Hell's One: Bitter Sweet (Past Arc)

Note: this is a past chapter ( not filler, it's canon), it doesn't focus on the current timeline of the story, reading this chapter won't be mandatory for the understanding of the story, but I would recommend this chapter for a more preferable experience, the choice is yours.

"The wicked is a ransom for the righteous,

And the treacherous is in the place of the upright"- Proverbs 21:18

In The Middle Of The City, 8 Years Ago...

Turning his attention to the fires raging below, he adds, "It's all about perspective..."

The world of his own consciousness disintegrates into thin air, and he's now back, clutching the edge of a nearly destroyed building.

Uncomfortable silence overtakes the scene...

"I thank you...for your acts of bravery", Belya'al (Cawii) says.

"I barely managed to protect this family, I'm no hero whatsoever", Chugi says.

 "No, you misunderstood me, I thank you for clearing up this dense air", Belya'al says, "I'm evil".

Chugi then whirls towards the family, voice echoing with urgency, "EVERYONE, GET BACK — NOW!"

The city felt tense, like it held its breath amid scattered protests.

Tall buildings stood tall against the skyline, their presence both solid and imposing.

People's voices, chanting and shouting, reverberated through the streets, mixing with the usual sounds of the city.

Here and there, police barriers interrupted the flow of traffic, a reminder that the city wasn't quite itself today, caught in the midst of these ongoing demonstrations.

The ongoing propaganda only added to the city's existing woes, worsening its decline.

Belya'al swiftly pulls this string from his pocket, triggering a sudden explosion that flung him far from the building.

The blast wrought havoc, causing devastating damage and tragically ending the lives of the families within the building itself, but Chugi barely makes it out alive by shielding himself with a forcefield of Dark Matter. (Due to Celestial Resonance experiencing extreme sound waves)

Belya'al ascends into the air, enveloped in a shimmering light-blue energy that emanates from both his eyes and encircles both of his arms.

"Auranova Revelation, this is a hybrid's awakening", Belya'al says.

All beings on the planet release a certain amount of Dark Matter, stemming from the energy manifesting when negativity resides within one's emotions or mind.

Even hybrids, unaffected by Hell's Equivalent Exchange Law, contain Dark Matter, albeit significantly less than the average Devil.

The Auranova Revelation signifies the awakening of a hybrid when their Dark Matter surpasses their nervous system's predetermined capacity.

Belya'al is currently utilizing 120% pure Dark Matter, posing a lethal threat as it has the potential to annihilate one's nervous system.

Now, depending on the percentage of the pureness of that Dark Matter, that same percentage represents the amount of power gained by that user.

Belya'al's overall power has increased by a staggering 120%!

Each awakened hybrid exhibits a unique design. In Belya'al's case, the blue energy embodies his fear: his pride.

(Devil Hunters are banned from unlocking Auranova Revelation to keep their nervous system's intact)

Chugi shuts down his Dark Matter forcefield.

"It doesn't matter if you've unlocked that form; I'll subject you to unimaginable pain. Pain so torturous, that you'll regret your very existence", Chugi says.

Chugi unsheathes his katana and strikes the ground, prompting a surge of Dark Matter from beneath his feet.

Riding atop this wave of Dark Matter, Chugi accelerates toward Belya'al, who had ascended into the air moments before.

Chugi attempts to strike Belya'al with his katana, but just before the blade connects... Belya'al extends his hand toward Chugi.

From his palm emerges a pterodactyl formed of the same blue Dark Matter enveloping Belya'al, materializing and seizing Chugi by the shoulders with its feet.

"The hell?!", Chugi says.

Chugi swiftly slashes through the pterodactyl with his katana.

The sound waves emanating from the blade's strike cause a new wave of Dark Matter to materialize beneath him.

Intending to ride the wave, Chugi's plan abruptly falters as it unexpectedly sharpens, piercing through both of his arms.

Only I have command over these waves. I molded them flat, intending to ride towards Belya'al. But this? This is Dark Matter Manipulation!" Chugi murmurs, his realization dawning upon him.

Belya'al has been altering the Dark Matter levels generated through Chugi's Celestial Resonance. By assuming command over them, he effectively wields manipulation as though he inherently possessed the ability.

This is False Dark Matter Manipulation.

Trapped amidst the Dark Matter spikes, they've impaled Chugi's arms, legs, and torso, leaving him utterly incapacitated.

He is immobile.

Belya'al then instantly teleports to Chugi.

"Now you understand... the sensation of suffocation. Yet, my experience was different—I suffocated beneath society's dirty looks," Belya'al declares.

"You're fully aware of the reasons behind those stares! You simply choose to turn a blind eye to them", Chugi says while he's struggling.

Belya'al then casually starts clapping, a subtle gesture infused with a touch of indifference or nonchalance.

"Congratulations, do you truly believe I'm unaware of my ignorance? At this moment, for the first time in my life, my happiness remains utterly unclouded," Belya'al remarks.

Chugi attempts to swing his katana but misses his mark, failing to strike Belya'al.


"Is this a sign of desperation?", Belya'al inquires.

Sound waves have been produced...

A pillar of concrete ascends from the ground beneath them, swiftly striking Belya'al.

The spikes of Dark Matter disintegrate as Belya'al loses control over Chugi's Dark Matter.

Just one second of False Dark Matter Manipulation deactivation is all that Chugi requires.

Belya'al descends gracefully, landing right in the middle of a road.

The crowds from the protests encircle his unconscious body. Yet, due to the sheer purity of the Dark Matter coursing through him, he rouses, swiftly regaining consciousness.

The onslaught of smartphones recording and cameras flashing becomes overwhelming for Belya'al.

"Wait a moment... I could simply erase all of you," Belya'al mutters to himself, "you all perceive me as 'evil' anyway, and I view myself in the same light. So, it wouldn't be too surprising if I were to end all of you right here and now."

Belya'al raises his index finger, aiming it towards the crowds, poised to unleash his power upon the multitudes.

Suddenly, a chain is wrapped around his arm.

It was Chugi...

"You don't see yourself in any light at all. You've always been in the dark, and that's precisely where you belong!" Chugi declares.


Chugi then draws his katana once again and drives it into the asphalt of the road.

The Dark Matter generated by the katana is directed towards Belya'al, swirling around him in a menacing vortex.

The intimidating spectacle compels the multitudes to stay at a safe distance.

"Since you relish the sight of darkness, you shall become one with it!" Chugi declares boldly.

Arms made up of Dark Matter coming from that vortex then grab onto Belya'al from all directions and angles.

"You insolent fool! Do you believe I opted for this fate? Life slaps its wretched labels on us, and I ended up with the darkest of them all! Some may defy their designations, but I am not among them! I AM BELYA'AL! THE ONE WHO SHALL RULE OVER THE UNWORTHY!" Belya'al declares with commanding intensity, his words resonating with raw determination and authority.

The pureness of his Dark Matter has increased to 150%.

False Dark Matter Manipulation activates once again and the vortex then disintegrates.

Belya'al tries to ascend once more, but Chugi restrains him by wielding the chain, refusing to let go.

Chugi swiftly yanks Belya'al toward him, delivering a devastating blow with his katana, cleaving Belya'al's body in half!

"I know that pure Dark Matter will just regenerate your lower half once again, but its futile", Chugi says.

Blood begins to spew from Belya'al's mouth as he starts to cough uncontrollably.

Chugi then wraps his chain around Belya'al's neck, rather than around his arm.

Belya'al's lower half regenerates, and he attempts a swift ascent away from Chugi. However, the chain secured around Belya'al's neck utterly thwarts any escape attempts, rendering his efforts futile.

Belya'al collapses onto the ground once again.

"This is not how I'm supposed to go out", Belya'al says.

"People die all the time, and with your case, you'll die a painful death", Chugi says.

Chugi takes his katana and thrusts it into Belya'al's forehead.

Beyond lies the brain, the central hub of the nervous system.

Auranova Revelation hinges solely on the nervous system, and damaging the brain will temporarily diminish the awakening's capabilities.

Following this, Chugi withdraws his katana and plunges it into the ground beside Belya'al's leg.

The Dark Matter from the katana's sound waves then envelops the leg, immobilizing Belya'al entirely.

"I'll kill you until you've normalized the sensations of death!", Chugi says.

Chugi nonchalantly sits down next to Belya'al. 

Belya'al then says, "Chugi, I've made mistakes, I won't deny that. But buried beneath this darkness is a desire for change, a longing to right the wrongs. The world sees a monster in me, but I yearn to prove them wrong. If you could see beyond the facade, beyond the fear, you might glimpse the flicker of hope I hold within".


Chugi says, "you're perception up until now of what makes one righteous or evil has been wrong, and you don't deserve to walk within the light of those who are righteous. Besides, what makes you think that I'd give you a second shot at your redemption?".

"Because I'm tired, tired of being the villain in this narrative. I want to rewrite this story, start anew. I'm not asking for blind faith", Belya'al says.

"Maybe you are a great person, but I wouldn't know. I don't hold blind faith towards you, it's you that's blind", Chugi says.

"So, you think that I have potential to gain that 'unrotten' label?", Belya'al asks.

"Yes, Cawii...you're a great person, but you refuse to see that yourself", Chugi says.

O' how bitter sweet it shall become...

"Checkmate", Belya'al says.

Belya'al then unleashes a beam of Dark Matter from his index finger through Chugi's abdomen, completely obliterating it.

When the katana pierced Belya'al's brain, it didn't entirely deactivate his Auranova Revelation.

However, the False Dark Matter Manipulation weakened significantly.

Gradually, Belya'al extracted the negativity from Chugi's emotions, instilling a sense of optimism regarding Belya'al's perceived 'righteousness'.

Despite the weakened False Dark Matter Manipulation unable to control Dark Matter levels within Chugi, Belya'al tampered with his emotions, biding time for an opportunity to strike.

Chugi remains unconvinced about any potential for improvement within Belya'al as a person.

Chugi has always seen Belya'al...as a piece of shit.

The crowds flee in terror from the alarming sight that unfolded right before their eyes.

"I thank you once again, Chugi," Belya'al expresses, "the 'Cawii' you spoke of before, that entity, it perished long ago."

Belya'al then sticks his index finger to Chugi's forehead.

Chugi's struggling to even keep his eyes opened.

It's over...

"Fuck you...", Chugi utters, spitting blood directly at Belya'al's face.

Belya'al then releases another beam of Dark Matter, causing complete disintegration of the upper half of Chugi's body.

Chugi has perished.

Belya'al has ended Chugi's life using the very waves of Dark Matter that Chugi had wielded for multiple years.

"Chugi" (忠義) means "loyalty" or "faithfulness," and "Yusha" (勇者) translates to "hero".