Mask And Raven On The Run!

After walking for a while, the darkness seems to be coming alive as it slowly crept and swirls in weird random way.

Their hearts tightened as they got an ominous feeling, "I got the feeling that we are been watched by something or someone" Mask said in a low voice.

The air is abnormally cold at this point and it gave off a creepy vibe as it whistle from different directions.


Suddenly the wind shoot towards Raven like a blade!


Raven is startled as he tries to protect himself even though he knew it is too late!


A sound of a weapon unsheathe is heard!


A saber slashed the blade into two, "Huh?" Raven is surprised that he hadn't take any damage.

"Thanks" Raven said as he went on full alert mode.

"No problem, be careful next time" Mask said as he grasped the handle of his blade tighter as they walk forward.


"Here we go... Beasts" Mask said as he turn towards where the sound is.

He could only see darkness but amidst the darkness is a pair of vicious eyes, after he noticed that pair of eyes, similar eyes appeared from the darkness.


A wolf lunge at Mask this time!


A dagger flew forward and hit the wolf!

Is raven and his throwing daggers.

Mask dash forward with his Saber tip facing the ground in a diagonal position.

The other wolves joined the Fray too as they cover up there brethren.


Mask raised his Saber from its position and slashed the wolf before him on the eye!

He quickly pull back his Saber and thrust it into a second wolf, rendering it's forelimbs useless!

"Run" He said to Raven behind him.

Mask jumped back and open his hand and shot a blast at the wolves, he randomly send another one too!

Cloud of dust rises as he turn around and flee! The second blast turns out not to be random, it seems he deliberately send it towards the ground which will kick up a cloud of dust and that will instruct their view!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The sound of beast panting could be heard from behind them which made their hearts cold.

"They are catching up!" Raven exclaimed as he increased his pace!

"I know" Mask said as he is a step behind.

The atmosphere is already creepy and the creepy sound of winds swirling and the whistling of the cold air is not helping either.

"Ahh" Suddenly Raven tripped and fall down.

"Damn, not now" Mask grunted as he went back to get him.

The wolves are closing on in high speeds as they howl while they approached!

"You are quite a disgrace to thief class, imagine a thief tripping" Mask said as he stand back on his feet after helping Raven.


The Dark Red colored demonic mask on his face gave off a cold luster as he unsheathe his Saber.

"It seems we won't be able to shake them off, so we fight" Mask said as he tightened the grip on his Saber.


He dash towards the nearest wolf!

Arriving at his desired position he suddenly used a movement technique as he moves to his left extremely quick as if he is stepping on air!


He brought his Saber down on the wolf's neck without hesitation!

-1,200 Critical hit!

He landed on the ground as he ready his Saber and thrust it towards the wolf's neck!


Masked thrust his blade into the neck of the already injured wolf, "Finish him off!" Mask shouted to raven behind him.


He dash forward once agin to find his next opponent.


Two wolves suddenly dash forward which is out of Mask's plan!


With a light shout he jumped back and their attacks missed!


He slashed horizontally with his blade and managed to hit the wolves on the eyes!



[Target has received the blind effect]

Mask heard the system notification as he felt pleased With his handiwork.

Now that his targets are blinded, Mask will make sure to take advantage of this opportunity!

Swish! swish!



'Let me take control' A voice whispered in his head as he delivered his attacks.

'It's not yet time' Mask replied as he dodged an attack from the blinded wolf that is crazily attacking its surroundings!


Mask caught the sound of two wolves approaching as they join the fray!

He kicked the other wolf away!

As he return his focus to the second wolf, it is too late to doge!

Mask discarded all hesitations as he raised his arm and put it in the mouth of the wolf directly to block the attack!


'That's quite a lot' Mask thought as he slashed the wolf gnawing on his hand.