How came you are here...

The night came  as a dream. Collins looked up at the night stars and signed.

  "Huh..I wish I will never go out to the world again". He said and yawned.

  " Why don't you want to go out there again?". Lisa asked with a suspicious look.

  " Hey, stop looking at me like that. I haven't steal anything". After saying that, he reminded quite before speaking again.

 " I just wanna do away with everything concerning supernatural and humans. I just want be alone ". He said and hugged himself while he walked closer to Lisa.

  " Don't you want to be free?". He asked.

  "Of course I want to. If I don't want to be free then why did I run away from home ". She said and giggled then Collins smirked.

  " then I also wanna do same. Anyway is getting colder and you may catch cold so let get going ". He said and stepped forward as Lisa also followed him up.

  " So if I may be asking, how many people are living in here...I mean in this Alabama valley?". Collins asked while they were walking towards the hut they left earlier on.

  " Ooh that... they are a lot of them...I mean there are also villages here and we are in Alabama village which was named after the valley ". She said and rubbed her palms as she was feeling cold that moment. Collins noted it immediately and covered her up with his jacket. Lisa looked up at him.

  " Well.. take it and worm yourself up with it or else you may end up getting fever". He said and quickly turned his face away from her.

  " Thank you". Lisa said while blushing. Collins didn't notice it so he kept on asking her questions.

" So, where are we now...I mean which part of the world are we?". He asked.

  "You mean you don't know where we are?". Lisa asked out of shock.

  "Yeah, why are you shock?".

  " Well I thought you will guess it after everything I have told you". She said.

" Do you think I'm a geographer ...I can't guess anything ". He said and stood still.

  "Oh what a pity...well we are in south Africa ". Lisa said and went ahead of him.

  "What!! mean we are in African?". Collins asked, but Lisa was already out of his earshot.

  "Hey you wait for me over there. I don't understand why we are in South Africa and more over in African!". He said and run after her.


Lisa laied her head down on her bed to sleep, but was interrupted by a knocked on her door.

  " Who is there?". She asked but no one answered.

  " Is it you... Collins ?". She asked again and Collins responded.

  " me". He said and Lisa quickly opened the door for him and he entered.

  " What are you doing behind a woman's door by this time of the day?". She asked.

"I came to find an explanation to why on earth I'm here in south Africa and more over in African". He said without a paused.

  " Hey take heart. Why are you acting angry all of a sudden?". Lisa asked.

" Because I want to know why I'm back to a place I promise myself never to return back no mater what happened, a place I swore never to return to. Why I'm I here all of a sudden?". He asked while he paced back and forth.

"You mean you don't know why you are here!". Lisa asked.

  "Stop asking me questions and answers me...if I know I won't have asked you!!". Collins shouted and Lisa freaked. When he noticed that, he quickly apologized to her.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to be rude on you...I'm sorry ". He said and held his ears.

  "Don't worry I understand why you are angry...but I still have to explain everything to you. From where I know up to here". She said and took Collins to her bed and made him sat down.

  " Let me get you some water". She said and went a little closer to the water pot and fetch some water into a cup for him.

  " Here.. take it". She handed it carefully to him.

  " Thanks". He thanked her and placed the cup back on the table next to him when he was done having a sip of it.

" I'm Lisa like you already know...I was born as a princess and also as the only child of my parents.

As a water princess, I got nowhere to go, all that I do is to stay under the water for years until my marriage. I got feed up and begin to wonder why I have been locked up since birth".

   Collins looked at her confused..what was she talking about, he was asking her why he ended up being in African and what she was saying got nothing to do about that.

  " I know you are confused in what am talking about...But in order not to look like a bad person, I have to explain everything to you as you requested ". Lisa said with a smile which sent a shot to Collins chest.

" I'm sorry for doubting you". He apologized.

" I was saying, so one day on my two hundred years birthday, I met a friend at my party. She told me a lot about the world and how beautiful things are up here. I got too excited and asked her to bring me up here if she don't mind. I thought I had just asked for a favor, but she told me on one condition ". Lisa said and a smile appeared on her face, Collins wondered why that smile.

  " She told me if I could help someone to get out of his pleasant condition and bring him to a different place, she will help me run away from home. That was like heaven come down so I gave her my words and asked her who that person was and...and..". She stopped and looked up at Collins.

  " And it was you...she told me to bring you out of your condition to a place no one will ever think of finding you.. 

    I couldn't think of any other place then African since I was in African and you were in Asia. Although I truly want to run away from home, I don't want to go far away from home too,

          so I brought you to African and unfortunately we ended up in Sahara desert which when you work a little meters away you will get to the red sea and from there to my home...     

      thinking of finding a better place for you, I thought of South Africa since that place was quite far from my home and also I thought it will give you a peaceful mind.

   When I brought you here, I thought of wiping away your memories but there were so much hatred and anger in them with a sounds of revenge also. In order to let you do what you want to do, I stopped ". Lisa said and looked down.

"Who was her?...I mean that girl who told you to bring me here ". Collins asked.

  "She said her name is...mmm..Hosea..yeah, Hosea a water spirit like me, but she is far stronger than me".  Lisa said.


"Yeah...Hosea, have you remembered her?". Lisa asked.

  "Yeah...but why...why will she do that. I thought I was a bad person. How come she helped me?

"Well she is really a good person and a promise keeper...I wish I can tell God to add many years to her life on earth.

  "Yeah...but I remember I wasn't in control of my body then, how come you were able to save me?". He asked and turned to face Lisa.

  "Well... when that Drake took the face of Hosea to decive  Aunty Maggie and Rollins in the library, that is when I got the opportunity to take you away from your apartment where Asher and Hassan where guiding your body".  Lisa said.

" How did you got to my room if those troublesome people where there and wait how do you know them?". Collins asked.

  " I know that Drake and his two stupid boys when they intended on stealing a treasure from my fathers chamber 100 years ago...and on how I got your body...mmm...I distracted those idiot of course...I hit the floor behind your room with a piece of glass and a pot of flower in the living area. They were so stupid that they both went ahead to check what was it.. haha ". Lisa laughed but Collins was quite.

"Hey...why are you quite?". She asked.

  "I just don't know how to thank you guys... especially you for risking your life to save someone you knew nothing about". Collins said with a smile.

  "I did that just to come out". Lisa said.

"But in all...the thanks should be giving to your friend...Hosea?". Lisa said.

"Yeah". Just then something gushed through his mind.

  "Oh No! ...what will had happened to them by now?". He said and stood up.

"Relax...she is fine by now ". Lisa answered him.

"No.. . I need to go and visit her see how she is doing". Collins said.

"No, you can't visit her now ". Lisa stopped him from walking out.

"But why". Collins asked.

"Because she said I shouldn't allow you to go out there now".