A Mysterious Speaker.

The night after the killing of Tenbris, Yuuka's army won the battle the next day and send the enemy retreating, the war was turned in Asphodel's favour due to fierce attack moves by foreign soldiers who did not defect and stayed in the Asphodel camp.

A lot of soldiers were also captured and now were tortured to buy any info on them

Yuuka sat in his camp, beside Levi lying injured on his bed, his condition was hidden from the soldiers so as not to hurt their overall morale.

While Yuuka held a mysterious device in his hand, Captain Rose was also present there.

"This is what was found inside Levi's pocket and this other thing..."

Yuuka brought out a black box with many dials and a saxophone.

"This the piece that was used to spy on us, apparently we can communicate with this at far distances."

"Communicate far distances, what exactly do you mean?"

"Go out and ask any soldier but a foreign one to say anything on their mind in this."

Vincent took the piece in his hand, did exactly what Yuuka asked, and returned to the camp.

"The soldier said,' I want to go home," Right?"


Vincent was quite surprised by the device's power; being able to hear enemy personnel and communicate over far distances was now not a risky act done by a messenger.

"This a huge breakthrough! We can easily communicate and crush the enemy by using this."

"I don't think so."


"We have zero ideas about how this thing functions. We don't know how long it will function or over how much distance we can communicate, we don't even know this device's name."

Vincent was disappointed by the harsh reality of the situation; technology was a bleeding edge and having it while not being able to use it made it totally worthless.



A sudden voice came out of the black device, startling Both Yuuka and Vincent. Yuuka reflexively dropped the box on the ground and pointed the gun at it.

"I hope you cavemen, haven't already destroyed the box, well even if you did it doesn't change anything. I am going to say it always."

Yuuka and Vincent Calmed down and Yuuka gave Vicent a sign to look for the person who was sending the message to reach the person who was transmitting the message, Vincent nodded and ran outside-

"-Don't bother looking for me outside I am out of your range."

Yuuka heard the words and understood the person on the other side was a smart one.

"Well leaving the lame talk out, I am talking from Saxony-"

Yuuka's senses rose as he heard the word, Saxony, it was a month's worth of distance away from the Current location. Yuuka confirmed that the device could communicate at seriously far distances.

"-I don't have business with you currently but I need to kill the Queen of Lynx as fast as you can. We need to end this war quickly, so win Lynx over and then we will defeat you."

The voice's tone wasn't clear but it indicated confidence in the sender's voice, they were sure about crushing Yuuka after he won Lynx over.

"Some confidential information, exclusive for you but only now in a few days it will become national news. Tomorrow, Foal Zestus and his entire council will be assassinated and Britannia will fall under Saxony's qualms."


Yuuka's heart rate increased to a dangerous level, the sender just confirmed and told him about how Saxony will conquer Britannia in the next few days.

"That's all, also this device you are using is called a radio. The science behind it is beyond your understanding, you are people living years behind the modern world."

The voice was cut immediately after that, and Yuuka was in a state of confusion. Comprehending the words the sender said was something that was proving difficult for him.

"Commander, there was no one in the surrounding area, we have looked everywhere."

"I see."

Yuuka immediately changed his persona to a person oblivious to the sender's Location.

"Did the voice say anything important?"

"No, the person was trying to say something but the voice was quite difficult to understand so, I didn't figure anything out of it."

"I see, anyways is the device still functioning?"

"I think-"

The moment a soldier came rushing inside Yuuka's camp giving him terrible news.

"-Pardon the intrusion, Sir! But it looks like Lynx has settled for a siege in all its cities."


Fun fact: A new character will be introduced in tomorrow's chapter.