Breaking A Bone With Tears

He calmed down, looked at the car, and said, "The door's metal plating had been repaired, the car window was changed, and the engine most likely made a strange noise, right? There was a drink in the car that was emitting a strange smell. Was it covered up with air fresheners? In addition, looking at the wear and tear of these bearings, the distance must be more than 100,000 kilometers. Needless to say, the speedometer had also been adjusted."

Before Cheng Xu could finish, the sweat that the salesman had just wiped off started to flow down again.

"Also, there's wear-and-tear at the bottom of the accelerator pedal. I'm curious, what kind of violent female driver, who has been driving this Audi for four years, can cause such damage? "

"Um... I only heard about whom the previous owner was from my colleagues. Why don't I go ask the manager?"

Huang Junjie sighed as he watched the salesman leave.

"Why don't we go look at new cars instead?"

"No need. This car can still be used after some repairs."

As the two of them were chatting, a young man with short hair and sunglasses suddenly walked over. He wore a simple white t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans.

"Hello, young man, can I add you on WeChat?"

Cheng Xu was taken aback, but he immediately asked, "What for?"

'Why is this man wearing lipstick? And what's up with his voice?'

"It's like this. I've been looking at cars recently, and I think you know a lot about cars, so I wanted to ask you to help me view them."

Cheng Xu was about to refuse, but the man then said, "Of course, I won't ask you to help me for free. You'll get paid. How about 500 yuan an hour?"

Cheng Xu suddenly felt that he could not say the words of rejection that were on the tip of his tongue.

The two of them added each other on WeChat. The young man in sunglasses said that he had something else to do today and would contact Cheng Xu another day when he was looking at cars.

Cheng Xu looked at Huang Junjie suspiciously after he walked away. 

"Did I run into some new scam again?"

Huang Junjie chuckled. "You can't say for sure. Maybe he just wants to find an excuse to get close to you because you're good-looking."

"Don't change the subject, I'm being serious," Cheng Xu said to Huang Junjie.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, I'll be serious." Huang Junjie quickly dodged and continued, "Did you notice the t-shirt he was wearing just now?"

"I noticed. His pecs were quite big. What's up with that?" Cheng Xu asked curiously. 

"What do you mean huge pecs? That was a woman. You couldn't tell? "

"Huh? A woman? I was wondering why her voice was so soft."

After he heard Huang Junjie's words, Cheng Xu thought about it carefully and realized that that person did look a bit like a woman.

Cheng Xu pulled up the WeChat that he had not looked at carefully earlier and found that the person's gender was indeed set as female.

"I knew you didn't look at the t-shirt carefully." Huang Junjie looked at Cheng Xu with a wicked smirk and continued, "The main thing is the price. I just saw it on the internet two days ago. That t-shirt costs more than 8,000 yuan."

Cheng Xu's eyes widened, "You're kidding right? You're saying that this costs more than 8,000 yuan? It doesn't look any different from the 20 to 30 yuan-apiece t-shirts I can get from Taobao. Could it be a fake?"

Huang Junjie shook his head. "The material of that t-shirt didn't look fake to me, who knows?"

Cheng Xu put his arm around Huang Junjie's shoulder and said, "Let's not talk about her for now. Let's go and find that salesman."

As soon as the two entered the used car dealer's store, they saw the salesman in the corner talking to a fat man whose shirt was almost torn open by his stomach.

The fat man's expression seemed very serious. He gestured with his fingers, and the salesman nodded continuously. Seeing them come in, the two of them stopped talking and walked over to them.

"Hello, I'm the manager of this place, you may call me Luo." The fat man approached them with a smile, wanting to shake their hands.

Cheng Xu and Huang Junjie nodded instead to show that they understood.

"It's like this. Our Wang is a newcomer. He might not be very familiar with the business, so he mixed up the information of the car and caused you some unnecessary trouble. Please forgive him."

Huang Junjie said disdainfully, "In any case, you're the ones who're saying all the good and bad things. If you've deceived buyers, then so be it. If you can't, then just say that you've made a mistake."

The fat store manager looked embarrassed, but he still explained, "Ah, that's not it. This is indeed a mistake in our work. I'll definitely reprimand him in the next meeting."

"There's no need to talk so much. Just tell him how much he can get this car for," Cheng Xu asked the most crucial question. There was no point in bickering with them.

"The actual price of this car is 98,000 yuan. Today, I'll take the initiative to give you a discount of 3,000 yuan. You can take it away for 95,000 yuan." Luo's tone seemed to suggest that he had made up his mind about something.

Huang Junjie was a little tempted when he heard that the price was more than 10,000 yuan lower than the initial price they were given.

"Oh? If you include this video, can you give us the reserve price?"

Cheng Xu took out his phone and played the video of the salesman introducing the car to them.

Luo's face turned black, and he glared at the salesman beside him, as if blaming him for not noticing that someone had secretly taken a video of him.

"Well, it is indeed a mistake in our information. Wang has only been here for less than two months. Please understand."

Cheng Xu smiled and shook his head. "You're responsible for your own mistakes. Why do you need the customer's understanding?" 

Then, he turned to the wall of the store where they displayed pictures of employees with high achievements. "You've only been here for two months, and you've already achieved the best sales of last year. Is there something shady about your shop reviews? "

Huang Junjie also looked over curiously. The refined photograph of the salesman who introduced them to the car was in the "Excellent Salesman of the Year" column.

Huang Junjie was so angry that he wanted to laugh. "Do we look that gullible?" 

Luo looked like he had been slapped in the face so many times that he almost could not control his expression. He quickly skipped the topic and lowered the price to appease the customer's mood. "How about this, you can drive it away with 88,000 yuan. Consider it a compensation from us."

"Don't try to pull some eight-eight bullsh*t. Just round it down into a nice and even 80,000 yuan. Also, arrange all the documents, insurance, and transfer of ownership, okay? " Cheng Xu's tone was unquestionable.

Luo was silent for a moment, but he still nodded and put on a smile. "Alright, I'll listen to you. Let's go sign the contract."

After this, he was facing a loss. But he had no choice. The current situation could be called taking a step back.

In addition, the most fatal problem of this car was the smell.

He did not know how the former owner of the car was able to spill their drinks into the car door itself, but it would definitely cost the buyers a lot to get rid of that stench.

The fact that this car could be sold at all was also a relief to him.