One real choice.

The forest was set on fire and All plans were working as intended.

"Take any supplies you can find around the area, any amount will benefit us, we are running too low on food. Make your moves quickly the battle on the other end seems to end."

Just as ordered the troops started searches for food in the neighbouring area and the fire also spread from tree to tree soon a smoke cloud was beginning to emerge, but the evening time made it invisible to the far eye.

10 minutes later, Yuuka observed the battlefield and judged the situation according to his need.

"The Brittanian troops are starting to struggle now,

"Start moving behind the forest and bet back at the back of the enemy's formation."


The soldiers moved through and around the forest to intercept the Lynx forces, they weren't able to carry any artillery due to a lack of time and manpower. So, the only option was to charge at the very moment Brittanian numbers start to fall.



The roaring forces of Asphodel intercepted the Lynx and their back and rushed them.

The forces rushed to crush the enemy from both fronts and their advantage now came into play, communication.

"Move forward and attack the left of the army." The soldiers of Asphodel were trained to learn multiple languages so they easily coordinate and control soldiers from a foreign land.

The horses tried to go straight through the line of soldiers and all the soldiers got a huge morale boost from the arrived friendly aid.

"We need to end this quickly, find the leading captain of this force."

Yuuka wanted to avoid any unwanted casualties from his side, so he ordered to find and kill the captain of the Lynx to end the battle as quickly as possible.

"We need to lure them out, give a flair gun."

"Yes, Sir."

Yuuka fired a flare with a white signal and both sides stopped the battle at that very moment.

The flair was another element of war, three different colours were used and fired by the captain to show other things-

Green- It declared loss from the other army and basically asked the friendly forces to completely surrender to the enemy. It was an act of shame and every military leader preferred to die over using this.

Red- It fired my leading captain when they successfully captured the enemy captain. It was a sign of victory.

White - it declared the end of the battle for the day and could only be fired when the fight continued after sunset. It was also a sign of possible negotiations by the firing side.

These signs could be easily seen as the use of manipulation tools by any outsider but what made the difference was the people who actually fought the battle respected it.

In the past times of country, using different signals like this were used and every soldier in respect of their nation's culture and history never used it to cheat in battle.

Such were the nation's people and their respect for history and culture.


But the battle didn't stop the struggle immediately as some foreign soldiers were unable to understand the signals and kept attacking the Lynx troops but were immediately stopped.

Both sides placed their side in the battle but the damage had been already done. The forest was already set on fire and smoke was enveloping the land.

So, both sides moved to the other side of the hill and rested nearly 1 km away from each other and could clearly see the enemy but the soldiers no matter how much raged couldn't attack the enemy.

On the Asphodel side, Yuuka talked about the situation with the Brittanian forces. The army consisting of outsiders was now left with even fewer ethnic Brittanian soldiers. Yuuka waited for the moment and flanked the enemy and then fired the white signals when he couldn't find the enemy captain.

Yuuka went ahead with a few soldiers beside him translating for the other ethnicities.

"Your captains have been killed by the enemy soldiers in an attack from behind, we also have lost one of our captains and I am asking for the rest of you to cooperate with us in order to escape from this island or fight for us."

... the crowd was silent.

"We will pay high much higher than Brittania was paying you, you are free to run away and live on your own or defect to the other side. I highly recommend the first one."

As multiple soldiers spoke with him the soldiers were sent into mental chaos, already physically exhausted from all the running and battle many decided to accept loyalty to the Asphodel for their communication was a big Help.

But many got up from their position and tried to run.

"I won't fight for people like them, can't you morons see? they killed our captains and now are asking us to defect to their side. Let's attack them."

One soldier tried to enrage his fellow soldiers into attacking the Asphodel. But no one around him stood up. Seeing him a soldier to the side smirked and gave him a reply.

"They can't understand you, I'll deliver your message to them in their language." the soldier spoke an old language spoken years back, it is said by very few now.

He translated and changed his words as he wanted and related them to the soldiers.

Many soldiers stood and sat on bent knees, showing a sign of their loyalty to Asphodel. The soldier released that we had no chance of turning the tables on the enemy.

Soon enough the army was ready as multiple fleed and a group of soldiers got together and decided to defect to the enemy.

"I see, you want to defect. Go on."

Yuuka gave them permission to move to the other side with no warning or resistance.

The group of soldiers walked towards the other side as their comrades saw them go.


Suddenly, multiple shots were heard and the bodies of the defecting group piled. As the crowd stood in surprise, there were no words to say.

The other soldier now realised that defection meant death for them, as they will be killed by the side they were deflecting to.
