It has been one month since the leader of her gang got kidnapped and still, he has not been found. " My queen we have searched everywhere but we couldn't find him". The person on the phone said.
" Then I think he is dead and that's great anyway"
" My queen but you can't say that, he is our.."
" Shut up are you the one to teach me what to do idiot..."
" I'm sorry my queen if I wrong you". The person on the other side of the phone said and bowed showing respect to his Queen.
" Anyway I have chosen you as the leader of the gang now, make sure you do all the duties as a leader okay..."
" Yes my queen"
" And if you do anything wrong, hope you know where you will be"
" I know my queen"
" Perfect now get lost...". She said shouting as if the person she was talking to was standing right Infront of her.
( If he has decided not to come back then I will have another person replace him since he is not the only person here). She thought to herself and turned to a picture Which was on the wall. The picture wasn't that clear to see who it was.
" And you, I don't care even if it takes my life to kill you I will surely do it. I don't care if it takes me 100 years to kill you I will do it before I rest assured on myself. If you are not dead, I won't stop chasing after you.". This time she grab the picture from the wall and crumple it, then she threw it into the bin which was beside her.
" Not knowing Jonie was standing at her door and he wanted to come in but when he heard what his mother was talking about, he stood there for some time to listen to what she was saying. And he has heard all that she said.
Suddenly the door to his mother's room click opened and he quickly hides behind the curtains on the wall till he saw his mother gone then he rush in to see what she crumpled.
He quietly sneak into her room by making the door sounds as if someone was entering her room.
He look around every single part of the room for any information about what his mom was talking about.
" Who did she want to kill? But my mom is not like that how could she suddenly turn into a monster..or she has been a monster all this while and I never knew it...what if dad comes to know about it is gonna be a whole lot of issues. I need to find what she was crumpling and hide it before dad will come to know about it..". He was talking to himself when his eyes caught a piece of paper in the thrush bin. He quickly took it and adjust it well to see what was in.
" Who is this, the picture isn't clear I can't even see who it is.. anyway let me hide it cause it can be proved whether is clear or not since in her room, is evidence". He hide it in his pocket and open the door as he came in and went out.
( I can't tell anyone how wicked my mom is .she doesn't look like that on her face, how hard people will believe me even if I have proof...but I can't stand against my I need to talk to her so she I'm still young I can't tell her this and besides she thought I don't know about it..oh God please help my mother stop with her wicked plans or else I won't be able to like her can she plan on killing someone).
As he kept on thinking, he hit someone without looking at who was coming.
" Jonie what is wrong with you..why are you looking soo pale, what is the problem". That was the mother he hit.
( Mother are sure you are this kind to everyone or only me). He thought.
" Ooh is nothing mom I'm just feeling bored at home so I thought of going outside to get some air...I'm sorry if I hit you hard"
" My dear don't worry for I don't think you will ever think of hitting your mother right?".
( I won't think twice to hurt you if I find out that all that I heard is true and you are truly a monster...I won't think twice to even kill you myself). He thought and fake a good smile on his face.
" Yes mom I will never hurt you"
" That is my boy". She hugs him and they went downstairs. As they were going his mother tried to put her hands around his neck but he refused and lied to his mom that he isn't feeling well around that part of his body.
Layla has been awake all night thinking about how her own best friend was having crushed on her.
She heard her phone ringing and she pick it up without checking who it was.
" Hello my little beauty"
( What the hell is Jonie, and why is he calling me by this time... Whatever Dela said was true, so he is truly crushing on me)
" anyone there". He said again when he saw that no one was talking on the other side of the phone.
" Yh ... hello". Layla said pretending to sound like she was asleep.
" Why did I woke you up". He said with concern in his voice.
" Hmm..let me say yes you are trying to wake me up"
" I'm trying to wake you up. then Good night and have sound and sweet dreams".
" Okay, Jonie same to you". They talk about little things and end the call.
Layla got up from her bed and threw her phone on the bed and went to take her shower.
She came back to meet two missed calls from Dela...
" And why did he call". She said and call him back.
He picked up the call on the first ring.
" Hello". Dela said.
" called me".
" Wasn't you the one who text me to call you"
" Ooh really". Layla said while drying herself up.
"What were you thinking about..why did you forget soo soon". He teases.
"Nothing I'm just confused about what is going on"
"What is going on". pretending not to know what she was talking about.
" Hey stop that you brought it up first remember"
" I brought what up first.. besides everything has a name right"
" Okay you told me that Jonie is interested in me"
" Yes I did say that ..but is normal "
" Well I think it only happens in movies "
"Hahaha only you think that..and by the way why are you even worried about his stupidity, don't think too much about that okay cause you are only 10 years old"
"Yh I don't need to think about that.."
Just then Dela heard a knock on his door.
"Hold on.. Layla I'm coming". He said and rushed to the door to see who was there at that moment. Just when he was about to open the door, something came into his mind not to open it. Because it was too late for his dad or mom to come to him at that time. It was around noon.
(Who will it be). He thought then peeped his eyes through the little hole on his door to see who it was. He look through it several times but he couldn't see anyone there. That made him scared for every time he looks through them he will see who it was, but this time he couldn't see who it was.
"Maybe there is no one there". He said and went back to his bed.
"Hello, Layla..are you still there". He said but it seems like Layla was far asleep and had left the call on.
"I think she is asleep". He said and end the call, he also went to sleep. He didn't hear the knock again so he forget about it and slept.
After some time of sleeping, he had a dream and in his dream. He dreamed that he was at the seashores and was just staring at the sea in the middle of the day. just then he saw a tall man approaching him from the west end along the coast. It wasn't night but he couldn't see who it was. He tried looking at the person but he was shining like a burning star.
(Who is coming that he shine like that). He thought, after watching him for some time he realized that the person wasn't coming his way so he took his eyes off him and just in a moment he took his eyes away, he felt a warm hand on his shoulder which scared him to death. The coldness of the person sends a shiver down his throat. he turned his head to see who it was. He was dumbfounded at how the person looked exactly like him. It was like he was watching his reflection in a mirror.
" Who are you.. and why do you look like me". He asked shivering all around him.
"I'm you and I look like you because I'm you"
The person who was standing behind him said with a smile.
And he was having a deep dimple on his left cheek too like that on Dela's cheeks.
"What do you mean by that". Dela managed to say.
"All that I mean is that is time to be who you were born to be..and that is me"
"Who I was born to be...but I'm me"
"Ooh my dear little Dela you still don't know..hmmm then you can ask your mother about it when you wake up"
"Wait you are in my dream"
"Of course, we are in your dream"
"How did you do that"
"Because I'm you"
"Wait wait stop all this I'm not getting it..and why do I need to ask my mom about my self"
"You will get it after you wake up .."
"Because I'm you and you are me, I'm going to enter you then you become you. I'm not going to change you into me but I'm going to change you into you"
"Wait wait what". Suddenly everyone was frozen in place. It was only him and the other of him who was able to move and talk.
"Wait what is happening"
"Is time to be you". After he said that, he vanished and appeared again. And with full speed, he entered Dela's body. Dela falls to the ground holding his chest in pain. He kept on shouting No..No..till he woke up shouting.
" No!!!". Just then his mother rushed to his room.
" Dela wakes up .. wake up Dela is a dream wake up". He woke up, grabbing his mother's hands tightly. His beautiful golden eyes turned into another beautiful ocean blue eyes.
And the most wonderful thing that happened was that two beautiful golden wings appeared on his back causing too much pain on his back.
" Mother, mother what is all this". He said breathing heartlessly and still holding his mother's hands. His mother didn't seem to be surprised by what she was seeing.
"Mom why are you not talking". He said shaking his mother to talk.
" First let your wings disappear then we can talk".
"What wings". Dela said still not knowing that his back aches were from the wings on his back.
"Look at your back". His mother said.
" Wow, that's cool..".
" What did you just say"
" I said is cool". His mother thought maybe if he see the wings on his back, he was going to go mad at her but rather it was cool for him.
" I think is gone". He said and turned his head to look at his back to see if the wings were no more.
The wings disappear from his back.
" Now tell me mom what is happening"
" What did you dream about
"Why are you asking about my dreams I just want to know what is going on"
" If you don't tell me about your dreams how then can I explain things to you"
" Okay, mom...I have been having this strange dreams for a while.
all the time I dream that someone was standing beside my bed watching me and when I open my eyes I see no one. I have been having it for almost a month now and just yesterday I had a knock on my door when I went to open it I saw no one there so I came back to sleep.
Immediately I slept I had this long dream about a person who look exactly like me... in fact, I thought I was even watching myself from a mirror. Then he told me that I'm him and he is me.
And he also said that he was going to change me into me and not me into him and just then, he entered into me ". He gave in a deep breath.
"Mom what is the meaning of all this ".
"okay let me tell you"
His mother took her time and explained everything from her childhoods to when she wanted to give up but her guide angel came to her and gave her a Novel to go and read after that he will give her a gift and that gift was not for herself but for her firstborn baby Which happened to be him, Dela. explaining how hard she and her friends try to get themselves out of Peggy's hands.
"So my dear this is a gift from my angel and now you are my real-life angel.
"Wow mom this is soo awesome I never thought something like that is wait does dad know about it too"
"Of course my dear how can I hide something like that from him? Besides, he put me in my waste situation and also the way maker"
"He is sorry about getting you pregnant without your knowledge"
"I have forgiven him long time"
"So mom how do I go about this"
"About what my dear, live your life the way it is..but please be careful for there are soo many demons who will be chasing after your lover or one the one you may be crushing on secretly"
"But why possible mother"
"They already know and now that you have all the power it takes to destroy them, is gonna be easy for you "
That was when he relaxed about everything that was happening just that instant.
"Hey you, today is your last day in here if you don't tell us who sent you then count yourself dead ". The man was still playing hide and seek with them. But as furious as they were now he was afraid that they are going to kill him if he doesn't tell them the truth and be free.
"Okay okay please spare me only one time and I will tell you everything please ". He said shouting with his eyes closed because they had switched on all the lights in that little empty and also dark room in which he found himself.
"Are you sure you are going to tell us now ". The leader said.
"Yes yes I promise "
"Then tell us now!!! ". His voice alone was able to scare him to his earlier grave.
"I will say it. I will say it...she is called PEGGY!!!, And she is our queen. Is our Queen Peggy who sent us and is not only me we are over 100 men and we work for her. also we do many wicked this for her too.
We were planning on killing Mrs. Williams whom we all know she is called Becky. after that we will sell her daughter out to a poor family in the eastern region.. please that is all I know please spare me". He said shouting.