
"agh...." a violent pain broke in her back rigging her spine with enormous pain. Saliva dropped from her mouth as the small explosions in her.

"It hurts!! It hurts..!!!!" She released the man's body put her hands on her back and she fell on her knees. The body of the dead man fell to the ground.

The punches her body took were putting a toll on her. She could not fight physically now, not with such soft injuries. Small noises of footsteps came to her but then they stopped.

"Isabella, are you alright? Come on move."

Henry appeared at Isabella's side out of nowhere. He lifted Isabella on his shoulder and held her using his hand.

He grabbed the bayonet rifle with his other hand and moved inside the barracks, kicking the corpse of the unhanded man inside the barracks.

"Come on lay down here." He laid her down against the wall closed the lever for the door to the barracks and returned to Isabella.

"Calm down, Isabella. He has attacked your back too many times. It will hurt for a while, calm down and rest for a moment now and...."

For the first time, Henry's eyes fell on Isabella's arm, which was now covered in red, but the scars were still visible. The scars were spread out to both arms, each going to her shoulders it was the first time he saw them but it was the first he saw them this closely.

"The Devil took control once again...." Isabella said in a quivered voice, she was shaking now, was it from the cold? or her words had other meanings?

"Devil...? Isabella what are you talking about?" 

A tear began forming under Isabella's eyes, she was shaking in fear, and she crawled up in fear, hiding her arms from both Henry's and her own eyes.

"The devil, he comes to me every time I see these arms. I cannot even bathe seeing them, the devil tells the stories, unfortunate stories. I cry when I see those stories, I don't to see them they hurt....."

Henry did not say a thing or better said, he had no words. He did not believe in god nor he did in the devil but in the person in front of him, he was quivering and shaking. What could be so strong that it made even a person like Isabella scared?

"He tells stories...? or something else too?" 

Isabella answered with a nod, her tears were falling now. 

"He possesses my entire body sometimes, I fall asleep and the world goes dark and when I wake up, I have killed people, I am always covered in the blood of people, he kills them so brutally.... he doesn't even leave me. Look, how I am hurting right now, It is all this fault. He does it all." 

Henry moved his hand on Isabella's shoulder but it was not to comfort far from it.

"Isabella...? Do you mean the man you just killed outside? You do not remember killing him?"

Isabella swung around her mind confirming his question, she did feel the pain which the devil made her take but did not remember killing the person he killed.


Henry was getting scared too, he had heard stories of people being possessed by supernatural powers before but he never believed it but now when he one in person it scared him to his very core.

When could this possession begin he wondered? when could she be cursed off to this dire fate?

Seeing her face Henry already had the answer to where it all began, when Humans threw all signs of their humanity away and became mindless fiends who feast on the corpses of their kind.

"So, Did you kill the "pig" that day or was it the devil?"

Isabella's eyes showed anger as the word "pig entered her ears. The devil did not kill him, she did. She would never let the devil take away her greatest ambition.

"No, that was me. It had to me, I wanted vengeance on that animal and I got it. The devil tried but that day. The lord was on my side and I delivered justice on that animal."

"That's...good. For you at least."

"....What are conditions on the outside? Did we make any progress in this condition?"

"No., It was gotten worse for our side. When you were fighting I took out two soldiers myself and got a glimpse of another whole platoon near the bridge, they are going to come across and attack us."

"But..If they are coming across the bridge then, It means resistance for Thomas's group decreases. We are helping them out this way."

Isabella had a hopeful expectation for Thomas now, he could get by more easily now.

"No, I don't think they would have allowed their lowered at the gate without taking countermeasures. They must have placed the white assassin at the gate. It must have gotten worse for them."

Can you speak anything positive? You are making everything worse for me.

"Come on!, Don't lose hope. We can salvage out of this. We need to wait till Edward comes by."



The door to the accounting room came bursting open. the sound of a bullet had begun once again. Henry left Isabella's side and rolled around to the other side of the door.

"How did they get in here?" The gates were supposed to lose how did they enter?

"Damn it. I forgot to close the windows gates!!" Isabella looked at the levers the window's gate was open.

Isabella knew the windows were made not as strong as normal metal, the brown rust was visible to anyone, and they were integrally weak.

"Close them fast, they are trying to break in by destroying the metal shieldings."

Henry tried to mode but the fire spread was not random, it was specially aimed at the lever's direction.

* creak

"The metal fell." The sound of the metal finally bending to the sound of the gunfire was there, Henry knew he had to make a rush now. It was only seconds before the men would enter and gunfire would shower again.

He ran across the main room trying to reach the levers, he rolled and pushed himself forward and reached the levers, while Isabeall held the bayonet once again, prepared not capable of much fighting.

"Shoot!" The infiltrators saw Henry moving and opened fire at him.


 The bullet hit his right leg and pushed all the levers of then. the gates of the windows then all once again and Henry fell on the ground.

"Henry, move!"

Henry rolled himself on the ground, moving himself to the gate of the food storehouse which was now closed. 

It's all on me now. I need to win.

'Shit!" Isabella took a deep breath in and stood on her feet, pain was not Important right no, it was another die-or-win situation but this time. two lives hanged on her hands.

Henry saw Isabella's resolve and her strength to fight instead of the fear, and his mind changed.

"Isabella take this, Take them out," Henry said as he slipped his gun from the other side, Isabella picked up the gun and checked the magazine it was full and the gunfire had stopped.`

Isabella looked at her feet and another plan spurred up.


Of the enemy soldiers, five of whom had yet entered, five covered the table and two moved in front. The two had full ammo, while the other had nearly exhausted theirs.

"It's a head." 


A small image of a head appeared in the door along with an arm, the enemy became alerted as the two soldiers fell back, making the table rushed and unable to cover them all.


The bullets filed against the head, some even hit and spurred out blood,

"Only one left." Or so the Italians assumed. The rest of the group was in comfort for a second. 

"It appeared again." The head was once again vulnerable to the attacker and this time it moved even forward an image of the bayonet's knife became visible.

'Kill him."

The shooters once again released a flurry but none ever hit, the head vanished again and this time it hit one bullet and it disappeared.

"It"s back again."

The head once again appeared, and bullets kept flying again and again it appeared and appeared and was shot every time but it kept coming back to haunt them.

"The enemy is immortal?! Why is not dying? Are were fighting the devil? That man."

"Shut up! there is nothing like the devil. It must be...." The soldiers wondered in fear what was the monstrosity they were killing.


Something came flying in from the door side, and the squad got up to see the door, fearing a hand explosive, the group tried to rush outside.


At the door, a body came flying from the side, the last bullets from their guns were fired against the body at came at them. The body fell to the ground as the group took a breath of silence. the undead devil was dead.

"??!?" As the crew looked at the dead body, two of them noticed, that what was object thrown at them was, it was an arm.

"requiescat in pace." Standing at the door in her baggy pants and armless shirt she carried a gun with her. The group knew it was there.


The gun noise began cracking as she busted the men in front of her, her mind was cracking down at her. As the two burst turned the men in front of her into corpses.

"Oh! God!" The words came bursting from her mouth as her gun fell on her feet, and she took help from the wall to stand on her feet.

Henry was already walking beside her also taking support from the wall to walk. 

"You did an amazing job there Isabella, you always seem to impress me. You are even as good as that of an assassin, a battle master."

A smile appeared on Isabella's face as she tried to move ahead.

Wait did he praise a assassin?!

"Agh..." Before she could move a knife was pushed near her lower spine, and her body fell on the ground. 

Isabella knew in her bones, Mother Elana or the lord won't save her now.

