The novel 4....(End of the novel....back to where we left)

I was there one evening and my friend called

me to escort him to the beach. I was even wondering what he was going to do there at that time so I asked him what he was going to do there and he said I will no if we got there.

   It wasn't that late, it was around 6:30 getting to 7:00. 

Anyway I went since he was my best friend. I got to his house at the exact time he told me to be there and we both set off to the beach.

  When we got there, there were only some few people who were around so we felt okay that at least some people were around and anything bad can happen.

    He covered my eyes with his hands and took me somewhere to show me something.   Within a second we were there, then he took off his hands and when my eyes caught the view of the place, I was shocked in place.

    The place was decorated in pink all over and there were big birthday balloons everywhere. I asked him what was happening and he said tomorrow was his birthday, and of course, I know tomorrow was his birthday but why was he doing that? He told me he wanted to tell me something. I asked him what was that.

   Because he was afraid to tell me, he told me to let us took a walk around the sea shore for a while. I did as he said for I even wanted to do that. we walked for a while before he stood on a big stone that was at the edge of the sea and began to play music from his phone which was connected to the Bluetooth he was holding. I also joined him there and we were all sang the song happily.

     Just then it began to rain, but it wasn't that heavy so we decided to stand in for a while. Although I will catch cold and he was a little bit afraid of rain but because of me he decided to stand in for a while then we will go if it become heavy. I know with him beside me nothing will happened to me.

  But within a moment the rain increase its pace and it was raining with lightning and thunderstorms on the sea. we turned to run back to the hut but the sea had been higher dose in level and we were trapped there.

   I was a little bit scared of the sea for I haven't seen it higher at a level like it happened that time. I was shivering all around me but he hold me closed to him, so I was feeling a little bit warmer.

   He look around him to find a way for us to go back to the hut but the sea was becoming higher and higher in level.

   Suddenly we saw someone from far ahead of us and he was coming at full speed. We wondered who was he. Immediately he got to where we were he lift his face and he almost scared me to death.

He was soo scary, he was looking like a zombie his face was covered with blood and his teeth were like that of vipers. His eyes were red as blood and his soaking teeth were dripping with blood.

     He told my friend to let go of me so he can have me, for I'm the reason why he came. My friend was soo brave to the stand that he stood in front of me and face that blood sucks man. He told him he will never let go of me even in his last breath.

      That was enough to make the bloodsuck man super angry, he took the stick he was holding and struck him with it and he fell into the sea. And when he felled into the sea, something horrible happens again.

  The friend I have always known ever since I was young turned into a huge merman. I was frozen in place, my legs suddenly became heavy to move, I fell down on the rock.

Then I remembered how he had been afraid to get wet all those years. Even if a drop of water spits on him he will clean it within a second. And that was why he didn't step in the water when he was going to stand on the edge of the stone. when it begin to rain, he covered his face with his handkerchief. And when the water was higher he didn't even attempted to go in and take me away.

     Now he had turned into this huge merman and I can't even look at him once for he was shining like a bright sun. He then slapped that bloodsucker with his long tail and he fell into the deepest part of the ocean and he never shows up for about a minute. I quickly got up to run away but he caught me just in my steps and give me deep ki...kis..s and said to me.

   " Am sorry for letting you see who I am too early..I didn't mean to hide the truth from you either but I didn't want to lose you either please don't ever remember this..".  After he said that , he covered my eyes with his cold hands and then I couldn't remember anything at that moment again.

     I woke up the next day to find myself in a hospital bed.  I asked the doctor what was wrong with me and he said that I shouldn't worried about that. I keep on asking him till he told me that I have lost my memories. I didn't understand what it was. but when he brought some people in and ask me who were they, I couldn't even recognize them and told them I don't know them and still, I don't remember those people being my parents. He asked me their names and I couldn't remember their names either. They look at me with pity and left me in the hand of the doctor.

    I stay in his place for 5 years when I started recovering little by little. But all the time what happened that day keeps repeating itself in my mind I remember perfectly that he told me never to remember that but that is the only thing I remember and I never told anyone about it before. only you know about it now so please I hope you will keep it as a secret to please".

I told him all that he needed to know and bowed my head down.

" Hmm...I promise I won't tell anyone about what you just told me". He said and placed my hands on his head and swear to me that he will never tell anyone.

  " Anyway I don't even like talking about it"

I told him when we were all sitting quietly.

"Okay I promise I won't even bother you with that again "

  " Okay "

" But can I ask something "

" Mm I'm listening "

" how about we have some ice cream first"

" Perfect...and was that what you wanted to ask me about ".

" Not actually... anyway I will tell you when we get the ice cream "

" Okay let go". 

    We walked for a while before we came across an ice cream shop. He bought me my flavor and he also bought himself what he want and then we walked back.

  " So you wanted to ask me something". I said to remind him of what he said earlier.

" Ooh yh I have remembered...I just wanted to ask how did you feel when you find out that he was a merman"

" Well I was shocked and  I was frightened too"

" Why were you frightened "

" Because he lied to me all those years ago "

" Yh ..and did he ever show up again "

  " No I have never seen him again and since I don't remember his house and any of his relatives I forgot about it"

He talked with me for almost 5 hours before he went to escort me to my house.

" Goodbye ". I said to him and he waved to me

" Goodbye".

     I went into my room and threw myself on my bed.

  " Am I getting along well with I don't think so he is only trying to be a friend I guess"? Yh I have been thinking about it since the day he shows up in my life. Any time he comes close to me, I don't feel pain and sorrow near me unless I give them the chance to come.

   " Should I try to forget about everything and move on with him"

  " my little girl don't even think of that for he is also playing around with you... come to think about it, he has money, he is famous and has a whole big rich family. What about you, what do you have.. nothing.. completely nothing so how can you get along with someone who has all that but you nothing ". Pain said

What pain said was right anyway but I can't just watch my love walking out again like what Prince did to me. Now with the help of love, I won't be able to listen to pain nonsense again.

   This is true, when pain becomes part of you but just then your love shows up.

     Today is Saturday and I got nowhere going, just then my phone began to rang. I took it to see who it was , and as I was wishing it was him, Kelly.

  " Hello"

  " Yh Good morning how are you feeling today"

" I'm feeling great what about you"

" I'm good too"

" Okay you call me"

  " Well I just wanted to ask if you are free for outing today"

   ( Ooh ..God he is asking me out..yes.yes I will go even if I'm sick)

" Of course yes I'm not even doing anything "

" Okay then around 10:00am is it fine with you".

  " Yes why not "

" Okay bye"

" Aah... please where are we going "

" No need to no but I will be at your house so wait for me "

Okay bye". He ends the call.


Anyway, that is how I overcome my pains and my fears, and my sorrow. Love does it all for me. I'm happy and I'm free now all because of love.

  And I know that very soon I will remember everything back. I will find my family and friends back. I will get everything I lost back in the name of love. This is the end of my story, thanks for reading my life story.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the end of the novel, now back to where we left off.

  Cecilia spent exactly one week finishing that book as the guy told her.

" Wow, like he said I have spent exactly one week finishing this book. God this book has told me a lot. I don't think I still need to end my life. I know one day my love will come and turn my pain into a bunch of happiness ". She said to herself and got off the chair she was sitting on.

   Becky saw her when she came out of her room.

" Hey Good morning "

" Yh morning"

" Are you done with your novel "

" Sure just this morning "

" Wow, you have finished reading that big book within one week... Good, thumbs up "

" Thanks ". Cecilia said and went straight to the bathroom to take her shower.

When in the bathroom a thought came into her mind.

"I'm done with the story, does that mean I'm going to meet him again..ooh my God I will be soo happy to see him again ". She said to herself with happiness spread all over her cute face.

    Aaron, Robin, and Andy were still searching for Uncle Moses but they hadn't been able to get any information about him for the past week.

They were searching for him because Peggy had deleted all the information they got about her past from their phone too. So they don't know how to go about it. They can't post anything on the media platform for now without any solid proof.

  " So what do you suggest we do".  Andy said when they have all gathered in Robins's apartment and were taking plans on how to review the truth to everyone and disgrace Peggy.

  " See right now all that we need to do is to go to her real parents and tell them that Peggy is not their daughter"

" With what proof Aaron?" Robin said

" I don't have any proof right now but I know if we do that, that person who is holding uncle Moses will try to take him out of town"

" If he takes him out of town then what next...uh..he is gone and we will be before the media. What do we tell them". Andy said.

" See I know uncle Moses is still with Peggy"

" What". They both said

" Yes, do you remember the day when we were all able to run out of that witch's hand"? They nobbed their heads.

   " Uncle Moses was following us too, I bet I saw him also running after us. But just when the gun was shot I didn't see him again... which means probably he is still with Peggy "

  " Yh we have all thought about that but if he is still with Peggy then he must be one with her "

  " Yes but like I always say, that man is quite smart...and he needs smart people to find out about his past "

   " So what do we do then". Aaron said while Andy keep on staring at the beauty of the morning but his mind was on what they were talking about.

  " I suggest we go on with what you just said... let's start posting it"

  " Uh... let's start posting what ". Andy said and went back to take his seat.

"Look here Andy if we post that, Peggy will bring uncle Moses out to tell the media that whatever we have said is not true. Then we take Cecilia out.. after we take her out to the media, everyone will start to be suspicious about it for Cecilia resembles that woman a lot and Peggy too resembles his father a lot..and coming to think about this, Mr. Jones is a businessman so he knows how to go about things like that and he is also uncle Moses best friend.".

  All of them look at each other with smiles and smirked.

" And yes even if uncle Moses denied it before the media, we all heard what he said in that video right". Andy said and they nobbed their head

" So if he dares denied we will start by asking him things about his past, something like who was his best friend and how did they become apart from each other "

  " True..and do you know something we will also get a lawyer for her and tell him all he needs to no and besides I still have a part of the truth with me and that alone can end the case "

"What is that ". Andy and Robin said while glancing at each other.

" I still have the DNA test on my laptop..she destroys the pen drive but not my laptop "

  " Great bro you are the best seriously ". Andy said but Robin just nobbed his head and smiled.

" So if I may ask both of you, why are you so interested in this case. Besides is not like is about any of your relatives ". Robin said with curiousness.

  " Robin in this life anyone who does not wish you well, will you also wish him well?".

Aaron said.

  " Not really but I will like to see his downfall"

" Yes like you will be happy to see his downfall so do we, Robin ". Andy added.