You will regret this!

As he crept up sneakily from behind, the squad leader is still oblivious to the fact that he is getting sneak attack.


Vincent dash at him trying to buy Draken some time.

One of the squad member manage to notice Draken, on a normal basis he would have ignore him but the noob player is heading for a pincer attack with the deadly Vincent on their boss.

He immediately dash toward Draken with his dagger on the ready.

'Dammit! I was spotted, I only have two options now'

Draken curse in his hearth, he is stuck in between a rock and hard place, his only two choice is either to retreat or push forward and receive the attack but manage to help Vincent.

'Fuck it! Am pushing forward' Draken attack connected with the back of the leader and it caught him by surprise.

Vincent suddenly arrived and finish him off.


The other player manage to attack Draken which injures him greatly but he still have some HP left.

"Dammit! It seems I have underestimated you guys" with that Vincent is now enrage as he glare at the attacker.


He slash at the assaulter.


He manage to block it but Vincent serious attack still push him back.

In that slice moment, Vincent push forward with his combo.

He slash horizontally hitting him on the chest, he then use his other hand and stab him then lastly completed his combo by delivering a kick to his mid section sending the assaulter flying.

He then rush to Draken's side, he quickly took out a HP potion and handed it to the injured Draken.

"Take this quick!"

He stuff it to his hand as h quickly stood up and turn his gaze to the battle field, his eyes darting quickly as he scouted which player will he pick as his next opponent.

He quickly find his next target and he charge toward him managing to catch him off guard he quickly activated his skill and manage to land a critical attack.

Two other assassins set their eyes on Vincent as they quickly charge toward him.

Jwhbsrinvfriygrf's body still got some shadow in it as he face three assassins which one of them is the vice captain of the squad.


He duck down as an attack aim at his neck flew above him.

Jwhbsrinvfriygrf use his sword to attack the lead attacker.

The enemy manage to block it but the force of the attack manage to push him back and that's what Jwhbsrinvfriygrf wanted.

He dash towards the middle of the two players, they try to react but he's a bit too fast as he hit one of them with his dagger while he sent the other one staggering back with a kick.

"Sigh... this is quiet stressful" he said as he dash toward the staggering player.

"Double Stab!" He shouted the skill as he stab fast in quick succession.

While he stab at him the play turn crazy as he throw any thought of defense and manage to get one of his attack successful on Jwhbsrinvfriygrf.

Regardless the playerturn into some light particles and disappear.

"One down two to go" He muttered as he set his eyes on the two opponents facing him.

This time they didn't wait for him to come toward them instead they dash at him.

"Oh shit..." He quickly throw his dagger towards one of them.

Seeing the dagger coming towards him, the player stopped as he attempt to block it then a black shadow quickly moved toward his teammate.

That black shadow is non other than Jwhbsrinvfriygrf as he slash diagonally with his sword.

The players is caught off guard at the sudden turn of events and before he can react the full force of Jwhbsrinvfriygrf landed on him.

Jwhbsrinvfriygrf quickly thrust his sword and manage to hit the player in the chest.

As he put his full force on that thrust, he is also open for attack and a dagger soon found its way to his gut.

"Argh!" Jwhbsrinvfriygrf grunted as he sees there's no time to pull the sword back for another attack, he unsheathe his dagger once again and slash at his already weaken opponent.

"You will regret your decision and will pay with your life!" The Player struggle to say as he turn to light particles.


"Huh..." Jwhbsrinvfriygrf is surprised as he heard he painful shout as he turn around to see what's happening.

He was made with a close blade to his face only an inches away from him but Vincent manage to intercept the attack.

"Thank you" Jwhbsrinvfriygrf said.

"No... I should be thanking you instead" Vincent reply as usual with his cold face.

"Draken, are you alright?" Jwhbsrinvfriygrf asked.

"Hah... Hah... am fine" Draken said as he manage to stand up to further prove his claim.