Bring You Down.

"Another one, down."

Yuuka had fired his first four shots of 21 for the rifle. He missed one but still accomplished much with three attempts at strikes.

"It's only going to get worse from here."

Yuuka was right; his action had informed the whole about his presence, but he needed to hold his ground and make some time. He was battling against a whole army.


Suddenly a noise of metal rang through Yuuka's ears as a bullet struck the metal wall. Yuuka was still sitting behind the thick metal coating on the watchtower railings. They were his only protection from enemy bullets.

"There is another sniper here. I shouldn't be surprised."

The shot came out of nowhere, and Yuuka still didn't know from which direction it came. The sheets weren't bent from any sides, he was reassured; the walls could even survive sniper bullets.

"I need to wait here."

Yuuka halted his movements and prepared himself physically and mentally to fight, but this gave Lynx's soldiers the time to prepare themselves and carefully surrounded his stronghold.


When he looked up, bullets began to rain down on the metal sheets from all sides. The noise of bullets striking the metal walls was ringing in his ears.

"I am going to die here. "

It was the truth he was pushing himself to accept. Enemy soldiers had surrounded him; no matter how good he was, he couldn't come out of it alive.

He first thought it was a do-or-die situation, but now he realized it was and die situation. His sacrifice was needed for this.

As Yuuka prepared for battle, he took a deep breath and positioned himself, slowly looking up from the sheet cover.

"Nothing goes." He held his gun and aimed at the enemies down below; within a split second, he sought and shot the soldier who came in the face with his aim.

"Don't worry. He is all alone; keep firing. We need to get him alive."

Yuuka could hear the Milize standing below shouting her lungs, outgiving orders to her soldiers.

The battle raged, with Yuuka constantly trying to get good hits on the soldiers. Some shots hit their targets, and some missed. This continued until Yuuka had only three bullets left.

The walls collapsed due to the sheer gunfire thrown at them; they would hold out for much longer now, but still, Yuuka had to fill his purpose.

"I need to create a distraction."

Yuuka had yet to fire the most crucial shot if he was successful. His sacrifice would bring Asphodel victory, but Yuuka and his army's fate wouldn't be much good if he missed.

"I need to use this."

He brought out his prism; throwing it out in the open would give him an opening, at least. The light concentrated by the prism should be enough for the job of causing a distraction to the front soldiers.

"There goes."

As he threw the prism out, it reflected the outside light perfectly into rays, but it caused panic among the Lynx soldiers, who didn't realize the prism's purpose.

"What is that?"

When Yuuka heard these words, he aimed right at his target. A group of still barrels was standing at the forefront of the port. He was planning to make them explode with one of his bullets.

If they were to explode, Asphodel's ships could push through and land on the land, granting Asphodel a complete victory.


A bullet came right through hit the sniper's scope,


Yuuka cried in agony as his right eye was severely hurt by the broken glass pieces of the scope, his gun fell on the ground, and blood came spewing down on his face, but Yuuka wasn't worried about any of this.

"I missed."

Yuuka couldn't have ever struck that shot after the successful connection of the enemy bullet; the bullet was deflected, and Yuuka had lost all chances to break open for the ships, and now he was done for.

"Everybody, leave this position and focus on attacking the Asphodel ships. We have wasted to much time here."

Milize ordered her soldiers to leave the area and only leave her and Anju behind. She indeed gave Yuuka all the priority and ignored the ships, but she needed to change that now.

"Come on leave, and I will get him myself. Don't worry; protect the port from the ships."

Milize was burning with excitement; she successfully damaged Yuuka's rifle; she had not sent any soldiers to break it open because it would create a considerable distance between them and the port.

"You are all mine, now. I'll make sure to kill you this time."
