Taking Off.

Yuuka was quickly done with his family visit and was driving back to his car. He reached the port at 7 o'clock. He parked his car in the parking area near his chief office and got off to find his major commanding ship.

The visit with his family was heartfelt and made him happy, but he could not let his heart be at ease. He was to enter the biggest battle of his life very soon. The rush at the port had calmed down, but people other than the soldiers were also present.

Walking through the port to the main commanding ship, he saw Captain Levi, the chief commanding officer of the navigation team. Caring around a checklist with himself, Yuuka felt like Levi was looking for someone. So, he moved towards him, and Levi saw him coming.

"Commander! I was looking for you. I wanted to talk about our strategy for tomorrow's battle." the captain greeted the commander with a salute.

"As in my earlier message to you. I will discuss the plans once we set sail. However, I would like to have a conversation about other things. Captain Levi, Accompany me here."

"Sure, Sir."

Commander Yuuka and Captain Levi were not friends and had conflicting ideologies about nearly everything. They could achieve a monotonous flow when talking about fighting for their kingdom.

They walked about the harbour, discussing the loading of supplies, preparation and supply of ammunition to different units, the time required to reach the location and countermeasures against bad weather. Nothing compromises could happen in any of those.

As their discussion came to an end, and Yuuka issued his command to Levi,

"Get the anchor up and tell the soldier to move into their vessels. We need to leave as soon as possible."

Levi nodded to his command and left on the set to make the final steps before their departure.


A few moments later, the Voices of the 12 ships carrying more than 7000 young men and women roared throughout the port as the soldiers left their homes to fight for their kingdom.

Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, wives, and children visit the port to see their loved ones go. The wave of emotion was flowing through the evening.

Some shed tears, and some just smiled in their sadness. None knew if they would see the other ever again, but hope was a never-ending gift in such a moment.

Meanwhile, the commander standing in front of the main commanding ship looked at the port with sadness about not being able to see his family while he left and determined to win for his landed people.

"War brings about all sides of humanity in one place." was a famous proverb in the kingdom, and its proof could be seen by any person and felt by those who left their loved ones behind.

"I will win this war and come back alive to my family. No matter who or what, I need to sacrifice."

The seemingly selfless commander said the most selfish words to himself. The thoughts he learned from his Frey Ken, not directly but by observing the actions.


The boats went southeast from the port city of Vinka and travelled towards Port Traflagar, the main military port of Kingdom Lynx.

Yuuka held an important meeting in his cabin to discuss strategies for the next day. While soldiers outside worked in shifts to meet the moat together and rowers fresh.

Three captains of Yuuka's army were present in the situation. While there was a hierarchy of power under lower ranks. However, power centralisation was to the four men present in the cabin.

"Commander, I believe you are ready to share your strategy." Captain Vincent Rose, the chief of offence leading four ships, asked. He stood firm, awaiting the disclosure of their confidential plan.

Answering the questions, the commander revealed his plans.

"I owe all of you an apology for keeping my plans confidential. I wanted to keep this information from leaking under any case." Three captains nodded at the response.

"Our battle tomorrow can be any of the two scenarios, depending on the fact that our spies escaped or fell into the queen's trap-" Yuuka paused for a second. 

"The first possibility of the port is protected, and many thousands of troops will be guarding it with their lives. First, we observe the enemy positions, as we will reach the next morning. As there will be a large fog setting according to the information by the spies, we can use binoculars to observe enemy positions and attack according to the positions."

"A fog on the port during the summer season? How is this possible?"

"Do not worry about that. Mother Nature is giving us help and letting us use it for the best cause."

"We will use our cannons to wreak havoc on the port causing most of the troops to be injured or die, and as the enemy troops start to retreat, we start to send ground forces.We will unload our cannons on the ground cannons and destroy their armies.

"Sir, what is the second possibility?"

"That the port troops will be way too fortified. And couldn't be blown off easily. It means our spies have been compromised. But it is unlikely as, I heard from my spy five days back. They cannot muster enough forces at the port."

"Why is that? We did bring 7000 men from the extreme borders of the kingdoms in less than 10 days. Lynx has a significantly large army and a good number of ships. They can muster a good force." Rargo Quince, the chief of distribution of supplies and arrangements made a logical argument to which Yuuka grinned.

"That is my reason for this sudden attack, Lynx has sent a large trade envoy to The French kingdom. Most of their ships have left the shores open to our attacks. This is the information my spy had given me."

"Sir, in the second possibility, what would be our actions against it?"

"We retreat at a significant distance from the port."

"... "

" If the port has fewer troops, in that case, we draw their attention to the city on the coast near the port, while they march towards the city, we blow off many of the troops using half of our ships while the other half lands on the ground and take control.

"Sir, I find another outcome in the 2nd possibility."

Vincent proposed another idea of his own,

"If the soldiers leave to choose the city undeafened then? Can we make a landing on a city without a landing side of the ships? It would it very tough to unload the cannons and maintain the ships if the waves blew high."

"Then our only choice would be to forcibly break in. We have countermeasures in our small fire dragons. So, you need not worry about that."

Vincent nodded to the answer, while Rage and Rargo had intent stares.

"Now go to sleep, we have a battle to fight tomorrow morning, and ask everyone to go sleep other than the lookout team."

"Yes sir."

The commander's strategy had nothing special to be confidential, so the captains had doubts in their minds. 
