A Planned Assault.

The knife flew right into Edward's right shoulder, Dyeing his white clock bloody red as he absorbed the pain and locked the smoked white room closed.


Putting his back against the walls, he pressed his wound. His breathing accelerated, and he came pounding in his chest. It was not the first time Edward was injured in a battle, but fear would find a place in his heart every time he did.

The knife was a sharp dagger, and nearby pierced through Edward's skin, and clock, not wearing any amour to increase his speed, was biting him in the spine. The blood was now down the arm.

The voices of the creaks on the wooden floor got louder, and Edward knew he was fighting more than three assassins, and the pain of his dominant arm tortured him.

He felt the sudden warmth on his body.

"This place is gonna kick the bucket."

As Edward moved his head to look out the window, he saw the city's flames burning in front of his eyes. As he turned and looked at the hallway, the fire of the burning flames had lit it already. 

"Got no place to run, eh!"

He was on his own, and no one was coming to help him either. It was do or die, and for a moment, Edward thought of his wife. He could remember her face better than ever, maybe because he was closer to death, but he remembered her final words,

"Don't die. Live."

He had to live for his daughter, for her present and future. He needed to live and face the demons that he brought upon himself. He absorbed all the pain that he could and tried to control his breathing.

"I see your blood, Rogue. You cannot run away from me." 

From the door was the voice of the assassin, and Edward remembered it clearly; it was the same voice that gave Edward the scar on his head. The wound had healed, but the sign and impact of it remained.


Edward prepared himself. The door of the room fell, and smoke rushed into the hallway. Edward prepared himself, taking a defensive stance to counter any incoming attack.

"Edward are you all right!??!!!" 


A voice called to Edward on the other side of the smoke, and by the sound of the floor, that person was running towards him. Things got a lot more complicated.

"Isabella!! Run away from here!!!"

He didn't have time to ask anything about Isabela. All he knew was that she was going to be killed if she was ever going to fight even one of the assassins.

"Watch out!!"

Two figures jumped out of the fog, one and bounced opposite sides. The first blow came at Edward, a knife swinging right at his head. He dodged the sword and swayed to the other side.

"Got you! I ain't a kid you know!"

The roar of Isabella was heard across the hallway, and she had found out a way to defeat the assassin it seemed. 

He kicked his opponent right on the gut, but the attack got blocked as the enemy protected themself with their arm, but he fell back into the room.

Edward kneeled to the pain as the bleeding was already high. Medical attention was needed now more than ever. 

"!!!!" Suddenly, the hallway became red as the flame rose more than the smoke.

"Aaaaa.!!!!" Edward heard a go-aloud in the hallway as the hallway became bright.

A considerable flame now replaced the smoke, and from came running Isabella with a suitcase and a bottle carrying fire in her hands.

"Oh!! I love this." 

She screamed as she threw the bottle right into the room and smashed the door closed. 


Instantly, the flames rose across the room, the door was blasted, and Isabella fell on the wall. Edward immediately moved to help her.

"Are you alright? What the hell is that anyway?"

"Heh! It is my special recipe for causing destruction. I'll tell you some other day. First, we need to get out of this building. we are dead if we stay here."

They both looked at the glass window; it was the only way outside now, but not big enough for them to jump at once. Edward knew he needed to exit first.

"I'll go first and you come second." Edward suggested.

"You idoit. You think you can catch me if I fall down 4 meters with that broken arm? and it look at arm!! OH my GOD!! You are bleeding to bad! You'll die."

Edward flinched at Isabella, but her words were correct. He needed help to catch Isabella.

"I am going first!!"

"Hey, stop!"

With her suitcase in front of her body, Isabella rushed to the against the window, breaking it apart and falling down the building.

"Ouch .."

Edward followed her and jumped out of the window, aiming for the roof of the next building and slowly coming down the roof to roof, which was not burning, but the rain and wind were bringing it down.

" How the hell did you end up here?"

Edward helped Isabella get up as he rushed, with her hand in his, into a shop that wasn't already burning.

"Well, me being is nothing special. I might be a nation wide wanted criminal now but do have old connections in this place. You can say it is my save house in case of trouble. Tell me why are you here weren't you supposed be adopting your girl by now?"


"Shut up! Don't speak. You are bleeding too much. Sit down here. Ignore any person dying on the outside or bullet that come our way. Just focus on me."
