
The assassins had successfully killed the Regional lord Baron and reduced one of their injured allies along with the one Edward had put down on the roof.

They caused a chaotic situation in the entire nation high ranking officials fled and hid for their security.

Edward had sensed the whole plan but the plan went ahead and the whole ordeal happened before the security even arrived.

Edward was taken to police custody on suspicion of helping the assassins with their plans.

"How did you know about their attack?!"

"Free me first!"

Edward was directly visited by Lucius in the prison and was shocked to know, Edward had not left with his navy for the port moreover his involvement in the battle.

"Who did you know they were here?!"

"Yesterday, the kids you got here, one of them was repeating 'white', so I knew they were here."

"Their location of attack and person they would target."

"If you post, events like public speaking on the notice board around the area they can threaten anyone into giving them info."


"Now, you know my worth I am more than your savoury imagination, I have my motivation to fight."

Lucius could not give a reply to this it was clear that if Edward won't there the situation could get a lot worse. Edward's presence was something Lucius now desperately needed.

"Ok, get out of that Prison and come with me. We'll have the rest of the conversation in my office."

"Very well."


Edward stood up from his chair and removed his restriction easily, which surprised Lucius and Edward gave him a smirk dropping them on the ground.

Under the night sky, They both proceeded to move to the head city in their carriage. Edward stayed Vigilante for any attacks.

"Why did you even come here, they could attack any moment."

"My head is not worth much."


"Today's attack proved that my place can be taken by any capable person but the head of a region, a finance minister, a whole office of workers. Britannia has more worth for them than me."

"Worth yourself more kid. Everybody has their worth and importance don't underestimate yours."

Luicus gave it a defeated smile, Edward's words didn't cheer him much, mostly because he felt that he was doing nothing to protect his citizens and was gin others to do his work but he was just losing more and more soldiers.

"There are more than 6 of them."

Edward tried to change the subject and make Lucius focus on the current threats.

"Six of them, you know their numbers."

"No, they generally move I numbers in groups of three when I was there but it seems they have changed it to four. There are a minimum of two groups and 2 are dead so it leaves 6."

" I see. We have 6 more at a minimum."

" One of them is quite injured, so it leaves 5."

"But 5 is quite the number. the scar on your head tells that too."

" It was due to a surprise attack, it's no big deal."

Edward said so but most of their forehead was covered in bandages to prevent his bleeding.

"How can we fight them?"


The sudden question caught Edward off guard but he responded with a proper answer.

'Ask your soldiers to be ruthless. No catching alive just kill the enemy, just think about killing them not about whether' can we capture one and kill the other' that will get you nowhere."

Lucius nodded in understanding we asked no objection and accepted it as the Order.

"I have a reward ready for your work, Get well dressed tomorrow, OK."

" A reward! That's generous. What is it?"

"We are meeting your daughter tomorrow. Hand her these the White Lilies yourself."

"I am going there!"

Edward denied visiting his daughter and rejected the idea of seeing his daughter.

"And why is that?"

"It's not that simple seeing my daughter, she has never seen me nor have I ever seen her. It puts a burden on my mind."

"Meeting her might help you, you'll better understand, What you are fighting to protect."

"I already know what I am fighting for. I need not see her."

"Then why ask for her freedom? and what makes you think I've kept her captive somewhere?"

"Weel your tone yesterday said so. Also, how did you find her name?"

"The cloth she was warped around had Jennifer written it and we came to know the demise of the Wesh family about that time. The necklace she had given away that she was the final Wesh family member."

Edward understood everything about Jennifer's history now.
