First time using Shadow Travel.

A man covered in black robe with extraordinary and refined aura slowly walk out of an inn after paying some coins.

'It's time I visit Gerard' Aizen thought as he walk towards Gerard's Martial arts hall.

After a while of walking he finally arrived.

'This bring backs memories' Aizen sigh as he reminisce about the past.

As soon as he open the door he was shocked, because someone so familiar was standing right before him as if waiting for him.

"Aizen?"He hesitantly asked.

"Gerard, it is indeed i. How did you recognize me?" Aizen spoke.

"Even though you are clad in some weird clothes, I still manage to sense your familiar aura" Gerard said with a mesmerizing smile.

"How'd you manage to survive? I thought you are really done for in that mountain, when that crimson energy explode" Gerard asked.

"Well I manage to run super fast and still it affected me, in the end I am just lucky to survive unconscious. Thankfully some friends found me and bring me back" Aizen explained.

"Gerard you seem to have improve a lot"Aizen praised.

"Yeah, I always felt bad that I am not able to save you. So that further increase the flame in my hearth and also my desire for strength"

"I always train any time I got the chance, I never wasted it again" Gerard smile.

"That's great then, I just came to visit you today and see how you are doing" Aizen said.

"Oh well, I have something to give you before you leave, follow me" Gerard said as walk inside.

Aizen closely followed behind.

"Take this" Gerard said as he gave him a box.

"Alright thanks a lot" Aizen's face revealed a joyful expression.

[Mysterious Box]

"We can go on a mission sometime" Aizen said as he walk out.

"Yes we will" Gerard grinned.

Minute later Aizen left the City and in an uneventful journey arrived at a monster zone, monster zone refers to the places that are not safe and are full of beasts.

"This will be interesting" A masked figure in dark purplish Cultivator clothe muttered.

This figure is of course Aizen, he have already removed the robe and he look extremely majestical, it will have been better if he had a sword.

"I missed throatsealer's company tho" Aizen said as he dash towards the forest before him.


"Woah a welcoming party" Aizen grinned as his eyes landed on three wolves.


The closest one dash at him but Aizen is quick to react as he jump back.



"Dammit!" Aizen cursed as he felt the pain.

As he was flying back earlier, he never expected the wolf to be so fast that it follow up with another attack hitting him right on the stomach pushing him back with force.

[Gray Needle Wolf] [30]

HP: 5,000/5,000

DMG: 600


Swift, Double pounce, Gray needle fur, Rage.

'I have clearly underestimated the wolf and it seems that it use the double pound skill when it manage to hit me and caught me off guard' Aizen thought as he flew back and regaling his balance.

But soon the wolfs are on him again resuming their attacks.

"Hmph!" Aizen grunted as he jump with his right knee up.

The strike is successful as it directly connected with the jaw of the wolf on the lead, that kick manage to stun him and push him back.


Aizen quickly brought his knee down and when he did, he find the two wolves still continuing their attacks.

"Dammit! Give me a break!" Aizen shouted in anger as he dash towards one of the wolf preparing for a straight punch.


Aizen successfully hits the wolf on the eyes and the bloody number appeared on it's head.



The last wolf manage to bite Aizen on the shoulder when Aizen it's occupied with the other wolf.

The bite coupled with its momentum manage to throw Aizen off balance as he directly fall on he is back.



The wolf is till gnawing on Aizen's shoulder.

"Get lost!" Aiden shouted as he deliver an uppercut punch to the Wolf's jaw throwing it up.


The three wolves manage to regroup again, their coordination is quite remarkable as they form a triangle formation putting Aizen in the middle.

'This beasts are quite experience' Aizen thought as his eyes darted between the three wolves.

'Shadow Travel'

With that Aizen falls in to his own shadow leaving the three wolves confuse.

They start looking left and right for Aizen but he's no where to be found.

'Little wolves, you still don't know how dangerous I really am' Aizen grinned in the dark.

Soon one of the wolves shadow is acting weird and it's actually having some ripples unbeknownst to the unlucky wolf.