Time Passes

"So, you see Rus, is ruled by a king called the Tsar."

" I see, I think I will add a Tsar to my story too!"

Edward was enjoying a calm moment with Dia, telling her his experiences about the world he saw.

While telling her own stories of her life. The father and daughter enjoyed knowing more about each other.

" You see, there was a boy I liked at the orphanage."

"...was? right."

Edward gained a bit of bloody intent of his mind and face.

" Yes! He used to play the piano, he played so much better than me. I used to listen to him all the time."

Edward curled his lips and faced down with a smile, trying to imagine her listening to the Piano. It was so clear as if a memory.

"Déjà vu."

'Like mother Like daughter', Edward thought to himself.

" Huh??"

"It's a French word. Don't they teach you extra languages?".

" I've learned French but only the basics, it feels easier to write than speak."

" Guess I need to do a lot of homeschooling. I teach you so many languages. You can go anywhere in the world."

" Father, you are amazing! How did you remember so much? I can remember my friend's birthdays."

" Well, it's practice. You work hard and give your best."

The girl nodded and started reciting every French word she could remember, trying to push a normal conversation in the latter.

" French is soo hard! I can't do this."

It wasn't even 5 mins and the little girl was already complaining.

" All the words feel the same, why does every word seem to have the same pronunciation? The counting is so weird."

" Come on. Don't give up so early. I'll give you a bouquet of white lilies. If you wrote the first 20 words"

" But, I don't like white lilies."


" Then about the white lilies, I asked to send you..?"

" Umm... I put them in a vase lying in my other room."

Edward nodded even though he knew she was lying. She threw them away.

"What kind of plants and animals do you like?"

" My favourites are Lavender and wild orchids for plants and as for animals, I love rabbits and dogs."

" I see. You share different likings for animals. I love sunflowers and cats."

" I hate cats!! They are so bad. You don't own a cat do you."

" Why?! The cats are good. I love patting their fur and sleeping alongside them."

" No! Once a cat sneaked inside our school kitchen. It caused so much damage, it drank our milk and threw down all the glasses on the shelf. They are so scary."

" Okay, I see. You do have a point about that."

" Also, why did you send me white lilies? You like sunflowers, right?"


Edward was having trouble making a convenient story at the moment.

" Well, when I was your age I also liked a girl. So, I asked her which flowers she likes. She told me it was white lilies."

" Ohh. We are the same. Why did you like her? Did she play the piano too?!"

" No, I was the one who played the piano."

" You can play the piano!! Why didn't you tell me?"

" You want to learn piano?"

"Yes, music is soo much more than his learning languages. Please teach me that?"

" Yes, yes. I sure will. Kids are too full of energy."

The girl shouted, laughed and moved around but didn't look tired once, complaining about French.


" Wait, where is Miss Mary?"

Edward suddenly remembered Miss Mary, she was gone for way too long.

" Did she forget the way up here?"

Dia tried to crack a little joke but worries showed on her face too.

" I think it must be a problem, I'll go check. Stay in this room, Okay."


The two hear a sound at the door, somebody was knocking.

" Please come in. Miss Mary, it took -"

As the person enters the door, holding a plate of tea and biscuits in hand. It wasn't Mary.

" Mr. Rage?!"

Dia called out the person who entered the room.


Edward become wry as Rage with a bright smile walked into the room, he did speak anything until he kept the plate on the table.

" I am sorry. Miss Mary was called down for more official work as she is Dia's guardian."

Rage smiled and looked at Dia, who smiled back at him.

" You two are familiar with each other? Since when." Edward asked.

"Since, the day before yesterday. When I came here, he heard me writing a story. So, he gave me a vacant typewriter to use."

Dia explained the relation between the two and Rage nodded confirming the story.

" Dia, I think you should finish completing your packing. Your room is needed for other visitors. Your staying already due."

" I'm sorry. I forgot about it. I was packing my stuff, also need to find my stuff. It was lost in the room."

"... I think I will come alone with you."

Edward gave a small proposal of coming along.

"No!, I have secrets hidden in my room. I can't show them to anyone."

" Mr. Edward. I have a bit of free bit, let's finish our conversation from earlier while she finishes off her work."

Dia nodded and ran out of the room to finish her packing. While Rage sat down on the second sofa facing Edward.

" I'll see you two soon. In just one minute."

Dia said, as she closed the door and the two men looked at each other.

" I see, you have gotten quite along with your daughter, it doesn't even feel like you two met for the first time."

" Well, she is heartwarming to talk to her. Anyone can get along with her."

Edward's eyes looked relaxed but, his hands were not so much.

" Please don't keep your hand in your pocket. I don't have enough strength to fight the 'rogue'."

Edward smiled at Rage's words,

" Seems like I have met someone like me. The biscuits and tea, are poisoned. Give a reason why should I kill you off right now."

" Because I have questions for you. I want you to answer my question about the poison it wasn't I who mixed the poison. It was Miss Mary."

"Miss Mary! I did suspect her. Why did she do that?"

"Because she was a spy from Axum."

The conversation had just begun but, big worlds were being passed already.

Edward came to know not only the assassins but another kingdom was hunting for him.
