Racing Heartbeat

"So what do you say, am I allowed?"

Edward turned his face from the window, his eyes giving off a sharp gaze clearly stating the answer.

" ... "

Isabella couldn't help but get intimidated by the anger and change of Edward's persona, so she chose her next words carefully.

"I guess, I can't but then just help her escort out of the railway station. The guards are looking for me all over the nation."

Edward faced the other side after understanding the favour she was asking for.

" Do you have posters out yet? "

" Yes, first it was just sketches but recently I saw a poster of myself. Hiding among the common folk is getting harder every day."

"Why don't you cut your hair and go somewhere in isolation? "

"It's no fun, what stuff you can do alone hiding in a forest. I wish I had a partner!!"

" Partner..?!, ..."

A small chuckle came out of Edward's mouth and he continued his sentence.

"...I can't even imagine you marrying a guy and not killing him on the first night."

Isabella got a little annoyed by Edward's words.

"I am not interested in men anyway, I want a woman of my dreams. I once found a good one but she was scared of me, so we didn't get married. "

" Ohh... Well, I won't say anything about that."

To Edward, Isabella was a clear fanatic who would surely end up behind bars due to someone she trusted as she would scare them to the point where they would have no choice.

" Okay, the station is almost near, I think we should leave dear wife," Edward said.

He got from his seat and offered Isabella a hand, Isabella smiled and held Edward's hand.


Steam pumped out of the engine as the two got out of their seats and moved towards the exit of the carriage.

Edward with a suitcase in one hand, opened the door to look at the station's platform.

"... "

The site brought him a bit of amusement,

" You are in deep trouble."

Isabella quickly came forward and looked out of the door,

" God dammit."

A group of well-uniformed soldiers holding guns, and posters with Isabella's face on it were standing on the platform among the masses.

" I think we should be leaving."

Edward ordered Isabella, who was sweating from anxiety now, to come out.

" I hope you won't betray me Or I'll haunt you in your dreams for the next million lives. "

" Don't blame me if you get caught, I told you to cut off all of your hair but You didn't."

Two got off the train alongside many other passengers, walking closely beside each other to avoid suspicion.

" The guards are looking around, we need to find my escort here."

Edward whispered with minimal lip movement while he moved quickly towards the exit.

" Don't worry, there are more people than I expected we are sure to get out of here."

"Why are there so many people, this is the last station right?"

" People sleep in these trains during the night to avoid not getting a seat in the morning."

The two moved through the crowd passing different soldier groups, they crossed them while laughing and talking like a normal couple.

The two stood near the exit, Edward saw a small disturbance at the back,

and his eyes looked at the two moving in the crowd with the poster in his hand.

" Someone is coming for us. Should we run?"

Edward warned Isabella who smiled at the proposition,

"It can be done more easily, bring out all the money in your pocket and face me near the wall of the gate."

Edward didn't question Isabella's method, he let go of Isabella's hand and put it in his pocket collecting all the notes he had in his right hand.

"Well, here goes nothing."

"hu.!! "

As the two approached the gate of the station, Edward held Isabella's shoulders and made her turn around, putting her back to the wall and her face towards him.

"What?!!!... "

Isabella was caught off guard and her face had become red, she was blushing. Her suitcase fell on the floor and the people around looked in awe.

" Tell me what I am supposed to do?"

Edward asked Isabella but she wasn't able to respond.

"Tell me?! People are looking at us now."

" Put the money in your hand into my chest cleavage, don't smile and then move back. " Isabella was unable to make Eye contact now.

Edward moved his hand and inserted the money in the small space in Isabella's Bodice and moved back.

As Edward placed the money, people began to move again, some laughed while others showed disgust.

Removing her back from the wall, Isabella took a big sigh and looked Edward in the eyes.

" My honour, to spend time with you."

She picked Edward's hands, the one opposite from the one he gave the money from and kissed it, all while a gleaming smile was on her face.

Saying this, Isabella picked up her suitcase, turned her back towards Edward and walked away.

"Goodbye, Isa," Edward spoke in a gentle tone.

Isabella stood in her place for a second but then kept walking.

" I hope I never see her again. " Edward whispered to himself.

He turned his face to the other side and kept walking, the soldier suspicious of them never called them up and Edward moved on like it never happened.

In the end, Isabella's plan did work, she and Edward both went their ways after their job was done, but ...

Not everybody forgot about what just happened,

" Now, I want to become his wife. Isa... should I get back to him... I will make him mine."

Someone was talking over Isabella's heart, she could never forget what just happened. The blush was still there, her heart was shaking at the thrill.

"But before that..." Isabella sensed a group of three men walking beside her, fooled into thinking she was a prostitute.

"I will fulfil my revenge and then become a proper wife and mother...."

The feeling of excitement rose in her body as she held the knife hiding in her Liz skirt.
