Becoming Someone's Legacy

The doctors gave the grave news to all the people sitting there


Anju shouted at the top of her lungs while Milize's eyes slowly filled up with tears, both of the sisters started crying, and the whole room was dead silent.

The people around looked down, all of the subordinates who worked directly under Kakui were present, and tears were in their eyes.

But they were the only people who cried; no one besides them looked like they were in too much grief. They didn't know the man named Kakui Asina too well.

To them, we were just another rebel leader who got ahead and died without great success. Besides, he did not have any family to mourn him.

Lucius and Diksha looked sad from seeing the two girls cry and trying to comfort them, but slowly their eyes filled up. The lady, along with Diksha, got uncomfortable and tired of carrying her away from the dying atmosphere,

"Diksha, come we need to go back. We came here to Meet Kakui but he is already gone, we need to be leaving our time here is up."

Her words hurt like sharp needles to the sad people but the obvious need for those who thought logically.

The rebel leader could not stay inside the enemy territory for long, let alone their capital stronghold.

"But, Mama... I don't want to go."

The lady was dissatisfied with the reply but tried to dishonour Kakui and anger the people around her. She sat on her knee and talked in a polite tone.

"Remember, Diksha. You always need to observe, learn and understand the situation. We believe you understand your situation here. I know you want to help but look we are running out of time here."

"How can you go now? A leader just died at least pay him a final respect!!"

A lady spoke up in her anger, seeing her. The lady grabbed the opportunity to make effective use of it.

"And You might be?"

"I am Riaz Asina, Kakui Asina's little sister, and I am asking you, how can you ask the girl to go while she is comforting the hurt girls? She is doing something you should be doing."

"Lady Riaz, You know who I am?"

"I don't..."

"Ok, I now understand the reason for your tone. To tell you, I am Nayla. The chief of information collection of information of Rebels forces. Without my work, this place would never have been found.


Riaz was instantly overwhelmed, but she did not understand that her emotions were getting the better of her.

"So, does that change anything about your behaviour just now, What you are doing is nowhere good in my eyes? All I see is you disrespecting my brother who just died by not bidding a good farewell."

Listening to these words, Nayla raised her voice.

"Aren't you the one disrespecting him?!! All you are doing is blaming others for his death, tell me. Why didn't you save his life? Why didn't you get ready in case an injury came up?"

Arguments of both sides were just nonsense to other adults standing there, it just felt like a blame game, but then Nayla stated some very harsh words.

"What great contributions has your brother made to rebels, Do have any idea?"


"That's right, you don't understand him. He was a defensive person who tried to fight to protect the people more than his own life and do you think, by putting us for longer under active military only going more rampant each second, you are not disrespecting him?"

Anju's tears only grew as the atmosphere around him got louder and louder, Dikska also had the same effect, but the opposite of that happened.

The both of them were silent now, Lucius gave Milize a handkerchief to clean her face, and the both of them looked at the Adults facing off, their eyes and ears were focused on how they tried to gain authority over each other.

But the heated Debate was interrupted by a familiar man,

"Okay, I think we should end things here."

Foal appeared out of nowhere and ended the conflict.

"I think both of you are right in your aspects but we can talk later currently, I believe lady Nayla you would like to leave this place and go back to your base of operations. So, we should be moving."

".... I agree."

Foal was able to quickly finish the matter and align the parties towards their interest, it showed his skills as a businessman and negotiator.

"and Lady Raiz, I will be taking my leave. Your other two men and the girls should stay here at the moment and wait. I would return in a while. Come on, Luicus."

Foal called out to Lucius who gave Anju a quick handshake while leaving, Diskha also got up as she stopped crying and moved along with and other adults.

"Can, we see brother's body?"

As they left. A voice called out Foal by Riaz inquiring or making a desperate request.

"I am sorry, You'll have to wait till I come back, the doctors are still performing medical operations which will take a lot of time."

With these words, Foal walked away in no time and left behind the only five People who were a part of Kakui's life. His sister, two daughters and two subordinates were his lifelong friends.

A day later, no one had eaten a bit, Riaz held the two kids tightly as they lay emotionless in her arms, the environment was left like only five corpses were lying there.

"I am back."

Foal voices echoed across the dark corridor as he came back up. Walking directly up to the door of the medical.

"I am sorry for being so late but I think, it is enough time. Milize dear, could you please accompany me? I need to talk to you for a bit."

Foal called Milize inside the room alone and did not invite anyone else, this got everybody suspicious.

" Why does she come alone? I think being his sister, I should be the first one to see his body?"

"Don't worry, his body was already been shifted to another location."


"I know, you are all surprised but his body was secretly transferred; see where from one room to another stunned but the reason."

Seeing everybody's reaction, Foal continued and dropped the final bomb.

"The reason I was calling Milize alone in the room was that,

The last words of Kakui Asina before his recorded death, were,

"I declare Milize Asina as my Legacy bearer and successor and his daughter Anju as her partner."

"...." No one spoke a word.

"....And I've personally decided to take care of them." Foal continued
