Queen Side

As Maya ordered, a small boat him a handful amount of men on it, left the protection of the guarding ships, to flank the port from the side.

At the port, Milize was commanding the troops and preparing the team for another barrage of shots from the enemy ship fortress, while doing so she was approached by Anju.

"My Queen, It seems the battle is turning longer than expected. I think we should halt the battle by a flare. It seems we can't fight for long. We need a serious break."

"That is a big no. If there is a request for a pause in the battle, it should come from the enemy side. The night's darkness is a big disadvantage for them, and we need to push them into a stall."

The night was turning cold, the air was getting chilly. It was at any moment rain might strike the scene, nobody had any idea about what would happen to the state of the battle after that.

"But that's increasingly hard for us as each second passes, the number of a soldier that can fight falls to lower and lower. There is no forceful way for us them to call them forward."

"It's my intuition they will come forward themselves that now they have an opening." Milize was confident in her words as if she knew what the enemy was thinking.

"From what I know, the leader of the ships, Maya. He is a military school prodigy but all those books they teach at military schools, I've written some of them. If he is an ambitious young man and indirectly, my student, I am sure, he will attack and very soon."

"Put all the soldiers available for scouting the edges of the port, cannons should be moved back from the firing area and no need to load any shots."

It will surely be in our favour, I also need the doors of the watchtowers ready to be opened at any moment."

"My Queen, this is our stand, it the possibly the last bit of counterattack we have left. Please, I want to believe in you but we can't just stand on intuition for making our final decision."

Listening to these words Milize stopped smiling,

"We need decision-based on facts and situations, not just guesses. I can't leave all our soldiers to some prediction of yours. This is not a game of chess, where you throw away any piece you want at the enemy. This reality.

Anju wanted to make sure Milize knew that, the people besides her fighting with them to protect their country and that they were not just pieces of a chess game, that she could sacrifice without thinking.

Milize kept quiet for a short while but then she spoke again,

"Big sister."


Milize was looking calm yet, her voice sounded weak, it was the first time Anju had ever heard her younger sister call her in such a polite tone. It was never this way since they were young.

Milize turned to Anju, with sad eyes, something which Anju had never seen, her sister was not someone to have such eyes in front of anyone.

"I need you to trust me. I have many things I have hidden from, something that I was supposed to tell you very early, but I hid them for my greed, for myself.."


It was getting confusing for Anju, she was unable to understand the meaning and reasoning behind Milize's words.

"Don't worry."

It was unknown to Anju what struck her, but she couldn't stop herself from saying it, like something in her couldn't see what was happening in front of her.

The wind struck the port for the first time and the sound of waves striking the shore filled the environment.

"I don't what are you hiding from me but, at this moment. I need the cocky sister that never showed any weaknesses. I need the Queen was Lynx to fight for me."

With her words, Anju struck a sign of hope in Milize's heart. The bond between the sisters was now deeper than ever before.

"After this battle is done, I will tell you everything. Just believe my words and follow the orders."

"I will make sure that you spit out everything."

Anju walked away from Milize, following Milize's earlier order about the scouts and watchtowers.

Milize had her idea clear, she needed to hold everything together like she always did, it was her way of doing things. Trying against the odds by being down in every way but, she never gave up.

"After this battle, I know Anju, we will never be the same again. The truth will change everything."

The winds blew through the port, and the temperature was getting lower but the cold didn't make her cold and neither did she had to the time to think about the cold.

She soon moved to help the injured and, she provided them with medication and helped them recover, the few soldiers left moved as per her orders.

"I have information!!!"

, And soon her words were proven to be true.

"I have seen a scout ship trying to enter the nearby area from the east side!!"

Milize was smiling again, it was her time to raise hell on the Asphodel forces, the fish had fallen for the bait.

"Open the watchtower, and throw all the explosive barrels in the water near the shore."
