Chapter 25 Six Days

The carriage traveled along the main road.

Though it was known as the main road, it was really just a wider gravel path, far from smooth.

The iron-clad wooden wheels of the carriage bumped and jolted, making the ride less comfortable for Chen Lun inside the carriage. Thankfully, the seat and backrest were padded with soft leather filled with cotton, easing some of the discomfort from the rough journey.

Floey appeared quite pleased, however.

Leaning against the window, she gazed around curiously. If her eyes hadn't been covered by a piece of black silk, one might truly think she was fascinated by the scenery around her.

Chen Lun noticed that Floey slightly tilted her chin up and twitched her little nose twice, as if smelling the fresh air of the outside world. The light from the rising sun made her face seem radiant and clear.

"Uncle Walsh."

Chen Lun stuck his head out and called towards the bald man driving the horses at the front.

"Lord Jack."

Walsh turned his head and, lifting the round hat off his head, respectfully replied.

"Jack" was just a pseudonym made up by Chen Lun, and he was aware that he might need other identities in the future. The story he told the Silver Dragon Trade Association—to hire them to escort him and Floey to Amber City—was also concocted by Chen Lun.

A brother and sister from the countryside, on their way to their relatives in the big city…

As for why they could afford to pay 5 Gold Pounds for the journey without batting an eye, it's because the siblings were lucky enough to have touched the hearts of the Red Apple Church.

It was the Red Apple Church that sponsored the impoverished siblings.

Thanks to Monk Will, Monk Sturton, and Priest Carter... oh, and Bishop Newman in a distant land.

All of them, such very, very good people!

Chen Lun had it all figured out, should someone inquire about his origins, he would shower them with gratitude, adopting an air as if he simply couldn't wait to tell everyone. As for the fact that the Red Apple Church in his "hometown" of Emerald Town was burned down by evildoers, Chen Lun would profess ignorance.

A single outburst of pain ought to bring tears to people's eyes.

"How long will our journey to Amber City likely take?"

Chen Lun asked.

"If all goes well, we should arrive by the evening of the seventh day,"

Walsh considered and answered truthfully.

Generally, for common people to travel such distances to another place, they would usually take a train or steamship, combined with walking.

But Emerald Town is too remote for that.

The nearest train station or dock requires trekking through difficult terrain to reach, very backward and isolated. On the roads through the wilderness, one also has to be wary of bandits and thieves that could appear out of nowhere, a lapse in attention could cost one's life.

The world of "Era of Mystery" is certainly fantastic.

Advanced cities with steam punk, backward countrysides with swords and magic, bizarre areas with outright sci-fi technology—it's a blend of Elizabethan, Victorian, and Yanan-like eras across dimensions.

"Seven days..."

Chen Lun couldn't help but glance at Floey beside him, knowing the girl had less than two months left to live.

Spending over a tenth of that time on the road reduced even further the time they had to seek the materials needed for their mission; the situation was truly urgent.

Floey seemed to sense Chen Lun's gaze upon her, turned her head "to look" at him, and smiled. She naturally also heard what Walsh had said.

"It's okay, let's think of it as a trip... I've never been to faraway places, and now that I think about it, I'm quite looking forward to it."

"Then I can't let you die even more. Since you love traveling so much, once your 'illness' is cured, I'll take you to even more distant places to see."

As Chen Lun spoke, he suddenly envisioned a scene.

In his past life, he had traveled alone to those rarely trodden places, the journey filled with stunning and breathtaking vistas. If Floey were there with him, the players might just kneel on the spot.

My goodness, the BOSS is taking someone for a walk!

Of course, that was impossible now...

With his intervention, Floey's destiny was already shifting. That emotionless older sister who killed without batting an eye, the solemn nun of the Red Apple Church, would no longer exist.

What remained was just herself, Floey.

Floey seemed to pick up on Chen Lun's amusement, and although she didn't know what he was thinking, his positive emotions affected her, making her smile grow even wider.

The coachman Walsh was feeling sentimental. Lord Jack truly was a good older brother!

For the sake of his seriously ill sister, he braved the long and arduous journey to seek treatment for her!

He was so moved that he even thought of giving a discount on the fee to the young miss and the young master from his trading company, returning some of the hiring charge.

But then he remembered, Lord Jack surely, as a Transcendent, wasn't lacking in money, and the thought of refunding money was immediately dismissed.

Another thought crossed his mind: I should charge more.


Six days later.

The carriage was suddenly stopped by someone.

It was quite irritating to be intercepted close to Amber City, and Chen Lun couldn't help frowning.

After a journey full of hardships, he hadn't been able to properly bathe or enjoy a good meal. The inns they stopped at along the way weren't up to much, and Chen Lun was looking forward to properly indulging once they reached Amber City.

At that moment, clamor was heard from outside the carriage.

The curtain of Chen Lun's carriage was tapped twice, and then lifted.

A member of the accompanying guards stood outside with his head respectfully bowed, speaking to Chen Lun:

"Lord Jack, unfortunately, we've encountered robbers.

But please rest assured, with the reputation of the Silver Dragon Trade Association, we pledge to protect you and Miss Floey to the death."

Chen Lun nodded silently.

"I believe you."

Typical escort hires like this usually involved seven or eight fully-armed guards. Small bands of robbers stood no chance against them and didn't intimidate them.

The curtain was drawn again, and Chen Lun could hear Walsh negotiating with the other party.

But for some reason negotiations fell through, and soon the clear clinking of metal scraping and cursing sounded from outside.

That was followed by the clashing of swords.

"Should we go down and take a look?"

Floey whispered.

Chen Lun suddenly felt it oddly strange that such a group of robbers would appear when they were not far from Amber City. Moreover, they dared to directly confront the well-equipped and coordinated guard team. These robbers either had overwhelming numbers or some backing, or they were simply foolish.

"Stay in the carriage and don't move; I'll go have a look."

Chen Lun nodded and said, lifting the curtain and stepping down from the carriage.

As soon as he got down, he saw the guards engaging with the robbers not far ahead.

The situation was as Chen Lun had expected: dozens of robbers were being butchered in a one-sided slaughter before the guards.

Their rusty axes and sickles chopping on the guards' armor caused no real damage, while the guards' Sharp Swords easily sliced through their leather armor and hemp clothes, drawing blood with every strike.

"Lord Jack."

Walsh, who was standing by the carriage, saluted Chen Lun.

"What caused them to start fighting all of a sudden?"

Chen Lun nodded in response and then asked.

Walsh appeared to be somewhat angry as he pointed at the bandits and said:

"At first, I wanted to give them some money to send them on their way, but those scoundrels insisted on checking the carriage...

Even if I, Walsh, should die in battle here today, I would never allow these filthy bastards to violate the lord and the miss!"

Chen Lun knew the bald man was making mere pleasantries, aware of his own status as a Transcendent. If it really came down to it, he couldn't simply stand by and watch others die.

Chen Lun had no intention of intervening until Walsh's next words piqued his interest:

"Lord Jack, I suspect these people are involved in human trafficking..."