So this is the might of an S-Grade skill

The wolf suddenly felt a hint of danger but it can pin point how it in what form it is, it just felt to jump back and escape.

Soon a figure comes out of its shadow with a swoosh!

"Eat this!" Aizen shouted as he knew the wolf's jaw.


With a pitiful scream the wolf was sent flying and also back to its maker.

The two wolves are quick to react as they both dash at the same towards Aizen.

'Dammit! To get one of my hits in, i need to take a hit as well, but to hell with it! Does it even matter?' Aizen had a crazy thought as he also dash towards the wolfs.

The wolves jump into the air and Aizen follows suit, with his trusty right knee up to hit another jaw.




Aizen is surprised that his knee missed the wolves face, the wolf's attack have failed but in the end it use double pounce and manage to hit him.


The other wolf also attack him twice!

But he managed to block the last one by putting his armored arm into the beat's mouth.

Aizen is thrown to the ground with one of his arm in a wolf's mouth.

"Argh! So be it!"

Aizen use his other hand and grabbed the wolf's head.

He concentrated and guide his Void energy to his hand.

"Void Blast!"

A seamless black ominous energy shot out and the head of the wolf is no where to be found, it is blasted into nothingness completely no longer to exist!

Aizen quickly stood up but he was met by a barrage of gray needles.



Feeling the pain, fortunately Shadow travel's CD is reset and so he can use it once again which of course he did.

Quickly disappearing into the shadows and out of harms way Aizen quickly trapper only to be met with An enrage state Gray needle wolf.

"Oh shit, not good"

Aizen prepares to use his new skill if worse comes to worse!


A claw strike barley missed Aizen and almost grazed his head, if that happen it will be a critical hit.

"Disappearing steps" Aizen slow said under his breath.

[Disappearing steps activated]

+100% to speed!

Aizen soon moves so fast that he left afterimages.

The after images might have serve to confuse his enemy but currently the beast is in an enrage state!

But still Aizen didn't care because he's speed is on a whole new level as he move twice as fast as the earlier him.

'So this is the might of an S-Grade skill' Aizen relished the feeling.

The wolf tries to hit him but completely missed which shocked him but it attempts again and again but it always missed.

This serves to further infuriates him.

Aizen soon punch it straight to the face and follow up with a knee strike to the jaw without wasting any time finish the combo with an uppercut.

Aizen is panting hard as he catches his breath.

"I am too familiar fighting with a sword but I can still do good with fist too, it's too brutal tho" Aizen complained to himself.

He will love to find a sword soon, because a swords cut is clean and fighting with it prevents more rail of him getting injured.

After all at one point, he had to put his hand in a beast's mouth, what if that beast has a strong biting force? Then he will be done for.

Aizen sigh as he collected the loot.

'This will at most sell for 10 gold coins, that is because it's the beginning of the game, I can bet that in the future the monetary rewards will decrease' Aizen thought as he stored the loots.

His health is quite low currently and most of his skills are yet to reset due to the earlier fight, so he prefer to rest and wait for all of his skills to be ready once more.

'Thankfully I bought some HP potions' Aizen thought as he quickly took them out to consume them.

He watch as his HP steadily increase and soon it's full once agin and Aizen is ready to resume his journey.

As he continues to run through the jungle, he seems to heard some fighting nearby.

'Let's hope it's a beast versus beast that way even If i destroy both of them I won't have a guilty conscience well even if it's a player versus beast, I will still kill the beast to win some loots and XP'

Recently Aizen discovered something weird, the ring that limits his power seems to have done it permanently, when he asked the game Ai.

He come to a shocking realization that his existence will break the balance of the game that is why he's strength is permanently sealed and he has to earn it the normal way.

So he can also level up normally now.

When he move toward the source of the sound, he finds out that a group of wolves are hanging up on a strong python, the python is wounded but still it destroys some me of the wolves as it tries to protect something!