They call me Noob! For that they shall pay!

There journey is uneventful and nothing out of the ordinary happened again, but the risk of this happening a lot in the future have exponentially increased.

"So we are now been targeted by a huge evil force ?" Draken asked.

jwhbsrinvfriygrf nodded.

"That will be quiet stressful but it will also be fun" Draken laughed.

"So Vincent what's up with you and those crazy maniacs?" jwhbsrinvfriygrf asked.

"Well... I use to be one of them and not only that, I am also one of the high ranking players in their ranks"

"Some thing happened and then I decided to leave, but they have already threaten me that if I am to leave I have to part with my trusty dagger" As he said that, he play with the black dagger in his hand.

"Then of course I refused, so they decided to hunt me down. One of their threats is that when they manage to locate me, they will use a binding treasure so that when they kill me I can't respawn in the city"

"Thought that, they can kill me again and again and again until I am a level 1 player once more. Then they will collect the dagger and finally will consider my debt with them settled" Vincent explained.

"That's quiet a long story but how can they be so heartless to a once brother in arms? They are really so cruel" Draken lamented.

"Indeed they are, but it's only right that only the cruel and merciless ca so the work they do and I feel ashamed to once be part of them" Vincent sigh at the end.

"No it's all right now, it's over since you have left them. They lose such a great player and they also provoke the great me" Draken angrily added at the end, it seems there's something that is still enraging him.

"So them telling you shut up bot is still in you mind?" Jwhbsrinvfriygrf asked with a teasing smile.

"Of course it is, how can they disrespect and humiliate me like that?! If I become a great player I must destroy them!" Draken made a vow.

"But I have to tell you that they are not so easy to destroy as you thought" Vincent added.

"It all doesn't matter, they have already embark on the path of destruction by provoking the great me!" Draken once again said.

It seems the incidents that one of the members told him to shut up and on top of all of it, he even dare to say shut up noob. That sentence is still fresh in his mind, there's no way he will forget.

As they chatted away from time to time laughing at Draken's attitude well at least jwhbsrinvfriygrf laughed, Vincent still got that cold and stoic face.

They can finally see the Village in the distance.

"Finally! Let's do this! Let's accelerate our pace" Draken urge.

Soon they arrive at the village and Draken manage to complete his quest, well he ripped not harvest in him teaming up with jwhbsrinvfriyg and Vincent than the mission reward.

Meanwhile IRL...

The monstrous player known as Aizen have woken up from his sleep and still finds out that his little brother is still playing.

"This is too much" with that said he start walking towards Gary with then intention to just remove the Helmet from his head.

It turns out he don't have to since Gary have already decided to finally log out.

"Gary you have been playing for almost two days" Alan berated.

"This is not the capsule type that an replace sleep and all, you must be taking breaks or else the blame will all go to me" Alan added.

"Sorry I kinda get carried away while playing and forgot the passage of time" Gary apologized.

"Well go is it? Did you make friends and have fun?" Alan asked.

"Yeah the game is super good and I really enjoyed playing it, it's so real!"

"And I have also made some new friends but I am not telling you their names!" Gary said.

"Why not?" Alan curiously asked.

"Because it's my secret" Gary said as he laugh.

"I will love to play the game with you, what's your User Name?" Alan asked.

"I ain't telling you that too" Gary refused once again.

"Why..." Alan pretenses to be dejected.

"I don't wanna get strong through you, I have depended on you for far too long. I want to be strong so that I can protect you too and then I will make sure no one will bully you" Gary cheerful said.

'I bet very few players can bully me' Alan felt like laughing but he contend as he appreciate his brother's concern

"My little brother wants to protect me, I really feel touched"

"You!!!" Gary shouted as he lunge at Alan.

"It's been a while since we do this and I bet I am much stronger now" Gary announced as he challenge Alan to an Arm Wrestling.

'I just have to wait just a little while and I can finally make my return' At the thought of this, a smile unfurl on Alan's face.