiquette appearance that's beyond any fashion brands' capabilities.

He has a black suit on with golden chains surrounding both of his wrists and ankles, he also has a blood-red tie with a white shirt under the black suit, not to also mention, he has these two strips of white cloth on each of his shoulders, these pieces of cloth have German text on them, they say 'Wahr Die Genesis', and ofcoarse, he's got the flat plain black mask covering his face.

"Well, what were you planning on talking about?", the boss asks, "I must assume that it's quite essential".

"Yeah, I just went through a Foresight Transmission sequence, I saw this vision", Sanders says, "I remember seeing it right in front of me, but I somehow can't remember a single thing".

"A Foresight Transmission sequence is like a dream, but it somehow associates itself with the mechanics of reality", the boss says, "yes…it is absolute and it can't be negated, but anything or anyone breaks and collapses eventually, look at Ancient Rome, for example, despite their approach towards world domination, they fell to those who were more powerful than them, no matter how much power someone possesses, there's always someone or something that overpowers oneself".

"I understand your point", Sanders says, "but this is nonnegotiable, you can't convince me that our fates aren't decided through that abomination of machinery".

The boss just sighs in frustration.

As they both walk through the magnificent greenery of the orphanage's gardens, Sanders suddenly stops walking, he feels something, but it wasn't the boss' presence.

Sanders follows this mysterious sensation, leaving the boss behind.

No person would have such a presence, this place only holds three possible forms of absolute power and control; himself, the man that led him to the boss, and the boss himself.

Despite the place being filled with young children, he was the only one that was running like an absolute imbecile.

"Where is it, where are you?!", Sanders asks himself.

He then feels this sudden shock in his heart as he looks towards a certain direction, "that must be it", Sanders says as he runs towards the source of that inexplicable shock.

He finally stops, he sees one child, one that stood out from the rest, he was shaking hands with man that has long white hair, he shouldn't be here…

The man looks like an older version of the child.

The man is unbelievably distinguishable from those that surround him.

Sanders snaps his fingers to prepare his 'Inferno: Sun Blast' ability.

( Inferno: Sun Blast is the ability where he contains the firepower of the sun in his palms and he can manipulate that gigantic force at will, this firepower is directly gained from the sun itself, he manipulates that source of force, that source being the sun itself )

"I could already tell that you aren't one of us, let go of that child!", Sanders says.

The man then takes his hand and covers his right eye, once he reveals his eye once again, its drenched in blood, there's no source for that blood.

"That dirty look…you're the man that I saw in the Foresight Transmission sequence!", Sanders says.

The man then walks one step towards Sanders.

"Stop, goddammit", Sanders says as he slowly walks backwards, "what makes you think that you're any better than me?!".

"I'm…the chosen one", the man says.

A beam of light then travels through all that surrounds Sanders, all shadows were immediately eliminated.

Sanders is now stuck in a state where one would wish for blindness to stumble upon his sense of seeing.

Light just floods the area, he can't see a single intricate detail of anyone or anything.

"Is this…the afterlife?", he asks himself.

He hears this voice in the distance, he knows who's speaking since it's quite distinguishable from anyone else that he's met before.

It was Dovmencar, but he isn't here, he's alone.

This uncommon situation of peace is harmonic, in a way.

He blinks once again, he starts seeing the lab that took place in the CDMI's main base, but that can't be possible, he's dead…right?

"Must be nice to just go through memory's lane right before death, isn't that right, Dovmencar?", Sanders asks, expecting the quietness of this void to just send his set of words away, far away from anyone.

"Wake up, Sanders!", Dovmencar yells, "you've been stuck in that abomination for so goddamn long!".

Sanders is still in denial, no person would answer him back, especially if he's dead.

Dovmencar then punches a hole through the ASTO machinery, without the source of its power, it'll stop functioning

"Wake up, you fucker!", Dovmencar yells.

"What?", Sanders asks, "I haven't woken up yet?".

"You've been stuck in that Foresight Transmission sequence for a whole day, I doubt that you've got any thing left in you", Dovmencar says.

"Nah, I don't see any blood, I should be fine", Sanders says.

Sanders tries to get up from his chair, but he immediately collapses, it's probable that this resulted from internal bleeding.

Even through thick and thin, he still managed to survive the pain that was inflicted by that man, but who is he?