Why we are interested in the case...?

  " See Robin is not like we are putting in all our effort because of kindness but because we want to take our revenge". Aaron added up.

"What revenge is that". Robin said.

" We also want to disgrace Peggy before anyone like how she separated us " he pointed at Andy and himself.

" How she made us disgrace our friendship, how we almost kill ourselves because of that witch"

Aaron said with a furious face.

" Come down man.. don't worry I know whatever happened between all of you has a story right and you will one day tell me..but right now like you said the revenge is not only for Cecilia but now that I know that is also for both of you, then I promise I'm going to do anything in my intelligent to get her out of your way"

" True bro". Andy said and they all shook hands.

   Elle rushed into her room and fell on her bed.

"Ooh God I haven't even learned anything... how can they bring the exam forward without telling us". She said to herself while typing on her phone.

  " Where has this girl gone too". She look around her but Becky was not there.

  " Ooh I almost forgot probably she will be in Aaron's apartment"

  She got up and undressed then she took her phone and her small bag and went out.

But just when she opened her door, Peggy with her other group of girls entered the room.

" Where do you think you are going, girl "

Peggy said.

" Peggy I'm not in the mood for your nonsense okay "

   " Ooh I no you won't be in the mood for me now, but I will make you be in the mood"

" See stop all this nonsense and find something meaningful to do with your life okay "

  " What I want to do with my life has  nothing to do with you "

" I think it has, for very soon the truth behind your dirty past will be reviewed and your life will start from there. So my little advice for you is to find something to do with your life before it becomes too late to wish for it". 

Elle said and walked out of her room and stood at the door, she said.

  " Like the way you came, do the same and walk out of my room now"

" Ooh is like you have gathered courage now to speak to me like that "

  " I haven't gathered courage but I know what I'm telling you. very soon all these things who claim to be your friends will run away whenever they see you. For they are soon gonna know how wicked you are ".

   "Elle watch how you talk to me"

" Shut up over there Peggy who the hell are you to shout at me .. idiot if you have any problem ask your father for he  carried all the truth you need to know in other to stop behaving like a fool and behave as a normal human being...by the counting of three you and this your bees should be out of my room..now!".


" Ooh so because of Aaron and Becky you have the gasp to stand in front of me and talk to me like that?".

   " No Peggy is not because of them but because of you. I owe you thanks for making me overcome my fears. I remember when I was also being a fool around you. How I run errands for you even though there was a class ongoing..but when you betrayed me, you gave me the chance to stand for myself and not always depend on stupid people like yourself "

  "Elle you won't get away with this "

"Same thing to you too..and for your information, don't dare to try anything stupid or else I will make you dig your pit..now out".

   She shouted at them and they all got lost in her room. Then she shut her door and went away.


   " So tell me Cecilia how was the story you just finished reading". Becky asked Cecilia when she was done with her bathing and her food.

" Ooh that..is a touching story I guess"

" Mmmm I think is really good then"

" Yh..and when I finish reading it I realized that nothing happens because of me but because of lack of love.  Everything is gonna be alright because of love ". She told her and took her medicine.

  ( Yh everything happens because of lack of love and everything is gonna be fine because of love. Hmmm...I think I can tell him that I'm madly crushing on him. But is gonna sound weird for crushing on your bestie. Isn't a bestie a friend that you like soo much? If that is the case then how could I tell him about my feelings for him.)

  Becky said in her mind and got up to fetch water for Cecilia. Unfortunately for her, she twisted her ankle a minute when she got up and was about to fell to the ground when Aaron caught her in her pace. they look at each other for quite some moment and realized themselves when Cecilia kicked the chair with her leg.

    She didn't intended to do that, she even wanted to walked out of the hall in other to give them some time to talk to themselves but the hell happened and they separated from each other.


   " Be careful when you are walking on the tales". Aaron whispered into her ears and giggled to it.

" Okay, I will". Becky said while blushing all over.

" Oops sorry I didn't intend to awake your moment together.. anyway I'm going to my room you can talk okay bye"

" Ce..c..ilia " Becky tried to called her back but she was too fast that she got out of the hall and went upstairs within a seconds.

  " So she left you...but I'm here you can talk to me"

  " I'm..mmm..I ..I.. don't have anything to say". She said while shivering all over.

  ( Ooh my God how do I go about this? He is standing right Infront of me)

  " Are you saying something "

" No..no "

" Anyway will you like to take a walk with me "

" Sure "

  " Okay let go then".

They went out.

  ( Aww..they are getting along S

soo cute). Elle who had been standing at the door all that while said to herself and entered the room.  She sat down, took Robin's laptop Which was on the center table, and watched a movie. A minute later Cecilia also joined her and they watched the movie.


   Becky and Aaron had been walking for a while without a word from anyone of them. It was just a cold time they were having. No one had been able to start a conversation first.

When Aaron saw that it was being awful not talking , he build up a conversation.

" Mm..what will you like to have "

" As in"

" Anything "

" Ooh I want some ice cream "

" Okay let's go there "

They got to an ice cream shop and got themselves what they want.


The next day , Elle got to Aaron's apartment just to meet an empty room, she looked around her to see if she will find anyone there but there was no one in the house. She thought maybe Cecilia must be in her room busy reading the novel someone gifted to her. and she didn't want to bother her.

  She walked to the kitchen to make something for herself. About a minute later she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at the person.

" Ooh Cecilia you startled me"

" Oo..Oo..am sorry"

"But where are you going that you have to dress like that"

  "I need to return the book to its owner"

"I thought he gave it to you to have it"

" Yh but I don't want to keep something that isn't mine"

  " Are you sure"

"Of course "

" Mmm...are you not going because you want to see him again "

" Ooh, Elle stop it already... I'm just going to give it to him and I will be right back "

" If you like don't come "

" I will come "

" Anyway please make sure no one sees you "

" Okay bye"

"Bye"  Elle waved her and she went away, covering her head with her jacket hat. She didn't want anyone to see her or else Becky and herself will be in trouble.

She quietly went through the secret back door Aaron showed them. And when she got to the main road she board a taxi and went straight to the beach. 

  She spent almost two hours there but there was no sign of him.

"Maybe I should just leave for he is not coming"

She turned herself to go and suddenly, someone tapped her on the shoulder and luckily like she was wishing it was the guy she had been waiting for all that while.

  "You..". She said startled

" Oh sorry if I startled you"

" Don't worry"

"You came to look for me because you are done reading the novel I gave you.. right?".

"Mm..yes so you can have it".  She stretched her hand to give him the book but he said it was okay he gave it to her from his heart and he doesn't need it back.

"Why don't you need it back"

"Because you are the one who needs it the most "

"But why "

"Because you try to kill your self "

"But I'm not doing it again after I read the novel you gave me"

"Really "

"Of course "

"Okay what is your name "

"My name was mentioned in the book "

"Really, but I only heard two men's names in the book "

"What were they"

"I think it was Kelly and...and... prince.. Yeah Prince".  She said that and kept quiet for a while then she said again.

"Wait are you..the Prince ". He nobbed his head and smiled.

"So you are the mermen friend of Bella in the book "


   Cecilia was shocked to know about that, she started stepping back.

"Wait little Cecilia...I didn't mean to scare you on that. I only wanted to make new friends again "

Cecilia looked at him for a while and run to him. Then she hugged him soo tightly that he even begged her to let him go.

"Ooh wait a minute you also wanna be friend actually"

"Of course..do you no something"


"In the story, I was disappointed in you"


"Because you shouldn't have to let Bella forget about everything she had with you"

"Hmm I thought if I don't make her forget it will keep on worrying her and she will be scared all the time, but at the end she still remember it"

Cecilia nodded her head in understanding and held his hands.

"You promise to give me a gift if I complete the story and I'm done now"

"Yes I did"

"What is the gift, can you tell me now I'm being curious"

"Okay but the gift is not for you but your unborn baby ".

"Really ". She said and put her hands on her tummy.

"I want him to take care of you from the day you will give birth to him till the day he will grow up"

"Is a boy.."


"How did you know about that "

"I can see him in your womb "

"Wow are you a doctor too"


"Ooh I guess "

"I see you are in a great destruction, you are worried and you don't even know your next step "

Cecilia bowed her head and sat on the sand when they got a little bit closer to the sea.

"Hmmm...is like you know what I'm going through"

"Yes I can see all that you are going through and that is why I'm here to help you... I'm not a merman I'm an angel ".

  Just when he said that a pair of two beautiful golden wings appeared on his back and he went high above the sea. He cause a storm in the sea and made the wind blow heavily.  Cecilia couldn't even glanced at him for once, for he was shining like the morning sun.

  None of the people notice that because he made them frozen in place. It was only Cecilia who was able to see what was happening. She called him several times before he got down and released the other people from his spelled.

"You are truly an angel? I have never set my eyes on one before..so angels exist!".

"Yes we are there and we take care of the creators of our supreme being "

"I came down because I have first lost my Miss and I was given another chance to come back and find another one."

"How did you lose her "

"Didn't you read it in the book I gave you"

"Mmm..sure I remember "

"Good...and do you remember the question you asked me the other time "


"You ask me why I save you "

"Yes yes "

"I saved you because I want you to be my Miss I mean the one I will take care of from now going "

Cecilia's eyes became teary for she had prayed all her prayers out to God.  But now her helper had come finally, God had answered her prayers.

          She asked him more questions and he answered all for her.


Elle on the other hand was done with the food she was preparing and had served it nicely on the dining table.

"Ooh, I almost forgot to get myself some water and a cold drink". She said to herself and went back to the kitchen to fetched it. Just a moment she walked back, her food was nowhere to be found on the table she placed the food on.

"Wait a minute.. where is my food". She asked herself with her frightened face.

"I truly remember I left it here.. where has my food gone too". She looked around her till she heard a noise behind the sofa. She walked

quietly to the back of the sofa just to catch Robin and Andy face to face eating her food behind the sofa.

  "You these two little mosquitoes why are eating my food". She said, holding a ladle in her hands as if she was going to beat anyone who step in her way with it.

  "Why are you eating my food tell me now". She shouted at them and held the ladle higher in the air thinking that it gonna scared them. But she was wrong, it didn't even scare them a little, they kept on eating the food till it got finished and they left the bowl there and run away.

"Hey you two come here where do you think you are going...you two are not going to get away with that I promise". She run after them and suddenly Dora appeared there.

"What is going on here Elle why are you after them"

  "Because they have to eaten my food "

"Ooh please you can go and make something else "

"No I'm tired I don't think I can do it again "

"You just relax leave them alone ..if you are tired I will cook something for you please "

"Dora you don't need to stand in for these people who like worrying me like that.."

"Is okay don't mind them"

Elle looked at her and went to sat on the sofa, but when she sat in she felt like she was sitting on something so she got up to see what it was and happy for her it was Robin's phone.

"Hey you, see I got your phone here...you dare eat my food, I'm going to order plenty of food with your money ". She said shouting.

" I don't care if you spend all the money buying food, but I bet you that you won't get any better food than what you just prepared ". Robin told her and laughed out, Andy and Dora laughed at her.

     She got up and threw the ladle she was holding at Robin but it didn't hit him since he left the place before she threw it.

" If you guys don't bring me my food,...I know what to do".  She said and smirked then threw the phone back on Robin.

" You can't do anything,"  Robin said and laughed.

  She left the hall and went to the kitchen again to prepare another meal.

  A moment later Becky and Aaron also joined them. Dora and Becky quickly went to help Elle in the kitchen. They talked as they were preparing the food.