Buying A Car

Seeing the words Great Huang on the caller ID, Cheng Xu smiled and answered the call.

"Useless son, you finally remembered to call your daddy?"

"The h*ll. You can call yourself my daddy when you start giving me living expenses." Huang Junjie's deep voice came through the phone.

"You should first think about how to take care of me when I'm old."

Huang Junjie laughed. He knew that he could not beat Cheng Xu in a verbal fight, so he changed the topic. "Will you be free for a few days? Come out and be my consultant."

"You've already spoken, so of course I have to make time. I'll say this first, my fees as a consultant are very high."

"Is one barbeque enough? If it's not enough, we'll have another meal."

"You haven't said what you want to do yet. Am I going on a blind date with you?"

"You must be joking, right? Do I need to go on a blind date with my looks? I don't have these worldly desires, okay?"

Huang Junjie paused for a moment before he continued,

"I'm planning to buy a second-hand car. I'll take you with me as my advisor."

Huang Junjie's grades had always been average, and it could be said that he did not put much effort into his studies. After graduating from high school, he went to a junior college. When Cheng Xu had just finished his third year of university, Huang Junjie had already graduated.

His family ran a business and had some assets in the county, so it was no surprise to Cheng Xu that Huang Junjie would be buying a car at this time.

"Great Huang, you need a used car? Why don't you buy a new car?" Cheng Xu thought that he could buy a new car without any burdens, so he was curious about why his friend would want to buy a used car.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. I've been trying to get my driver's license for almost two years now. With my skills, I'm just driving a used car for practice."

"Then why don't you ask your dad to help you take a look? After all, he's the investor."

"My dad's money fluctuates a few million every minute. He doesn't have the time to go car-viewing with me."

Cheng Xu was helpless. 'This kid's ability to talk nonsense is still as strong as ever.'

"Alright, when will you be going there?"

"There's no time like the present. Let's do it tomorrow. The earlier I buy one, the earlier I can enjoy it."

"You're so full of sh*t. Are you going to take the postgraduate entrance exam? "


After chatting with Huang Junjie for more than half an hour, Cheng Xu was in a much better mood.

His house was not too far from Huang Junjie's, and they had been classmates since elementary school.

It was not until Cheng Xu went to a key high school in the county, and Huang Junjie was sent to a private high school in the city by his father, that the two of them met less frequently.

Huang Junjie knew about Cheng Xu's family's situation. However, this did not affect their friendship at all. On the contrary, Huang Junjie was very considerate of his feelings. Because of this, Cheng Xu had never felt inferior, and the two of them simply got along with each other.

The next morning, Huang Junjie drove a BMW 3 Series and stopped in front of Cheng Xu's courtyard.

Likewise, Cheng Xu had packed up early. He always disliked letting others wait for him.

Cheng Xu opened the courtyard door and walked outside. "Aren't you bad at driving? Yet you still dare to drive your dad's car?"

"What's there to be afraid of? It's my dad's car anyway. I won't feel bad if it got hit."

"Yes, your heart won't ache, but I'm afraid your butt will when the time comes." Cheng Xu teased.

"It's not a big problem. He can't buy insurance for nothing."

In fact, Huang Junjie originally planned to let Cheng Xu drive the car. But then he thought that, in the event of an accident, although he would definitely not ask Cheng Xu to pay, with his temperament, Cheng Xu would definitely try to take responsibility first.

After getting into the car, the two of them rushed to the city's largest used car dealership.

Under Cheng Xu's instructions, Huang Junjie still had to reverse the car several times before he managed to get it inside a parking space.

"To be honest, I'm actually fine driving straight. It's just that it's a little hard in reverse, and I can't get the directions right."

Cheng Xu could not help putting his face to his palm.

"What a load of bull. If I hang a ham sausage in front of the car, even a dog can drive forward."

The two of them walked into the used car exhibition area and were dazzled by all kinds of cars.

After shopping for a while, a quick-witted salesman came over.

"You two, are you here to view a car?"

"We're not just looking, we're also buying," Huang Junjie replied.

Cheng Xu was speechless.

After hearing Huang Junjie's reply, the salesman walked up to him and asked, "Sir, what are you looking for in a car? What's your budget? Don't worry, our car dealership may not have much, but we do have a lot of cars. You'll definitely find a car you like here."

Huang Junjie's eyes were still on the surrounding cars as he replied, "My requirement is that the car has to be cool. As for the budget, it's about 100,000 yuan."

The salesma's face lit up when he heard him say that. He enthusiastically introduced Huang Junjie to the best cars in their family, and offered to show them around. They looked around and saw all the cars that were worth tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

Finally, Huang Junjie's attention was drawn to a white Audi A4.

"You have superb taste. This car is excellent. If I had money, I would have driven it myself." The salesman, who was a little tired from the introduction, suddenly became energetic. The car he wanted to sell the most was definitely this one.

"The previous owner of this car was a beautiful woman. She had it for fours years, but only drove 60,000 kilometers with it. I can say that it's 80 to 90% new."

The salesman wiped his sweat and continued, "Look at this car, who wouldn't love its exterior? If you drive this, you'll definitely leave a grand impression. The car's body is all in the original paint, and it's in good condition."

Huang Junjie was satisfied with the salesman's introduction. He asked, "What's the price on this car?"

"You've asked the right question. Right now, for just 108,888 yuan, you can drive this Audi home immediately."

The salesman patted his chest with a look that said, "you've definitely found a great bargain."

Huang Junjie nodded, indicating that the price was indeed quite cheap. He also asked Cheng Xu to help him take a look at the car and test it out.

Cheng Xu circled the car a few times with him, and they opened the engine cover to take a look. To be honest, there was nothing wrong with it at all. When he opened the car door, the smell of air fresheners hit him in the face. The interior of the car and the seats all looked quite new. 

However, Cheng Xu did not just look at it with his eyes. While he was checking the car, he also used the system in his mind to carefully sense the various details of the car.

Of course, the more he read, the more speechless he became. In the end, he could not even keep a straight face.

He could not help but doubt his life. 'What's going on with me every day? Why are all kinds of fraudulent routines emerging one after another? I really need to study hard in this complex society.'

This was how society worked. You would never be able to earn money that was beyond your knowledge.

Before he got the system, Cheng Xu might not have noticed the problems he had encountered in the past two days. He would naturally remain oblivious.

Cheng Xu sighed, and both Huang Junjie and the salesman looked at him curiously.