
While Yuuka witnessed a massive counterattack, he thought Lynx could never do it. As he looked through his binoculars at the port situation, He was utterly speechless.

"Who did they get so many cannons? They are not typical. Did they import it from foreign in such a short time?"

The cannons were large, terribly large. They could not be imported and moved from the other port, nearly thrice the distance from the spot compared to the capital.

"How did they do it? What happened? When did all this happen?"

Yuuka tried to calm himself as he tried to comprehend the situation; the events of the whole war were something controlled by someone who just loved chaos,

That person turns things in people's favour and against them for his fun, someone who was the reason his war was going right now, or it would be long before one of the sides would've fallen on their feet.

"Arthur? It's you, it is always you, what have you done? What do you want?"


Wearing their armour and equipment for their attack, the assassins were gathered in a room, preparing for their attack.

"Arthur? You are smirking like crazy, has something gone wrong inside your head?"

Asuka looked at Arthur and questioned him about his almost creepy face.

"Leave him alone, Asuka no one knows what goes inside his head, he might be imagining to be ruling the world or getting a genie to grant all his wishes right now."

Jinx stopped Asuka and mocked Arthur in the same sentence but,


Arthur's smile was still there he was lost in his own world.



Arthur was fazed out of his own world and gave a small response making an annoying face right after.

"I have a feeling you are hiding something from me. Are you going tell me or I need to find it myself again?"

"You said it, just like always, find what I am hiding, I am one down right now, so I am planning on winning."

Jinx and Arthur were partners for a very long time, they always had these personal challenges where Arthur would give hints and hide secrets he encountered.

It was Jinx's job to find them for himself, an old habit of the two. It also had a point system, for each time Jinx failed, Arthur got a point and vice versa.

"I'll get to it later, but currently, we need to get the heat up, clouds will reach here any moment. Our attack will lose a great deal of damage. So get moving."


Arthur said this with a smirk, Jinx wasn't able to understand the actual reason behind it.

The situation of the port, the Britannia's army coming into Lynx in the first place was a game, Arthur set the pieces and let them move, and this was the result of all of it.

The assassins were in preparation for their attack, it was all set in motion, it was all coming to an end soon.


One night before, Milize had come back from Kakui's room and sat on her chair, facing the window, her face looked weak and sad.

"It's gonna be over very soon, and there's nothing I can do."

It was the truth, she was stuck and had to fight the chances left for her. It was only a matter of time before Asphodel forces would arrive.

She had a few men in the castle defence and a few cannons, but what difference she could make, Anju was still trying to think about some counterattack.

"No matter what we try, it will be futile."

Alone Milize was drowning herself in despair, the boy around her which she teased and called out was now at war, but she was doing nothing to protect him.


A noise came from the window, it sounded like a bird's noise.


Anju looked at the window and saw a pigeon sitting on the side of the window with a letter tied to its leg.

"What is this?"

She removed the letter from the pigeon's leg. It was a long note, and the writing was minimal, but the words were written in such a beautiful, clear writing.

"They Lady, I know you have lost this one, but I have a final cache to give to you. If you have it within yourself. Just get all the men you have and reach the port, I have prepared a good gift for you..."

Milize was thrilled as the feeling came to her heart, a chance to fight back, a have to gain victory, but the note was not yet complete.

".... and if you want to my know my name. Call me "Voice". If you want my real name, capture Yuuka he knows it. Now it's your choice trust me or not."

As she read the final part, the pigeon flew, a bird that flew in the night sky. What was the person behind such a thing?

It was at that moment, Milize united the whole castle, and each and every soldier appeared, nearing a little above 200, and they moved towards the port.

They received the cannons already lying on the ground, it was 5 cannons which were enormous with their shells lying by.

The troops gathered the cannons and moved them to their position while the rest build a barricade of boxes and whatever they could find. Anju was too startled by this development.

Milize moved around and saw another bird which sat on a tree, she ran toward the bird who came in her arms and she removed the letter from its leg.

"Whta is this?"

Only Three words were written on the letter.

"The Show is set."
