Commander vs Commander

The rain poured down from the sky, as the two commanders faced each other, and it was their final battle and both of them were aware of the fact. Their heartbeat was regular and calmness and strength rushed to their bodies.

As the two began approaching each other in the muddy soil, the waving tall grass as the lighting was scattered in the sky and the thunder began to fill the area, as the clouds in the sky clashed.


As the distance between them closed, Milize luged at Yuuka, and Yuuka positioned himself to block the attack rather than dodge the incoming attack but he noticed something,


Yuuka got pushed back as he barely blocked the roundhouse kick by Milize, targetted right at his face.

"You dropped the knife." Yuuka was slightly surprised by her plans and to his words, Milize gave a smirk.

During her attack, Milize lunged first but dropped her knife in the middle of her actions and moved herself to deliver a roundhouse kick.

"Taking risks and giving surprises is something, I love to do. How did you like that kick?"

"It was pretty strong. I was lucky, I saw it coming for I might have a broken jaw by now."

"The three years of Taekwondo have paid off."

Milize said as she picked up the knife from the ground, she still had a smirk on her face, she successfully scored the first hit of the battle but it wasn't the last.

"This is the last time, we talk. I have given you time to recover by speaking but I don't repeat mistakes."


It was true that Yuuka was trying to get more time out of the conversation, as he was weakened by the long battle, and his mind was nearly taking all the energy just thinking. His arm was already giving up after blocking that attack.

Yuuka had to fight all out now, and he thought about his family. His parents, his daughter and his wife for a second, their images gave him the strength to fight this exhausting battle.

Milize instantly attacked Yuuka swaying her knife and Yuuka moved backwards to avoid the attack. Still, Milize immediately followed her attack with a front kick which Yuuka blocked with his arm.

The attack instantly began the next moment, Milize tied rapid jabs directed at Yuuka and he kept evading the attacks with his inhuman level of reflexes. As Milize continued to attack, her foot slipped in the mud giving Yuuka a chance to attack.


Yuuka got a direct hit in Milize's face, making her fall back but even the direct attack on the front couldn't do much damage still, Milize's eyes were full of tears due to the punch.

Yuuka had gotten some time to recover himself. Still, he regretted not pushing Milize down and launching a complete barrage at her but he wasn't confident in his current strength.

Milize had also received fatigue, it had been a day since she had eaten anything. Her breath was running heavy and she couldn't improve her combat skills.


Milize got a deep sigh and decided to remove her military jacket, to improve her speed and decrease the load on her body to recover quickly. Still, she would also get cold soon in her military underwear.

Yuuka saw this but didn't want to do the same, Milize had a knife. If he were to take a stab at any point the vest could have a chance of protecting him. With her knife and slowly walked towards Yuuka.


Instead of Milize, Yuuka launched the offence, he wanted to somehow remove the knife in to do this he needed to throw her off balance.

He went for an upper jab and Milize barely evaded it moving to the side. Yuuka however gave her no chance he launched a barrage of attacks on her.

His attacks included multiple punches, a short sweep, and an attempt to somehow get a hold of Miilze and deliver a suplex. Still, Milize managed to dodge all of them and tried to give some kicks of her own but they were blocked.

However, as Milize managed to evade every one of them, Yuuka's movement began to grow sluggish. He stopped his attack and moved back to catch his breath and Milize did the same.

"Can't help it."

Yuuka also dropped his vest on the ground, it was not possible to fight in the vest anymore, as it got heavier and heavier with the rainwater it was absorbing,


Yuuka saw the vest had been cut at multiple locations, and she could see small scars all over his shirt, but none were deep. His decision to wear the vest helped him very much.

But Yuuka needed one time to recover, so he decided to provoke Milize into a conversation and use his ultimate weapon, his experience of fighting someone blinded by rage.



"Why do you hate me so much? You should have killed a long ago if you weren't getting so personal and selfish. So what makes you so angry towards me?"


Milize did not utter a word she was obeying her word of not attacking. She had already begun covering the distance between them.

"Could it be that you think of me as the reason for your father's death? Are you sad you saw him by yourself?!"

Yuuka said as his tone was very sarcastic and amused,


As soon as these words left Yuuka's mouth, Milize attacked with her full force, trying to stab Yuuka with her knife,


Yuuka smiled as he caught Milize in his trap. In a blind rage, Milize had left her to open, which was quickly blocked by Yuuka. He caught off both of Milize's arms by the wrists.

Milize tried to free herself, but in a battle of sheer strength, she was unfavoured genetically and practically.

"Guess you are still a kid!"

Yuuka shouted these words as he headbutted Milzie with full force, making her lose consciousness for a second, and he twisted her wristed to disarm her knife.


Milize gruntled as the knife left her hand, and Yuuka found it the perfect opportunity. He pushed Milize down with full force and laid her on the ground, landing punch after on her face as she barely tried to block the attacks with her arms.

Yuuka finally stopped his barrage of attacks and took deep breaths as he looked upon the injured Milize, her nose was already spewing out blood, and she was in no state of fighting. At the same time, both of their bodies were covered in the mud.

Yuuka had stood victorious in the battle, but his happiness was short-lived,

* Shoot


A bullet passed through Yuuka's stomach, and blood and pain appeared in his mind, but he was too fatigued to react. He fell right on the ground right beside Milize.


The second last ch of the first arc is here.