Hell's One: Your Eyes Are Beautiful (Past Arc)

Note: this is a past chapter ( not filler, it's canon), it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied"- Matthew 5:6

8 Years Ago...

Belya'al was about five meters away from Chugi.

"That ability of yours...it hurts", Belya'al says, "you've got some nerve to be so cunning, yet still be classified as the hero of the story. I got dragged into all of this, and now...I must face the consequences, huh?!! I am a bad person. I've killed people. No one likes the villain, and neither do I like myself too. Yet, I still hold on...".

'Celestial Resonance', an ability in which the sound waves of the user's weapon can be converted into the materialization of objects or weapons, and this ability is amplified even further whenever the sound wave reaches an even higher pitch.

That explains the severity of the last attack with Chugi pulling out his whole katana from his sheath.

If his katana clashes with another blade, this would've resulted into the materialization of Dark Matter... 

"You don't have to hold on, Belya'al", Chugi says.

Mogadishu, Somalia, 5 More Years Ago

Near the shacks of this modest village on the outskirts of the country, close to one of the most popular beaches among tourists, was Cawii's 'humble abode'. It was considered quite a feat to live by the beach, but for Cawii, it felt more like an investment, or rather, an asset.

It was merely a result of reckless spending, a reflection of a life driven by passion and vision.

The driving force behind it was his exceptional skill and dedication behind the art of being "evil" ,or being not so "righteous". Cawii could be ruthless, especially when it came to himself. Despite this, he never hesitated to share his meager meals. The merciless streak within him was a mirror to his inner battles.

Hoodo was a mere 13 years old, while Cawii, at 18, became her beacon of knowledge. Even in moments when he wavered, Hoodo provided him with a sense of purpose and belonging.

"Cawii, I know I'm 13 now, but can you help me practice my English? It gives me a sense of accomplishment," Hoodo says.

Cawii glanced back at her. He never expected this kind of request. He felt... pride, but only a small amount.

"Sure, I've got a story I could share. I'll tell you the story, and you can give me your thoughts or opinions on it," Cawii says.

"Got it," Hoodo replies.

This is a story that had a deep connection with Cawii, a sentiment he rarely encountered.

"A boy and his mother loved shopping for furniture, but one piece stood out more than the others. The mother loved mirrors. She loved them more than anyone the boy had known before. She'd usually stare into a single mirror every day, but one day, the boy got curious and went to ask his mother about the mirror and why she loved them so much. The mother simply pointed to the mirror and asked her son to stare at it too. She suggested that the mirror helps you grow as a person. The son would then sit on a chair right in front of the mirror, and he would stare at that mirror for hours on end. When his mother found out about his activity, she asked him what motivated him to keep staring. He simply answered, 'it makes me feel finite... yet so infinite'. That answer has stayed with me since my school days, before I left," Cawii shared, "Now, what do you have to say about this story?"

Hoodo seemed quite underwhelmed, or possibly confused about the meaning behind the son's final answer.

"How can something be both? That answer makes no sense whatsoever. I want you to help me improve my English, not make it more confusing!" Hoodo said, "and besides, the mother obviously doesn't seem like she's doing it because she enjoys it, it just means that there are other things happening in the background that are adding a whole lot of pressure on her. She's just relieving that pain by staring into a mirror."

"No, you seem to misunderstand the point here," Cawii says, "it's about the contrast between being infinite and finite, which signifies the acceptance of contradictory emotions or feelings within oneself".

The universe stretches beyond our very comprehension, yet we yearn to know more about it. Humanity acknowledges its smallness, yet we strive for greatness. A solitary, weathered man may stand alone, yet he senses the presence of the world, experiencing emotions he never knew existed. A lone tree perched on a precipice. We may possess inherent value, yet we yearn to become one with nature...

"Cawii, your hair is truly magnificent," Hoodo says.

"I know," Cawii says.

"Cawii, your eyes are beautiful," Hoodo says.

"I know," Cawii says.

"You've got a nice set of lips, Cawii", Hoodo says.

Cawii gets up from his seat, fixing a gaze at Hoodo.

"I know, but you also know that I hate it when you try to feed my pride", Cawii says as he leaves the table to enter his own room.

Cawii is man that prizes his stubbornness, but he acknowledges that it isn't a feature to be looked at with a smile.

Back To The Present ( which is the past when compared to our current present )...

"Hold my hand, Cawii. You're not a bad person, I can see that in you", Chugi says, "you're just misunderstood".

Cawii looks back up at Chugi, but is then met with the blue sky.

Cawii finds himself suddenly in a new location, seated on a wooden chair that somehow stands atop the clouds

"I see...this is my consciousness", Cawii says.

Cawii rises from the chair and gazes over the edge of a particular cloud. Below him, he encounters a landscape of hellfire, while above him, there is nothing but pure light.

Cawii starts to say to himself, "what makes me so evil ,or perceived as not righteous?! I mean I try to be good; it's not like I chose to be evil in the first place, yet that's what I've been labelled. It's like I was born this way...it's not fair at all, but what can one do? Life was never fair, even during my birth. I refuse to be confined by life's constraints! Those who are labelled as 'good' just protect what they deem righteous, and they usually do it in an unhinged fashion. All that I do is for my sister's sake, and she's nothing but righteous. She's been my only light to this dark world!".

Cawii then gives the pure light above him one last look and says, "actually, I think it makes sense now".

Turning his attention to the fires raging below, he adds, "It's all about perspective..."

The world of his own consciousness disintegrates into thin air, and he's now back, clutching the edge of a nearly destroyed building.

Uncomfortable silence overtakes the scene...

"I thank you...for your acts of bravery", Belya'al (Cawii) says.

"I barely managed to protect this family, I'm no hero whatsoever", Chugi says.

"No, you misunderstood me, I thank you for clearing up this dense air", Belya'al says, "I'm evil".

Chugi then whirls towards the family, voice echoing with urgency, "EVERYONE, GET BACK — NOW!"